-Caveat Lector- Rush Limbaugh Endangering Soldier’s Lives

by Russell R. Bingman, Publisher

Copyright 2004 - All Rights Reserved

As millions of people in America and around the world know, conservative talk-show host Rush Limbaugh has spent several days trivializing and making a mockery of the abuse of Iraqi prisoners in Abu Ghraib prison at the hands of the U.S. military police and military intelligence. Limbaugh and others have characterized the abuse and torture of Iraqi prisoners as being likened to college fraternity house pranks and the conduct of U.S. military personnel as being nothing more than "blowing off a little steam . . . quite understandable since soldiers there are being shot at," he said.

Limbaugh is certainly one of the least qualified people in America to be making any assessment or defense of American soldier’s misconduct in Iraq. Limbaugh left college after the first semester in his Freshman year having flunked every class he signed up for, and consequently has no idea what-so-ever what college fraternity pranks entail, or even what college entails either (or can he tell us what fraternity he belonged to?). Nor has Limbaugh ever served a single day of his privileged life, in any military of any kind, and Limbaugh has never experienced any military combat zone, anywhere in the world, in his life, and based upon his years of praise and advocacy of inhumanity and cruelty against people suffering, such as his approval of female genital mutilation . . . his idea of Christian values - he has no grasp of the Geneva Convention, or Christian values. Saddam must be proud of him!

Moreover, as many Capitol Hill members and many military leaders are now warning the White House, the Pentagon and others, America’s men and women in Iraq, are going to bear the brunt of any retaliation against America for the abuse of the Iraqi prisoners, and that any failure on the part of America’s government to deal seriously and harshly with the offenders, will result in more severe retaliation against America’s soldiers. Limbaugh’s comments have not gone unnoticed in the Middle Eastern Arab world, and have angered many there, whom are vowing retaliation against America and it’s military. Limbaugh and the others who are making light of the situation are willfully and recklessly endangering the lives of not only America’s soldiers in Iraq and around the world, but American’s here at home as well, as more sane and rational minds are warning from Washington. Any American or coalition soldiers taken captive in Iraq from now on, will undoubtedly face the same, or worse humiliation and torture, than that which the Iraqi prisoners have experienced. Will Limbaugh be characterizing their treatment as college fraternity pranks? Or excusing Iraqi terrorists as "blowing off a little steam?"

Whatever harm and injuries come to America’s soldiers out of the retaliation that’s coming, Mr. Limbaugh is going to have to take his share of credit for it. America should have already learned its lesson, about having hypocritical, drug-addicted, uneducated Fascist radicals in possession of a microphone . . . and as long as it allows such to continue to disgrace the nation via the public airwaves, it’s probably going to learn its lesson the hard way. And the FCC thought that Howard Stern was harming the nation!


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