-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

RU Ready 4 What’s Coming?

By Chuck Baldwin

October 3, 2000

Now that the Food and Drug Administration has officially approved the
distribution of the baby-killing drug RU486, it’s time for America, along
with its leaders, to come to grips with what’s coming. Like farmers spray
pesticides to kill insects, our nation now prescribes babycides to kill
children. This is disgusting and sick - very sick!

Can you imagine what is about to happen? Young (and not so young) women are
going to start delivering the putrid remains of these dead little ones in
public lavatories (and God knows where else) all over America. Can you get a
picture of this? Imagine the scene of a young lady standing alone in a
bathroom or broom closet, crying her eyes out as she suddenly sees what she
has done to her little baby! Imagine walking up on that scene!

An Ob/Gyn doctor friend of mine paints an ominous scenario for our country.
He is confident the above-mentioned scenes will play themselves out thousands
of times every day throughout this once great republic. He sees it getting
even much worse. He predicts women will use the drugs on more fully developed
babies. Imagine the kind of mental and physical deformities that are going to
result from this madness! Think of the pain and suffering that we are about
to see inflicted upon our sons and daughters!

What is worse (if anything can be) is the utter indifference being displayed
by our political leaders and public at large. We are no better than Sodom;
our sin rises as a stench in the nostrils of a righteous and holy God! He is
justified to give us Al Gore or any other manifestation of divine judgment
that He chooses; we deserve it.

Don’t tell me it’s "smart" for G. W. Bush not to talk about it for fear of
upsetting America’s suburban women, either. Someone must talk about it!
Someone must raise their voice like a trumpet and call us to our senses, or
it’s all over for this country!

I, for one, am sick and tired of these phony, poll-driven,
scared-to-upset-the-media kind of political campaigns that allow this country
to dive headlong into hell! I’ve had it with the Republicans’ compromising,
sissified, we-can’t-win-by-telling-the-truth kind of cowardice! Any man who
can’t stand up on his hind legs and tell the truth about abortion and what
RU486 is going to do to our nation is a spineless, good-for-nothing pretender
that doesn’t deserve to be elected dogcatcher!

A noted Christian leader is reported to have said that RU486 was a
"distraction" and there was no need to mention it. No need to mention it?
That’s the problem! We haven’t made much mention of it since 1973. And we
haven’t mentioned much about the fact that our public schools have become
little less than indoctrination centers for secular humanism. And we haven’t
mentioned much about the fact that our once proud fighting forces have become
little less than international globo-cops for the communists at the United
Nations. We haven’t mentioned much about anything! What’s it going to take
for someone to finally find some backbone?

R U ready 4 what’s coming? I don’t think anyone is.

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A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

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