-Caveat Lector-

Strange Warning Letter Received
                         By Richard Hoagland


                Note - The following is a transcript of the Art
Bell/Richard Hoagland discussion of a
                warning letter received by Richard and presented on the
Art Bell program of
                12-30/31-98. Transcript prepared by David Wedge
                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://members.aol.com/ufoseek/warning.htm Reference site

                After commercial and program comes on advance to 2:04
time point in program.

                Transcript of 2nd hour, reading of fax forwarded to Art
Bell from Richard Hoagland:

                B. All right. I'm going to begin this segment with
Richard. Now as you know Richard
                Hoagland, over the past, I don't know it's over a month
or two has been documenting
                what he believes to be weather control occurrences. With
radar photographs, this is
                part of what A.M. Stephens, Mr. Stephens is going to be
talking about but I have
                something that I want to bring up and I'm going to let
the audience be the judge of
                what we're going to be into here. In passing and
possibly not at all connected with
                any of this is the fact that a man named Speaking Wind,
a Native American. Ah,
                who was on my program literally just days ago and talked
extensively about
                HAARP, about weather control. Ah, about the whole thing
had a massive heart
                attack and is now dead with in days of doing the
program. That much you may have
                found out if you where on listining last night on the
program. Now Richard has been
                pursuing these >

                Transfer interrupted!

                be, some sort of weather control. Now I'm not a expert
on radar but on his site, you
                will see multiple images most of them near military
bases of, of weather patterns that
                are illuminating what appears to be ah attempt at
weather control or in fact weather
                control. And I think we're into something very dangerous
here and I'm goin to read
                something in a moment from sombody that I've had on the
air before who I'm not
                going to identify for obvious reasons. Ah, but Richard
would you characterize this
                person without identifying this person, please would you
characterize the person.

                H. This is a very serious, individual, a technical
individual who has great expertise in
                the area of what I've termed Hyperdimensional Physics
and the extensions of
                Maxwell's original work. He has had a background in
black opps area.

                B. Very heavlly credentialed.

                H. Heavlly credentialed, very serious, not a frivolous
person, not a flight of fancy
                person, not a paranoid person.

                B. Ah ump, I agree with that completely. Thats my
personal assessment to the
                audience. We're not going to give this person's name for
obvious reasons. I'm going
                to read you part of what he sent to Richard, leaving a
couple details that would
                identify this person out, and you can make up your own
mind about what, what it all
                means. Richard I'm not obviously for obvious reasons I'm
not going to read, not going
                to read this entire thing.

                H. Sure

                B. But I'm going to read enough so the audience
understands what we're up against

                B. All right here we go. This was a response to Richard
from this person we both
                respect. This credentialed person Richard had writtened
to this credentialed person
                with respect to the, radar images that are on the
Enterprise Mission. com site.

                Dear Richard,

                Agree with much of what you have said but it doesn't
change things for me at all. As
                you know I have a completely different notion of
inquotes "aliens" and that whole
                scene. Very little change from the old 1978 briefing
presentation except the Physics
                got better. In my view we ourselves created them from
the collective unconscious.
                So the critters remain rather "insane", in quotes, like
a waking nightmare. Hell, thats
                precisely what they are. No longer any concern of mine
as that has been overridden
                by events. NOW LISTEN VERY CLOSELY (Bell advises)! It's
this simple. If I
                wish to live for even 48 hours I cannot go into that or
other things, he's referring now
                to these, this weather control business. Let me repeat
that. If I wish to live for even
                48 hours I can't go into that or the other things. Or go
high profile publicly. I won't do
                anyone any good winding up dead very abruptly. Bluntly
in my estimation my life
                expectancy right now is about June of '99 if I
fortunate. Perhaps even only May if
                certain others here in the Rogue US Groups have there
way, maybe sooner. That's
                it. Nothing anyone can do to prevent or effect that as a
old soldier of - I omitted a
                age here, a few days ago I accept the inevitable. It
doesn't change what I have to try
                to do in what little time I have left. Time to do the
McArther bit and just fade away.
                Most everyone else may not be very far behind anyway.
Nothing you or I or anyone
                else can do can change what's coming down now. All the
TV shows and radio talk
                shows and such cannot change one hairs breath. Only the
Little Nation can avert it.
                Perhaps I give it a 50 a 75 percent probability no
higher but would not argue that 50
                percent is more correct. (pause)... let me see if I can
go on. alright I can. None of
                the conspiracies, alien plots, plans, maneuvering,
politics, Clintonestas, rogues, UFO
                researchers, pontificators, intell. agencies, armed
forces, scientific communties, etc.
                have any further effect on any of this. It's really
simple. We have a pending strategic
                strike unparalleled in all history now rapidly coming
upon us. It's in place and
                counting down and the initial preparation period has
already begun. At this point there
                are only two players in the game and the US is not
either one of them. Nothing the
                entire United States can do can change anything at this
point period. And thats
                where I'm going to stop. There is more. But I respect
this individual, very highly. He
                is a credentialed individual and he is scared out of his
mind. It is his view if he were
                to proceed, to go on the air with Richard his life would
be over inside of 48 hours.
                Richard is that a fair assessment and reading?

