-Caveat Lector-


Russia loses control of satellites

 "Russia no longer has the working fleet of early warning satellites that
reassured its leaders that they were not under attack during the most
recent false alert." - Geoffrey Forden of the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology

Russia has lost control of four military satellites after a fire at an
important relay station fuelling US fears of Moscow triggering a false
alarm launch over the ageing nuclear early-warning system.
Military chiefs insisted however the overall satellite control system
was working normally.
"As a result of the fire, we do not have constant contact with four
satellites," Anatoly Perminov, commander of Russia's Space Forces,
told state-run RTR television.
"Restoring permanent contact with these satellites will technically
be possible once the fire is extinguished," he said.
"The entire satellite control system is working normally, including
ones with a military designation."
Defence Ministry officials as said an electrical short circuit started
the blaze at the relay station near Serpukhov, in the Kaluga region
some 120 miles (200km) southwest of Moscow.
Firefighters were sent from the capital to help tackle the blaze with
specialised foam-making equipment that Defence Ministry crews on the
scene lacked.
No one was injured and all secret documents, computer programmes,
weapons and equipment were rescued from the burning relay station,
Perminov said.
Starved since the collapse of the Soviet Union of the vast funds it
once enjoyed, the Russian military keeps much ageing equipment in
use well past its designed lifespan.
Short of cash
Military specialist Alexander Golts said that 70 percent of Russia's
100-130 military satellites were nearing the end of their operational
Bureaucratic reorganisations have left the satellite network short of
cash and bedevilled by a complicated chain of command.
"Another of the habitual bureaucratic restructurings is going on right
now. All the space forces are being separated from the structure of the
Strategic Rocket Forces. Two years ago they merged," he said.
Geoffrey Forden of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology wrote last
week that Russia's failing space-based early-warning systems posed a
potential risk.
"Russia no longer has the working fleet of early warning satellites
that reassured its leaders that they were not under attack during the
most recent false alert," he said in an article posted on the Cato
Institute website.
He was referring to a 1995 incident in which Russia briefly mistook
a scientific rocket launched from Norway for a US nuclear missile.
"With decaying satellites, the possibility exits that, if a false alert
occurs again, Russia might launch its nuclear-tipped missiles," he
At the time, Russian officials dismissed the article as groundless.

Best Wishes

We only regret that the editors of The Daily Californian allowed
themselves to give in to pressure in a manner that unfortunately
violated their professional integrity and journalistic duty to protect
speech with which they may disagree.  The knee-jerk response by the
Californian is frighteningly indicative of the growing tendency of
college newspapers to allow the opinions they publish to be stomped out
for fear of being called names.
- editorial, University of Wisconsin _Badger Herald_, on the
supine response of other college newspapers to campus radicals

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