-Caveat Lector-


    1/14/99 -- 4:00 AM

              China clamps down on tours in search of Bigfoot

     BEIJING (AP) - China's government has called on tourist agencies to
     refrain from operating safaris in remote areas to search for a
     Chinese version of Bigfoot, local media reported today.

     The Shennongjia Nature Reserve in the mountains of central Hubei
     province planned to lure tourists with a $60,240 reward for the
     capture of Bigfoot, the elusive, man-like creature also known as
     the yeti, the China Daily reported.

     But at a symposium on eco-tourism this week, the State Forestry
     Administration announced it does not endorse the safaris because
     they mislead people and could harm the environment, the newspaper

     Chinese scientists have looked for Bigfoot in the wilds of
     Shennongjia in the past. Last month, the scientific community
     declared there was no evidence the creature exists.

     Copyright 1999 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material
     may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.


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