George W. Bush's Brain?
How Karl T. Rove Used Fortunate Son to Stick George W. Bush in the White

by Sander Hicks

All his life, George W. Bush has been allowed to cheat to get by. You see
this in Fortunate Son, starting with the special favors Bush enjoyed in his
youth, such as the family connections that shielded him from the ugly
realities of Vietnam. The same pattern continued into his adulthood, when the
careful, strategic handling of his advisors won him the Presidency.

In 1989, Bush himself said "You know I could run for governor, but I’m
basically a media creation…I’ve never done anything." Bush campaigned in the
1994 race for governor of Texas solely on his record as a "businessman." The
sharp-tongued, popular incumbent Governor Ann Richards asked why all the
businesses Bush had run since 1979 lost a combined $371 million. Bush was
instantly put on television to plead with her to cease "these personal
attacks." He eventually won this race with manipulative strategies, heavy
spending and scare-tactic TV ads. In office, Governor Bush relaxed
environmental controls to stick Texas with one of the highest concentrations
of air and water pollution in the country, allowed 134 executions, and
allowed the gulf between rich and poor to grow out of control. Bush limited
access to abortions and legalized concealed handguns despite protests from
law enforcement. He even refused to pass hate crimes laws after the murder of
James Byrd by three racists, saying that legislation was unnecessary, because
"all crimes are hate crimes."

Bush spent his youth in a haze of debauchery, and while that’s understandable
for one whose life is so empty, what Soft Skull finds exceptional is his lack
of accountability. It is commonly believed that Bush was busted for cocaine
possession in 1972, but records of the arrest were expunged as a special
family favor. Once again, Bush didn’t have to play by the rules, he was given
special treatment over the rest of us commoners.

On the campaign trail for President, Bush couldn’t seem to keep quiet about
his drug past. In August 1999, with his handlers out of town ghost-writing
his "autobiography," he blurted out at a press conference that he hadn’t done
drugs since 1974. The media crowed at the spectacle–another deer in the
headlights, another conservative politician who puts his foot in his mouth on

Now imagine you’re Bush’s senior adviser, Karl T. Rove. It’s August 1999, 18
months from the election. This means that in just 18 months, you have to
transform the public image of a right-wing incompetent into a "man of the
people." This was not a small job: Karl Rove and company had to take an
unproven, spoiled rich kid, and create a competent, eloquent, likable man.

Rove is no angel. In the 70’s, he had been investigated by the Republican
National Committee for teaching seminars on political "dirty tricks" to
college students, and, like George W. Bush, trained under cagey campaign
strategist Lee Atwater.1
But after managing Bush’s successful campaigns for
governor in Texas, Rove was set to reinvent Bush as Predidential timber. In
January of 2000, a year away from the election, The New York Times’ Frank
Bruni reported on Rove’s passionate, almost homoerotic, dedication to Bush:
"When Mr. Rove talks about Mr. Bush, he radiates a regard for him that goes
beyond professional obligation or selfish investment in Mr. Bush’s fortune.
It is more like a crush, both platonic and political, and it underscores the
oddness of this particular couple: the pale, intense, bookish Mr. Rove and
the ruddy, easygoing, folksy Mr. Bush."2

After the "election," Rove was chided for taking maximum credit for placing
Bush in the White House. The New York Times reported "He committed a subtle
breach of Bush-world etiquette at an election post-mortem at the University
of Pennsylvania last weekend, when he took responsibility–and credit–for
many of the candidate’s moves."3
As David Shribman asked, in the Boston Globe
magazine in July of 2000, "Is there a place where George W. Bush ends and
Karl Rove begins? Are you the wizard behind the curtain of George W.? Are you
George W. Bush’s brain?"4

Hatfield was the Stalking Horse

When Bush blurted out that he hadn’t done drugs since 1974, Rove probably
realized he needed to find a way to remove discussion of Bush’s drug past
from the national discussion so thoroughly that even Bush himself couldn’t
bring it up again. Right around August 1999, when Bush made that blunder at
his solo news conference, J. H. Hatfield’s biography Fortunate Son was in its
final stages with its original publisher, St. Martin’s Press.

In the late 1980’s in Texas, Hatfield had made the acquaintance of Clay
Johnson, Bush’s lifelong friend and advisor to Bush as Governor. An author of
several nonfiction books, Hatfield decided that his personal connections to
the candidate would make for a great insider’s biography of Bush. He
contacted Rove and Johnson and interviewed them at length. Hatfield
mistakenly assumed that Johnson and Rove weren’t aware of his 1988 conviction
for solicitation of capital murder (the result of a workplace conspiracy gone
horribly awry). Hatfield had served five years in the penitentiary, but
emerged and reinvented himself as a successful author of pop-culture guides
and biographies. Rove and Johnson realized that, in Hatfield, they had found
their solution to Bush’s drug problem.

Hatfield’s book was in final proofing stages when a story broke on the online
magazine Salon.5
The piece stated that Bush had been arrested in the early
’70s for drug use, and that he "was ordered by a Texas judge to perform
community service in exchange for expunging his record showing illicit drug
use," according to an anonymous tip-off. This article was the first to
suggest that Bush did community service in Houston in exchange for having his
record expunged. Hatfield went to work corroborating this story through
Johnson and Rove, his regular sources of information. According to Hatfield,
Rove and Johnson discussed the cocaine arrest on the phone, under condition
of anonymity. Rove had earlier taken Hatfield on a fishing trip to Lake
Eufaula, Oklahoma, to discuss Bush.6

Rove and Johnson apparently altered key facts in the story in an effort to
discredit Hatfield–and thus they raised the burden of proof for future
reporters. At one point, Hatfield was told that the arresting judge was a
Republican, a falsehood which, although easily detected, served to damage
Hatfield’s credibility. St. Martin’s rushed the cocaine arrest story into
the book as an Afterword, and foresaw skyrocketing sales upon publication, an
automatic cover story in the New York Times, and a spot on the Today show.
But instead, they ran into a media firestorm and threats of possible lawsuits
from the Bush campaign. In a panic, St. Martin’s pressured Hatfield to reveal
the identity of his confidential sources. He refused.

