PALESTINE TIMES - Comment - Issue No. 126 - December  2001

"Human race is the one and only race in the whole world."
--Syed Adeeb.


For generations, Zionist Jews have been tirelessly spreading the false notion that Jews were a distinct race, not merely a religion.

The myth did acquire some "legitimacy" and general acceptance throughout the world, especially in the West where the unsuspecting Western, especially American, mind came to speak of"the Jewish race," "Jewish blood" and "Jewish genes."

In Israel, a State where the very definition of "who is a Jew" is yet to be settled 53 years after the misbegotten birth of theJewish State, the official ideology, media and school curricula all teach that Jews are a distinct race.

The best definition the Zionists have offered so far is actually a genetic one, which seems a strange contradiction when Zionists and their supporters and mouthpieces so vehemently deny that Jewishness has anything to do with race.

They ask, who is your mother? Anyone born of a Jewish mother is Jewish. However, the question as to what makes her "Jewish" has no answer. If one’s father is Jewish, if he is even a rabbi,will not help at all.

Nor will a man's profession of faith in Judaism be of any use,for Judaism does not court converts and Israel does not want citizens who are not Jews.

Indeed, one would be affronted, even today in the year 2001,when some rabbis so readily argue that "Jewish blood is redder than non-Jewish blood," which also implies that a Jewish life ispreferred over a non-Jewish life. In short, it is a brash racism whose macabre practical implications are seen every day on the streets of the West Bank and in the refugee camps of Gaza.

Zionist myth-makers have not gone unchallenged. For years,courageous anti-Zionist Jews have been trying, against insurmountable odds, to refute the Zionist myth that Jews are a race, and that a Jew remains Jewish irrespective of faith in any religion.

But the Zionist voice was always (and continues to be) louder and more vociferous as the Zionist-controlled printed and electronic media in the U.S. and Western Europe were always at the Zionists' beck and call.

Now, there is very bad news for the Zionists and those who lied to themselves and to mankind for so many years claiming that Jews were a distinct genetic people unlike any other people.

A recently published keynote research paper, authored by the noted geneticist Professor Antonio Arnaiz-Villena of Compultense University in Madrid, showed beyond any shred of doubt that Middle Eastern Jews and Palestinians are genetically almost identical.

The study found no data to support the idea that Jewish people were genetically distinct from other people in the region, thus challenging the concept that Jews are a special, chosen ethnic people and that Judaism can only be inherited.

Predictably, Zionist circles were enraged by the scientific findings that exposed their age-old lie, and as soon as the study appeared in the scientific journal, "Human Immunology,"they bullied the journal editor, Nicole Suci-Foca, of Colombia University, New York, to drop the study, claiming the article was politically biased!

Now, what implication does all of this have on the Palestinian Question? Nobody expects the Zionists to stand up tomorrow and admit publicly and in a clarion manner that they have been wrong all along, that they made a big mistake or, indeed, that they will seek to undo or at least atone for the wrongs done to the Palestinians, thanks to Zionist mythology.

They wouldn't admit any of that, since it is not mainly the sacrosanct integrity of the lie that they want to safeguard, but rather the implications and embodiments of that lie, namely the usurpation and colonization of Palestine and dispossession ofits people by Zionist Jews who evidently falsely insisted allalong that God promised them Palestine as an everlasting inheritance.

They simply want to retain the stolen goods, irrespective of any scientific truths. For them, scientific truths are no more binding and no more relevant than moral truths and historical truths.

The world doesn't and wouldn't expect all the Khazari Zionists,who unfortunately sired such despicable war criminals as Ben Gurion, Golda Meir, Moshe Dayyan, Menachem Begin, Yitzhak Shamir, Yitzhak Rabin, Shimon Peres and Ariel Sharon to pack their luggage and return to the plains of Eastern Europe and Russia, let alone to their ancestral land in north-western Asia.

But the world does expect the Zionists to start viewing the Palestinian people, the blood brothers of millions of Middle Eastern Jews, with some respect and humanity.

The world does expect the Zionists to start viewing Palestinian blood, especially the blood of children, as sacred and as worthwhile as the blood of Jews.The world expects the Zionists to stop tormenting, persecuting,repressing and murdering millions of Palestinians who only want to live peacefully and freely on their homeland.

And, yes, the world, especially Zionism's tormented victims, the Palestinians, expect the Zionists to return at least some of the stolen goods to the rightful owners.

Will the Zionists be reasonable enough and wise enough to listen to the voice of reason and abandon their evil ways?

It is unlikely they will, for most evil-doers and mischief-makers think they are good-doers and peace-makers.

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