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Forwarded from the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
From: Douglas Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Doug Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Reckless' Drivers' Cars Be Seized
Date: Sunday, January 16, 2000 10:45 AM

Whats next? Cars taken for being unwashed.

Should 'Reckless' Drivers' Cars Be Seized? New Proposal Slammed as
'Government Extortion'
Jan. 14, 2000

By Amy Worden

New York City police prepare to tow a car.NEW YORK (APBnews.com) --

Driving recklessly through the streets here could cost motorists their
cars under a new policy announced by Mayor Rudolph Giuliani.

The policy -- which allows police to seize cars of motorists who commit
three hazardous driving violations at the same time or who drive at more

than twice the posted speed limit -- might be the first of its kind in
the nation.

It is similar to the mayor's controversial drunken driving seizure
policy, which began last year. Under that policy, people arrested on
charges of driving while drunk must forfeit their cars.

"If you get arrested for reckless driving to the point where we can
charge you with a misdemeanor, we're going to take your automobile from
you. And we're going to take your automobile from you because we're
entitled to it, and because it'll remind you that this is important.
This kills people. It also kills you," Giuliani said in announcing the
policy during his annual State of the City speech Thursday.

ACLU calls plan unfair, excessive

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) described the policy as unfair

and excessive and said it would open the city to lawsuits. The former
director of the ACLU's police practices project likened it to
"government extortion."

"The fact that someone is innocent is irrelevant," said John Crew,
director of the ACLU's national anti-racial profiling campaign. "It will

cost most people more in lawyers' fees than the value of their car. It's

not much better than government extortion."

The ACLU has filed suit against seizures relating to the drunken driving

policy, but it has so far withstood two court challenges. The cases are
currently before the State Court of Appeals.

Drunken driving deaths, arrests down

Since the policy took effect, the number of drunken driving fatalities
and the number of arrests have fallen. In 1998, 34 people were killed in

drunken driving accidents and 5,959 people were charged with driving
while intoxicated. Last year, 23 people died in accidents involving
alcohol and 4,910 people were charged with drunken driving.

The mayor credits the policy with driving down the accident rate, but at

the same time he expressed alarm that the number of overall traffic
fatalities has gone up.

"DWI is down but traffic fatalities are up," said Matt Higgins, the
mayor's deputy press secretary. "[The seizure policy] is a deterrent to
drunk drivers, we want it to be a deterrent for everyday drivers."

New policy to be enforced next week
Police will begin enforcing the new policy next week when officers with
video cameras mounted in their cars will be stationed at certain points
throughout the city.

They will watch for behavior that "unreasonably endangers others," such
as speeding, driving too close to another vehicle or weaving in and out
of lanes.

Reckless drivers will be charged with a misdemeanor, punishable by a
fine and up to a year in jail and could lose their cars permanently,
police said.

Each case proceeds with the criminal charge -- the misdemeanor traffic
violation -- and the civil forfeiture action. While the case is being
adjudicated, car owners also must petition the city to get their cars

The department has 20 days to institute the forfeiture procedure and
either keep the car or give it back to the owner. If the car is
permanently seized by the city, it is auctioned or otherwise disposed

In 1999, 141 people were charged with reckless driving, a figure that
police said likely would rise once the new policy goes into effect.

Amy Worden is an APBnews.com staff writer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Douglas Walker

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