-Caveat Lector-

According to some sources, Ronald Reagan may have been replaced by a cloned
double after the March 30, 1981 assassination (attempt?) by John Hinckley.

Here's a clue that the programming may not have been complete or may have
malfunctioned at times, from John McEnroe's new book You Cannot Be Serious.

quoting, p. 159:

... After I won the '81 U.S. Open, I was invited to the White House - and I
didn't want to go! It was on a day's notice, the meeting was set for early
in the morning; it all just felt too inconvenient.

My mother said, "You've been invited to meet the President and you're
thinking of not going? You're going." I went. It was the story of my life -
I always had to be pushed. I was glad I did go, too; I had never met a
President before, and I felt something very special about Ronald Reagan. He
was funny; he seemed to have a way with people; he had a real presence about
him. And - having said that - he had absolutely no clue who I was!

end of quoting.

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