-Caveat Lector-

Please forward appropriately:
Hi folks,

Apologies for the delay of RadTimes. (A number of issues will be assembled

I needed to write the following:

The response to RadTimes has completely exceeded my expectations. I started
this off in the middle of August and have now produced 113 issues. This
averages to more than one per day. Subscriber response has been tremendous,
indicating a definite need for this type of "radical clipping service." I
started off with 30 recipients and am now up to over 300 individual
subscribers. New subscription requests arrive daily. (I sent out only one
subscription invitation during this time, so most of this increase has been
via RT circulation online, where I notice (with no small satisfaction) that
it is showing up in numerous non-subscriber venues.) I am also posting RT
to a few selected email groups, whose membership cumulatively totals around
700. This means that well over 1000 people receive RadTimes daily! I have
also picked up a small army of people who regularly submit newsworthy items
for inclusion. While all this is more than gratifying, and an indication to
me of the importance that RadTimes has come to play in the online world, I
find I have less time to sort through the onslaught that has become my
daily inbox and to also concurrently earn a living.

It has become apparent that I am over-extended in gathering, reading, and
assembling articles for RadTimes. I initially intended to stop at issue #
100, and take a break, but current events compelled (and continue to
compel) me to keep publishing. 'Vital irregularities' continue to pour in,
but I find myself overlooking my financial underpinnings. I do have a
fairly productive business operating online, but the more time I put into
RadTimes, the less time I have for income generation; and vice-versa. I now
find myself in the position of either, a) having to stop producing RT for
some period of time and attend to my personal finances, or, b) appeal to my
readership to help underwrite this project (and hopefully others).
I have decided to try b).

In addition to wanting to continue RadTimes, I'd also like to engage a
number of new projects:

--Compilation of a "How to produce your own RadTimes" guide. This will be a
list of information sources I've been using to produce the newsletter,
which will contain a list of lists, how to subscribe to them, useful
websites, etc., so folks can either get this type of information directly
or use it to produce similar newsletters. It will, of necessity, be quite
lengthy. I will attempt to get this out regardless of the ongoing status of
--Editorializing. The stories you see in RT beg for commentary and
contexualization. Not left, not right, but from a definite anti-domination
--More outreach. More subscribers.
--A new compendium of environmental news, tentatively called "The Hard
Green Herald". It will be identical in format and spirit to RT but will
focus on our continuing environmental decline and opposition to same.
--I've been offered the editorship of the Haight Ashbury Free Press
<http://www.hafp.org/>. Non-paid position,  but offers an excellent outlet
for news, activism, etc. This site has the potential for some serious
development and online impact. I have numerous ideas for the site.
--Give RadTimes a web presence. Conversion into html, archived and
cross-referenced, either on the Free Press site above or on its own site.
--There are a number of "name" subscribers to RadTimes. Facilitating some
networking and/or dialogue among subscribers may (or may not) be
appropriate. (Anonymity is always respected.) There is a huge body of
collective wisdom available that I can infer from merely perusing the
subscriber list.

To continue RadTimes without interruption and to move forward with the
above projects, I need some of the following to happen:

1) Large donor underwriting:
My expenses are $2000/month. Cover all or part of them, or find me someone
who can.

2) Put me on the payroll:
Hire me to do similar (compiling/editing/researching) efforts under the
aegis of your organization. A (non-profit) sponsor of RT would also work.
[Online/telecommute only.]

3) Individual donations:
I have set up an account at <www.paypal.com> which enables you to donate
money directly via a credit card. If you are a current PayPal user, then
you know that all you need is my email address <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to
contribute. If you are not a current user, use this link -->
<https://secure.paypal.com/refer/pal=resist%40best.com> to sign up and
contribute. (I also get a small referral payment when you use the above
link to register.) The only information passed on to me via this process is
your email address and the amount you transfer.

Quick comparison calculations:
$2000 divided by 300 subscribers = $6.67 per subscriber per month.
$2000 divided by 1000 recipients = $2.00 per subscriber per month.
(I realize that not everyone can or will contribute, nor does everyone have
a credit card, so please consider this if you donate.)

There will never be a formal charge to receive RadTimes. I will continue to
produce RT issues until at least the end of this, *ahem*, "presidential
selection process". What happens after that is up to you.

I will keep everyone updated on the status of these projects, responses to
this email, and aggregate amount of any donations received.

We all need to be as accurately informed as we can today. I need your
assistance to continue, and to perhaps expand, my contribution to this

We really are living in rad times!

Thanks and best to all,

the radman

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