-Caveat Lector-

Report Cites Ecological Decline

January 13, 2001

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Melting Arctic ice, dying frogs and the destruction of
coral reefs are signs of a growing world ecological decline, an environment
research group said in a report Saturday.

Worldwatch Institute said these changes have coincided with an apparent
loss of political momentum on environment issues that governments
demonstrated in November when global warming talks collapsed.

``If in the current climate of political and economic uncertainty,
political leaders were to roll back environmental laws or fail to complete
key international agreements, decades of progress could unravel,'' said
Christopher Flavin, president of the institute and co-author of its annual
State of the World report.

Worldwatch's 275-page report said government officials should be concerned
that many global ecosystems are in danger.

In addition to melting Arctic ice caused by burning fossil fuels, other
environmental stresses include ``the worldwide decline of many species of
frogs, salamanders and other amphibia'' due to pressures that range from
deforestation to ozone depletion, the report said.

Amphibians are considered a ``sort of barometer of Earth's health, more
sensitive to environmental stress than other organisms,'' according to
Worldwatch researchers.

They also said marine biologist estimate that one-quarter of the coral
reefs in the world's tropical oceans were sick or dying. In some areas of
the Pacific, the figure is as high as 90 percent, posing threats to
nations' income from fishing and tourism.

The report says there are some signs of progress in bringing destructive
environmental trends under control:

--In December, negotiators from 122 countries agreed to a legally binding
treaty that will severely restrict 12 persistent organic pollutants.

--Iceland launched a pioneering effort to harness its geothermal and
hydropower to produce hydrogen, which will be used to fuel its automobiles
and fishing boats-- an effort that is attracting investments from major oil
and car companies.

Flavin expressed concern about what he said was the anti-environmental
rhetoric of the Bush campaign during the presidential election.
President-elect Bush has made drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife
Refuge in Alaska a major part of his energy plan and is expected to try to
ease present restrictions on logging in national forests.

``The early signs are not terribly good in terms of (Bush's) ties to the
oil industry and extractive industries, which have been key opponents on
the climate issue,'' Flavin said. ``We'll have to wait and see what
stance'' the incoming administration takes.

He said the signal the United States sends on environmental issues is
crucial because it has the world's largest economy and its environmental
impact is second to none.

``If the United States retreats to a more defensive view of global
environment threats, it would create a leadership vacuum'' that might
encourage environmental groups to push the 15-nation European Union to take
a more active role, Flavin said.

Two weeks of international talks in the Netherlands on how to cut pollution
that is warming the planet ended in failure Nov. 25, after disputes between
the United States and the EU proved insurmountable.

The key issue blocking agreement was whether and to what extent countries
should be allowed to count the carbon dioxide absorbed by forests and
farmlands toward their emissions reduction targets.

Greenhouse gas emissions mostly come from burning fossil fuels for
factories, power plants and cars. Carbon dioxide is a major component of
the emissions.
On the Net: Worldwatch Institute: http://www.worldwatch.org/

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