                H. Except for the characterization of scared out of his
mind. I think that more of a
                measured, there, there is so much blood in the body as
Jody, Carter once said,
                President Carter's Press Secretery Jody Powell.

                B. Um hm

                H. And this individual has decided not to waste it on
this effort but to focus instead in
                low profile on those areas where he thinks he can make a

                B. But he has clearly said here that if he were to go
public with this he would be
                dead in 48 hours. Now I didn't

                H. (not clear)... from being scared witless.

                B. All right.

                H. All right. He's making a reasoned judgement. Now he
also in this same note
                warns me that if I pursue this course.

                B. I know.

                H. That I may in fact incur a similar fate.

                B. I know.

                H. And I had a discussion earlier about this. This is
why the previous two hours have
                been somewhat of a side show because regardless of
whether Paul Dore was behind
                or was not behind this whole thing. Events have now
rapidly escalated to where we
                have discovered real data.

                B. I understand that, I do understand that

                H. (garbled) use specifics and possable real, threat and
concern to everyone. And
                there are people who may have died and maybe about to
die if they step forward and
                that's what we should focus on tonight.

                B. Yep, I completely agree with you and it's because of
my respect and
                understanding of the credentials of the individual who
wrote this that, you know I
                wouldn't say I'm scared out of my wits. I have, I
thought about it really hard and I'm
                sure after reading this response you thought to Richard,
you know you've gone done
                a lot of roads in your career Richard some of them have
been crooked roads with
                dead ends and some have been, very productive roads. The
danger here is that you
                may be going down a productive road that could get you

                H. We've discussed this at various bench marks in this
long and twisted investigation
                that we have shared and have told you again and again.
And I will tell the country
                tonight my firm belief is the truth must out. And that
high visibility is the best
                protection. The people that we're up against the so
called rogue agencies that this
                individual refers to. They are not mad men. They are not
emotional idiots. They are
                not out for revenge. They are out to keep secrets
because they believe they have the
                God given authority to decide what happens to all the
rest of us.

                B. But this very, very reasoned very credentialed
individual is absolutely convinced
                that they wouldn't hesitate two seconds, to take him out
and sure as hell would ah,
                hesitate to take out you or me.

                H. Well I think that this individual is coming from a
different perspective. Remember
                he has spent his career on the inside. He has spent his
career in the shadows, he has

                B. Oh sure.

                H. His career in the halls of power.

                B. Well that, that that is what validates it's all the

                H. From that perspective he does not approach this like
you and I do and my and I
                do basically because of my network years with Walter. In
that I really believe in the
                power of the American people and the power of the First
Amendment and I believe
                that the only reason that we have made the progress we
have made is because we
                have shared freely. Even those things at the cutting
edge that some people have
                accused us of speculating wildly about. The facts is
that if I were to turn up dead
                tomorrow morning there would be one remarkable hurrah
that we in fact where

                B. Um hmm

                H. Clinton's problems began with the death of Vince
Foster. Bodies tend to focus.
                Remember I can count on among my friends Ted Kopple,
Walter, you obviously and
                many others that I would hope would not stand by and
simply - you know, wipe a
                tear and put a rose on my grave. The fact is that
exposure and the light make the
                cock roaches go away. And that's my philosophy and I
will live by that.

                B. And or, all right, ah.

                [conversation changes to discussion of Robert A M
Stephens ]

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