Not endorsed; Hope its a crock!

             From: Rayelan  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
             Date: Mon Sep 18, 2000 1:22pm
             Subject: THE WAR OF GOG AND MAGOG

              THE WAR OF GOG AND MAGOG

              This scenario is dependent upon either side provoking the
other. I look for
              it either way. IT SEEMS TO BE LOOMING IN THE NEAR.

              Most Christians and Jews believe that current events, as
described in the
              predictions of Daniel, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Obediah, and John in
Revelation, are
              to be rigidly prescribed according to God's calendar. Rabbi
Michael Rood, a
              Messianic Jew, has stated that the modern Hebrew Calendar is
off by about a
              month. Therefore, instead of Tishri 1, the first of Tishri,
being on Sept.
              30th of the Gregorian Calendar, it is actually on October
28th. This will
              alter the times of the occurrences of certain predicted

              According to Rabbi Rood, this would put Yom Kippur on November
7th. and
              Sikkott, which I believe is the "Feast of Tabernacles" on Nov.

              The Palestinian Arabs are expected to provoke a war against
Israel any day
              soon, whether or not Yassir Arafat declares a separate
Palestinian State. It
              could be that the Palestinians will attack a "holy Islamic
site' and blame it
              on the Israelis. The likely site would be the Dome of the
Rock, on the Temple
              Mount. This will stir the other Arab states to fury and they
will begin to
              mobilize against Israel. When this occurs, according to
prophecy, Israel will
              retaliate with nuclear weapons, destroying the Palestinian
Arabs, who are the
              Biblical Philistines, and the House of Esau. The remaining
Arabs of Iraq,
              Syria, Egypt, Libya, Sudan, and probably the Islamic states of
the Russian
              Federation, and perhaps with the aid of China, will attack
Israel after
              protesting to the UN about Israel's "criminal acts." This is
supposed to
              occur on Tishri 1 which will be October 28th by the Gregorian
Calendar. The
              war will last about ten days, terminated by divine
intervention by God, and
              ending just at Yom Kippur on November 7th, with the wiping out
of the Islamic
              States and much of the Russian and Chinese army. Israel will
then supposedly
              occupy her ancient lands now held by the Arabs...

              Russia and China, who will have also invaded Eastern Europe,
will back off
              from attacking Israel and God will allow them to invade North
America through
              Alaska, Canada, and the Gulf of Mexico. They will be aided by
Cuba and
              Nicaragua. Nuclear submarines will attack both coasts, causing
              destruction and death to millions of Americans. Meanwhile, our
Armies will be
              stranded overseas. At some point, President Clinton will
request the United
              Nations to bring in a peacekeeping force.

              At about this time, with the Middle East war ending at the
approximate time
              of the "Feast of Tabernacles," the location of the Ark of the
Covenant will
              be revealed and the Antichrist will ride into Jerusalem on a
donkey, and he
              will be announced as the "Messiah" of all Christians, Jews,
Mohammedans and
              Buddhists, etc.. It is also believed that at this time that
there will be a
              great outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and the 3 1/2 or seven
year Tribulation
              will begin. Many Christians believe that this will also be the
time of the
              Rapture of the forgiven faithful.

              The Antichrist will rapidly assume world power, with a world
government which
              has its capitol in Jerusalem. It is theorized that he will
soon intervene to
              stop the war in Europe and North America, but not before there
has been much
              destruction. Initially he will be hailed as a peacemaker and
as the
              recognized Jewish Messiah.

              There will be 18 months of "false peace," and he will fulfill
his promise to
              rebuild the Jewish Temple.

              But the tribulation will have just begun for a slumbering
America. The UN
              Forces will seize private weapons and property while executing
most of the
              "useless eaters, the rebellious, the disabled, and the
elderly. The
              Globalists will begin a program of progressive depopulation,
and steadily
              more widespread mass murder, which includes the objective of
racial cleansing
              of the darker races. At the top of globalist governance will
be the corporate
              socialist elitists, who will preside over fiefdoms in a
              totalitarian system served by serfs and slaves. Yet there must
remain a
              stalwart nucleus of American Patriots who will refuse the Mark
of the Beast,
              go underground, and maintain a black market and many foci of
              resistance. They will be fair game and hunted as animals.
Eventually, with
              divine help, they will triumph over great odds and reestablish
              Constitutional Republic.

              The Antichrist's defeat will come after mid-tribulation, when
he seats
              himself on the throne of God, which is the Ark of the
Covenant, and portrays
              himself as God. Then, over the second half of tribulation,
will come many
              earthquakes, comet and asteroid strikes, plagues, famine,
pestilence, and
              numerous wars before the coming of Christ in Glory for the
final defeat of
              the Antichrist and the Satanic Forces of Global Governance in
the Battle of

              Byron Weeks

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