-Caveat Lector-

>Reno says 'anti-leak' bill will close gap in U.S. security

>November 2, 2000
>David Williams
>CNN.com Writer

>U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno said Thursday that a controversial measure that
>would increase the penalties for leaking classified information will not lead to
>a dramatic increase in prosecutions.

>The provision would make the willful disclosure of classified information a
>felony punishable by up to three years in prison and a $10,000 fine. It cleared
>the House and Senate as part of the spending bill for intelligence agencies, and
>President Clinton has until Friday to either sign it or veto.
>When asked about the bill in her weekly news briefing, Reno said it was needed
>because current law only covers leaks related to national defense.

Hello List:

This is bizarre. Reno (Roll - Over Janet, the Round Heeled Clinton Political Whore
touts this blatantly anti First Amendment Bill and Clinton winds up vetoing it.

What is the "Hidden Agenda" in this? Will someone please add some insight?


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