-Caveat Lector-

Thursday April 19 4:36 AM ET

Roger Clinton May Take Fifth Before Grand Jury

By Sarah Tippit

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Former President Bill Clinton's half-brother,
Roger, is considering invoking the Fifth Amendment against
self-incrimination when called before a federal grand jury in New York
next week on his role in the White House pardons scandal, his lawyer
said on Wednesday.

``We're considering how he is going to respond to the subpoena and have
not made a final determination about whether he will assert the Fifth
Amendment (right against self-incrimination) or not,'' Roger Clinton's
attorney, Bart Williams told Reuters, adding, ``It's always a

``You can be forced to testify if you are subpoenaed but you always
retain your right to assert the Fifth unless you get immunity,''
Williams said, adding that he had not discussed the possibility of
immunity for his client with prosecutors.

Roger Clinton received a subpoena to appear before a grand jury on April
27 in connection with the Manhattan U.S. Attorney's office criminal
investigation into 177 last-minute clemencies and pardons granted by
President Clinton on his last day in office, Jan. 20.

Roger Clinton, who lives in the Los Angeles-area suburb of Torrance, has
said he received no money from six close friends for whom he requested
pardons from his half-brother. However, two Texans claim Roger was part
of a group who swindled them out of $200,000 with an offer to secure a
pardon for a relative.

Prosecutors are also trying to establish whether Roger Clinton solicited
$15,000 from a North Little Rock, Ark., restaurant owner to help him get
a pardon from the White House, and if so, whether he broke the law by
committing fraud, extortion or solicitation of a bribe, according to
published reports.

The restaurateur, Phillip David Young, was convicted of illegally
transporting game fish across state lines and served 10 months in
prison, applied for a pardon in 1998 and was pardoned by President
Clinton. The Los Angeles Times quoted sources as saying Young never paid
Clinton the money.

Roger Clinton himself received a pardon from his brother for a drug
conviction in the 1980s.

A source close to Roger Clinton said on Wednesday that under Department
of Justice guidelines a person with a legal impediment cannot be forced
to answer questions before a grand jury. ``The only way to force you is
to give you immunity,'' the source said. ``They can't call a wife to
testify against a husband.''

While Roger Clinton has been subpoenaed, prosecutors were reported to
have granted immunity to Democratic Party donor Denise Rich, the ex-wife
of fugitive financier Marc Rich , who received the most controversial of
the final pardons granted by Clinton.

The U.S. Attorney for New York, Mary Jo White, is investigating whether
Rich bought his pardon with political donations and gifts his ex-wife
gave to the former president, to the Democratic Party and to former
first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton  now a Democratic senator from New

Denise Rich donated more than $1 million to Democratic causes and
$450,000 to Clinton's presidential library. She denied there was any
connection between the contributions and her former husband's pardon.

Clinton's pardon meant that Marc Rich, who fled to Switzerland 17 years
ago, will not face prosecution on more than 50 counts of racketeering,
wire fraud, income tax evasion and illegal oil trading with Iran.

                                Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

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                               *Michael Spitzer*    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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