-Caveat Lector-

>From NewAutrailian

> The New Australian
> Scandals and Clinton's Balkan mess
> By James Henry
> No. 121, 31 May - 6 June 1999
> Things are beginning to look sticky for ol' Bill. Wall Street is
> getting jumpy about interest rates, Milosevic just won't lie down, and
> now the 'T' word is actually being heard in some quarters — though not
> at NBC etc. Is there justice? Will the most depraved and corrupt
> president in the history of the Republic finally get his just deserts?
> I think he will, eventually. In the meantime, he is in a position to
> do still more considerable damage. Just as bombing Serbia seemed like
> a splendid idea, just as one scandal too many began to emerge, the use
> of troops is being flagged just as — by pure coincidence — the Cox
> Report hits the fan. Not that Ol' Slickory didn't know what was in it.
> After all, it's akin to his record in the White House, so in a sense
> he wrote it. But it's not the kind of legacy he wants to bequeath to a
> nation that seems to be showing signs of waking up to Bill Benedict
> Clinton.
> Now that his dream of a swift military victory has proved as illusory
> as an Albright battle plan he finds himself suspended between
> Americans understandable reluctance to see their offspring carted home
> in bodybags and his own desire to escape exposure. Well, knowing how
> far Bill is removed from traditional manly values like courage, duty
> and honor I would normally advise Arlington cemetery to start digging
> again, even though the boys and girls in uniform are not too keen to
> die for the glory of saving Bill's skin they will always do their
> duty. However, Clinton is a coward in every sense of the word,
> especially the moral sense. Having, thanks to the posturing and
> preposterous Albright, completely underestimated Milosevic's
> determination and Serbian resolve (probably because he has none of his
> own) he committed American forces to a half-baked half-witted military
> campaign. And this is after he gutted the services and then stretched
> them out like pieces of worn elastic.
> Milosevic knew that America would quickly run out of cruise missiles
> and smart bombs. Didn't CNN, NBC, ABC, etc, not only tell him that
> Clinton had shut down the cruise missile production line but how many
> missiles were actually left. The absurd situation has now been reached
> where the use of dumb bombs has been announced as an improvement on
> smart weapons. Why don't they just say we ran out?
> As I said before, all Milosevic had to do was sit tight and accelerate
> the dirty work. And that is precisely what he did. Even those geniuses
> at the CIA had that one figured. About two months later Milosevic is
> still in control and NATO is still looking for targets while it thinks
> up excuses in advance for the next bus load of pensioners it sends off
> to the promised land.
> Now Clinton mouthpieces are telling us that one-third of Serbia's
> military forces have been destroyed. The people who gave us this
> precise figure are the same folks who can't find the Chinese embassy
> on a Belgrade street map. In any case, one-third of what? How much
> armor, artillery, munitions, bunkers, mines, ground-to-air missiles,
> not to mention the shoulder-fired ones, does that leave? Forewarned is
> forearmed and few dictators ever got more warning than Milosevic. To
> top it off, they now want to put him on trial. Who's next? Castro? The
> butchers of Tibet? Not likely. Social democrats are in charge and that
> means no trials for socialist dictators. It also means that Milosevic
> has got nothing to lose. The deed is done and the example set.
> I and others have made the point that if ground troops are committed
> and even if a quick victory is achieved — so what? Milosevic will
> still be in Belgrade enjoying Russian and Chinese support as well as a
> great deal of local support due to nationalist feelings while Kosovo
> will be literally prostrate; Montenegro will be in a parlous position,
> Macedonia will need a great deal of aid and Orthodox Greece will be
> deeply disturbed. Where will all of this leave the Kosovar refugees?
> Still refugees, that's what.
> It would have been better, I believe, if Western countries had told
> Milosevic they were prepared, given enough time, to accommodate
> Kosovar Albanians while rebuilding Albania. This would have reassured
> the Serbian people that there were no designs on Serbian territory or
> sovereignty and thus have drawn Milosevic's nationalist teeth while
> strengthening opposition forces. But this would not have banished
> Clinton's growing scandals nor would it have done anything for the
> liberals self-image.
> The New Australian

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