-Caveat Lector-

Below please find excerpts from "BPS Report: Recovered Memories
British Psychological Society, January, 1995"

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

PS Please note : These excerpts are only part of this large web page and do
not cover all of the data presented in the article.

This may be triggering for survivors of abuse.

excerpts from http://york39.ncl.ac.uk/www/BRIT.html

BPS Report: Recovered Memories
British Psychological Society, January, 1995

Complete or partial memory loss is a frequently reported consequence of
experiencing certain kinds of psychological traumas including childhood
sexual abuse. These memories are sometimes fully or partially recovered after
a gap of many years.

Memories may be recovered within or independent of therapy.

Memory recovery is reported by highly experienced and well qualified
therapists who are well aware of the dangers of inappropriate suggestion and

However, overall, we agree with Lindsay and Read (1994) in a recent
comprehensive review:

There is little reason to fear that a few suggestive questions will lead
psychotherapy clients to conjure up vivid and compelling illusory memories of
childhood sexual abuse. p.294

However, apparent memories of abusive incidents from childhood can occur
quite spontaneously, usually triggered by some outside event or agency quite
independent of any ongoing therapy

We decided to obtain some preliminary answers by circulating BPS accredited
practitioners with a one page survey. This study will be reported in detail
elsewhere and the results presented here should be regarded as preliminary.
We had answers from 810 Chartered Psychologists who see nonpsychotic adult
clients. (See footnote 4.)

Over ninety percent have seen clients in the last year who report CSA (child
sexual abuse). We asked particularly about clients who reported recovering
memories from complete amnesia. About a third of our respondents said that
they had had clients recovering such memories before they had any therapy.
More than one in five have at least one client in the last year who recovered
a memory of CSA and nearly a third (a total of 225) have clients recovering
memories of a traumatic experience other than CSA. Over half the responders
have had at some time clients recovering memories of some kind.

Recovered memories are seen as sometimes or usually "essentially accurate" by
nine out of ten of our group.


There are high levels of belief in the essential accuracy of recovered
memories of child sexual abuse among qualified psychologists.

These beliefs appear to be fuelled by the high levels of experience of
recovered memories both for CSA and for non-CSA traumatic events.

Among the claims of the FMS Foundation are that the adult children who are
now making accusations of abuse had happy and problem-free childhoods. No
evidence has been offered by them in support of this claim, and it is
contradicted by the Foundation's own data, which indicate a high rate of
alcohol and drug problems in the families.... Certainly it would be
surprising if independent assessment of a group of sexually abused children
did not reveal more dysfunction than in a control group.

Three clinical studies of Multiple Personality Disordered patients in
particular have shown rates of between 75% and 90% for CSA and 50% and 82%
for CPA.

In conclusion, the examples we give indicate that CSA substantially increases
the risk of a variety of mental health problems in later life, but it does
not invariably lead to such problems. Factors such as severity of the abuse,
quality of early and later support and biological vulnerability may all
influence outcome. Similarly, CSA cannot explain all psychopathology and is
not the only traumatic experience related to increased risk of disorders such
as depression, anxiety and bulimia. Physical and emotional abuse, and other
abusive and stressful experiences throughout the life course have been shown
to be independent risk factors for these disorders

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