The Dallas Morning News
happened to suddenly receive private, confidential
information on Hatfield’s criminal background, and published an article about
Hatfield’s felonious past. Hatfield quickly claimed that the Dallas Morning
had gotten him mixed up with another person bearing the same name, and
promptly fled. He returned home to Arkansas, to find camera crews camped out
outside his home.

The story became an exercise in irony. St. Martin’s panicked. They pulled
70,000 copies out of bookstores and promised to burn them. The message from
influential media like 60 Minutes and media magazine Brill’s Content became:
Isn’t it awful that felons are writing books about poor put-upon Presidential
candidates? Where were the fact-checkers?

When my company, Soft Skull Press, acquired the rights to republish Fortunate
, Hatfield proudly phoned Clay Johnson and informed him that the campaign
to discredit him and his story hadn’t been 100% successful. Johnson responded
with a variety of harsh threats to be implemented if Fortunate Son made its
way back into print. We believed that this was a bluff, and printed 45,000
copies in January, 2000.

CBS’ 60 Minutes broadcast a piece on Hatfield and his book, titled
"Unfortunate and Untrue?" The segment concentrated on Hatfield’s checkered
past: they simply assumed that Hatfield must have gotten the story wrong. We
were later told by 60 Minutes that they attempted to corroborate the Bush
cocaine arrest story in the brief time they had in their production schedule,
but couldn’t find anything. In other words, 60 Minutes chose to side with the
establishment powers rather than a maverick biographer with a criminal
record. Their decision, while probably safer, was neither truth-serving nor
journalistically rigorous.

How interesting then to see Bush himself effectively admit that Hatfield got
the story right. In September of 2000, Brill’s Content printed an interview
with Bush which produced his very telling slips of the tongue on Fortunate Son
: "I think the book was outrageous. And, to the credit of my staff and Pete
Slover from the [Dallas] Morning News who blew the whistle on the fraudulent
nature of the writer. There is no recourse."

There is no recourse? In his normally fragmented, stream-of-conscious prose,
is Bush admitting here that he used his staff strategists, friends in the
media, and a bogus lawsuit as the only recourse against the truth? Bush
states that they destroyed Hatfield’s "nature," by calling who Hatfield is
"fraudulent," but never attacking the story’s facts. They let the eager
media go to town on the author’s past, but never do they expose the actual
Afterword of Fortunate Son as "fraudulent." (For further analysis of other
parts of this interview, see Mark Crispin Miller’s excellent new Foreword,
pp. xi- xii.) Many times, Bush and company called Hatfield a "science
fiction" writer, which is inaccurate, since our author’s other titles include
biographies and pop culture reference books, but not science fiction.

Shortly after we re-published Fortunate Son, Soft Skull, its author, and
several major chain booksellers who had stocked the book were hit with a
lawsuit. The suit did not come directly from the Bush campaign, but we long
suspected that there was a relationship between members of the Bush campaign
and the plaintiffs. We made a motion in a Texas Federal Court to discover
exactly what this relationship was, but the magistrate judge wanted more
proof first that such a relationship might exist first, before he would allow
an investigation into that very question.

After all the media overexposure and the legal harassment, not everyone had
the courage to stand by our side. Our distributor at the time–who were not
even named in the lawsuit–terminated distribution of the book at the
beginning of February 2000. Public opinion is something created, and it had
been created to destroy J.H. Hatfield and his book. Despite our desperate
pleas, our former distributor shut down the entire sales and distribution
chain for Fortunate Son. It hasn’t been distributed to stores in over a year,
until now, thanks to the good people of Publisher’s Group West.

Reading and editing Fortunate Son taught me a lot about George W. Bush, the
man we will spend the next four years fighting at every turn. Publishing
Fortunate Son
taught me some hard lessons about America and the power of

1. "Behind Bush Juggernaut: An Aide's Labor of Loyalty, New York Times,
January 11, 2000.

2. Ibid. Also--compare this semi-critical journalism in 2000 to Mr. Bruni's
feature a year later "Architect of Bush Presidency Still Builds Bridges
to Power." New York Times, Sunday, February 18, 2001. With Bush and Rove in
power, the Times omitted the critical background information on Rove's
relationship with Atwater, and the "dirty tricks" accusation from the R.N.C.

3. "Architect of Bush Presidency Still Builds Bridges to Power." New York
, Sunday, February 18, 2001.

4. "As Chief Strategist for the Bush Campaign, Karl Rove Tells the Candidate
What to Say, When to Say It, How to Say It, and Where to Say It. And Bush is
Listening," July 23, 2000, Boston Globe Magazine.

5. "Bush Up to His Arse in Allegations! Sharp-Toothed E-Mail, Killer Bees and
Bag of Worms. Will This Hound Hunt?" by Amy Reiter, August 25, 1999.

6. The Publisher holds copies of Hatfield's phone and travel records which
prove to us that he was in Lake Eufaula, OK, at the time claimed, and that he
did, in the summer of 1999, make phone connections with the private phone
numbers of Johnson and Rove.

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