-Caveat Lector-


Behind the Headlines
by Justin Raimondo
August 1, 2001
  and the Israeli-Turkish connection
A recent New
    York Post editorial deplored the deepening US commitment in
the Balkans
    and wondered why the Bush administration wasn't following
through on Dubya's
    campaign promise to get us out of that particular quagmire.
Noting the President's
    pronouncement that the "American contribution is essential,
both militarily
    and politically," because "ethnic extremists are still stoking the
flames of intolerance and inciting violence," the Post went on
    to ask: "Well, name a spot in the world where that's not
    Instead of sending 1,000 more National Guards to Kosovo,
perhaps we ought
    to redeploy those troops to New York City. In any case, I was a
bit surprised
    to read this editorial, which went on to opine that:
    latest events are clear evidence that this is an unstable region
and an extended deployment there is unwise.
    Bosnia and Kosovo.

    George W. Bush seemed to understand that.
    Bush no longer appears to."
  was surprised to read this because the Post was one of the
biggest supporters
  of the Kosovo war. In an editorial attacking
  Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison for daring to raise questions about
Bill Clinton's Kosovo adventure, the Post complained that Senator
Hutchison was "one
  of the noisiest and most irresponsible critics of any use of US
force during
  the recent war in Kosovo." She is, averred the Post, one of those
  dreaded "isolationists." Her crime was asking, "Why not let the
  Kosovar Albanians fight for themselves?" The Post answered by
  their own columnist, Paul Greenberg, who proclaimed what we
might call the Murdoch
  and other Western capitals [must] realize that they must impose
peace in Europe, or Europe will impose war on them."
  "impose peace," the bad guys "impose war." For the Post,
  that kind of linguistic legerdemain is about par for the course. As
  was bombing some of Europe's oldest cities from the cowardly
height of 17,000
  feet, the Post was railing that he didn't bomb soon enough and
hard enough:
  "The problem with Bill Clinton," they averred, "is not that he's
  been too quick on the trigger – using what Hutchison calls,
  'gunpoint diplomacy' – but that he usually waits far too long to act
  when he does so, he acts incompetently. That was true in Bosnia
and in Kosovo,
  and, mark our words, it will prove true again when it comes to the
  unresolved issue of Iraq." If the editors of the Post are now baffled
  that the Bushies are deepening our Balkan commitment, then
perhaps the explanation
  is that George W. Bush just wants to "impose peace."
  from that, however, the really interesting question all this raises is
how to
  explain what the Post, in its typically snappy vernacular, calls
  deployment flip." (Also, typically, there is no acknowledgment of
  own flip-flop on the Kosovo question: no wonder their archive of
past articles
  extends only as far back as a week.) We all heard George W.
disdain the Clintonian
  policy of imperial overstretch and Condi Rice made all kinds of
noises about
  how the result of a Bush administration "review" of our Balkan commitment
  would likely mean a winding down of the US troop presence. Now, instead of following
  through on its campaign promises, the White House is "escorting" Albanian
  rebels across the length and breadth of Macedonia, demanding that the beleaguered 
government in Skopje cave in to most of the Albanian demands, and the news is
  out that the US government is about to take out a 99 year lease on Camp Bondsteel.
  of that outpost
  of empire, Dubya was there just last week, where, after claiming that our presence 
would not be "indefinite," he capped his
  oration with a curious statement: "The American soldiers here at Camp
  Bondsteel – and at bases and on patrol elsewhere in Kosovo and in Bosnia
  – symbolize
  America's commitment to building the better, broader, more peaceful Europe
  that is within our grasp."
  from the President of the United States, this "Europe first" stance
  is a bit hard to take. What about American interests? A couple of weeks
  ago, a reader responding to my
  column on the dangers posed by a rising EU wrote in to ask a very pertinent
  question: why is the US helping to consolidate a potential rival superstate?
  This baffling policy is reflected in Bush's Bondsteel speech, where he burbles
  on about "a Europe whole and free." He made a point of commending
  the Europeans for their meddling in Macedonian affairs, and clearly indicated
  that the US would support the EU diktat to Skopje. While finding it necessary
  to frame the issue in terms of proposing an exit strategy – so as to appease
  noninterventionists in the GOP – Bush dashed hopes that US troops are coming
  home any time soon – and so the mystery deepens. Why? The New
  York Post, Republicans in Congress, and American GIs stationed there are
  all asking the same question: Why are we in Kosovo?
  answers to both questions – why are we building up the EU, and why has
  Bush gone back on his promise to get us out of Kosovo – are inextricably
  linked. We have unleashed the mad dogs of Albanian ultra-nationalism, first
  on the Serbs, and then on the Macedonians, in order to increase Turkish influence
  in the region. I made this point back in early February 1999, in what I believe
  was one
  of my first contributions to this website. Turkey has long been a bastion
  of US influence in the Middle East, and, with the fall of the Iranian shah,
  became Washington's chief satrap in the region. Superficially, it might seem
  that the importance of Turkey as an ally would diminish with the end of the
  cold war: US bases on Turkish soil were an integral element of Washington's
  strategy of encircling and containing the Soviet Union. Yet the reality is quite
  the opposite: Turkey has become more important due to its
  military alliance with Israel. Ankara is the linchpin of US regional strategy, which 
is meant to protect Israel and also keep the Russians out of the Caucasus.
  little noticed event last month was "Anatolian
  Eagle," joint military maneuvers by the US, Turkey, and Israel, which
  took place over southern Turkey – the starting point of a possible invasion
  of Syria in the event of a Mideast war. For 13 days ending June 29, a whole
  fleet of fighter planes, bombers, refuelers, and other craft swarmed like a
  cloud of angry killer bees over the plains of Anatolia, buzzing the borders
  with Syria, Iran, and Iraq. As the Palestinians stepped up their fight against
  the occupation of their lands, and Washington gave Ariel Sharon the green light
  to go after Arafat, operation "Anatolian Eagle" was meant as a direct
  threat to the Arab world: resist and you'll perish.
  re-creation of the old Ottoman Empire in the southeastern Balkans is the price
  the US is willing to pay for the security of Israel. But that isn't all: the
  Turks also want very badly to gain entry to the European Union. After all, the
  whole thrust of the doctrine preached by Kemal
  Ataturk, the founder of the modern Turkish state, is that Turkey must face
  toward Europe, not toward Mecca, when offering up its daily prayers. The
  Greeks have effectively blocked their EU application, so far, but it is only
  a matter of time before the mandarins of Brussels devise a convenient way to
  sweep aside all objections and extend their domain to Asia Minor.
  the price of Israel's defense is the consolidation and expansion of a potential
  rival to the US – one whose arrogance and contempt for America is even
  more vitriolic, in some ways, than the old Soviet leaders' – then the present
  occupant of the White House is willing to pay it. While this is not good news
  for most Americans, surely it is a good enough reason for the New York Post,
  which is, after all, unrivaled in its shrill and pointedly unconditional support
  for Israel, and for Ariel Sharon in particular. If only the editors of the Post had 
a clue as to the geopolitics of our intervention in the Balkans, somehow
  I think that they wouldn't be kvetching about Kosovo. However,
  since the clue to this riddle has nothing to do with Gary
  Condit, Lizzie
  Grubman or the latest blatherings of Madonna, the Post's editorial
  writers will no doubt continue to remind the President of his pre-election 
  on the subject. It's the lighter side of being a foreign policy analyst –
  you didn't think there was one, did you? So, please, don't anybody go and tell
  them: you'll spoil my fun.
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  out by this administration and its allies in Congress. And now, for a limited
  time, donors of $50 or more receive a copy of Ronald Radosh's classic study
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