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 By Les Levidow
 Return (London), Dec.1990

 Zionism has always purported to be the prime or ultimate protector
 of Jews from anti-Semitism.  The proposed solution has been mass
 emigration to what the Zionist's term Eretz "Israel", ('the Land of
 "Israel"'), a term which means possession of the region for the
 Jews; this territorial notion corresponds to Biblical myths rather
 than to any clear geographical boundaries.  The emigration itself
 has been termed aliyah ('ascent').  The term originally described
 Jews' pilgrimage to Palestine as a duty of Orthodox Judaism.
 Zionism appropriated the term for secular-settler purposes:
 Through Aliyah, Diaspora Jews regarded as mere 'human dust' elevate
 themselves to the status of human beings.  As "Israeli" citizens,
 the Jews claim their rightful place as 'nation among (European)
 nations'.  Many critics have shown how advocacy of this solution
 has undermined any struggle against anti-Semitism.  Some critics
 have even shown how Zionist leaders have collaborated with
 anti-Semitic persecutors for the sake of that aliyah (as in Nazi
 Germany), or for the sake of "Israel's" arms sales (as during the
 Argentinean junta).  This essay takes the argument further, to the
 cultural field, by arguing that the Zionist mission involved
 suppressing or denying all Jewish identities other than the 'New
 Jew' who conquers Palestine.  In practice, this has meant that:

    +  Zionist culture 'assimilated' European anti-Semitism from the
       very start;

    + the State of "Israel" eventually extended that discrimination
      to Oriental Jews, seen as a Jewish-Arab (or 'Levantine')
      threat, within a wider framework of Western colonial racism;

    + the anti-Arab racism endemic to Zionism incorporates aspects
      of European anti-Semitism; and

    + Zionist paranoia towards Palestinians expresses internal
      anxieties about the disintegration of Jewish identities which
      Zionism itself has helped to destroy.

 'Assimilating' anti-Semitism as largely or potentially assimilated
 Jews, the early Zionists of Western Europe came to doubt the
 possibility -- or even desirability -- of their full assimilation,
 as they encountered prejudice and barriers.  They came to accept
 anti-Semitic racial concepts of the Jews as inherently incapable of
 integrating into the Western nations as full citizens.  This
 fatalism was expressed by Doctor Leo Pinsker, with a suitable
 medical metaphor, when he declared that 'Judeo-phobia is a disease;
 and, as a congenital disease, it is incurable' (in Hertzberg,

 Early Zionists also accepted -- implicitly or explicitly --
 prevalent stereotypes of backwards and/or subversive East European
 Jews, whose migration to Western Europe (or the USA) they regarded
 as a threat to their own hard-won social status.  This perceived
 threat acted as a motive for affluent Jews in Western Europe to
 channel the migration of East European Jews elsewhere.  Moreover,
 many Zionists perceived their own interests as coinciding with the
 domestic interests of Europe's imperial rulers.  When Theodor Herzl
 lobbied the Tsar's Minister of Interior, who had been responsible
 for anti-Semitic pogroms, Herzl argued that Zionism would weaken
 the revolutionary movement in Russia.  At the same time, Zionists
 justified themselves in terms of uplifting the backward East
 European Jews.  Moses Hess, describing the economic structure of
 East European Jewry as 'parasitic', described the future Jewish
 state as 'the basis on which European Jewry will be able to climb
 out of the dustbins' (quoted in Ralevi, p.153).  The alliance which
 Zionism sought with European imperialism arose from the cultural
 chasm which they perceived between Western and Eastern Jews.
 Indeed, locating their solution in a Jewish state based on European
 models, Zionist leaders regarded the Eastern European Jews' culture
 as an obstacle.  David Ben-Gurion referred disparagingly to their
 'Diaspora mentality' and 'Jewish cosmopolitanism'.

 With the rise of fascism in the 1930s, the term 'cruel Zionism'
 described those who justified sacrificing the many -- especially
 East European Jews -- for the sake of the few who would establish a
 Jewish state.  Chaim Weizmann (1937) promoted such a mentality with
 his poetic flair:  The old ones will pass; they will bear their
 fate, or they will not.  They were dust, economic and moral dust in
 a cruel world...  Thus, although Zionism arose in response to
 anti-Semitism, it did so by assimilating crucial elements of
 anti-Semitism, while appropriating the religious connotations of
 'human dust' in racist terms.  Zionism defined a secular Jewishness
 negatively, in terms of the Jews' eternal persecution by
 anti-Semitism, seen as the world's main evil, and eventually
 epitomised by the Arabs.  Just as this ideology saw anti-Semitism
 as a normal, expected reaction to the presence of Jews out of place
 in the Diaspora, so it saw the Jewish state as fulfilling the
 normal division of the world's territorial spaces according to
 ethnically defined national groups.  Moreover, it incorporated
 anti-Semitic myths of the Jews as defined by race or language, and
 turned these into counter-myths defining the Jewish nation that
 needed to be built (see Halevi, chapters 5-6).

 Within this framework, racist distinctions among Jews were extended
 into Palestine itself, where the Zionist movement sought to replace
 immigrants' Yiddish culture with a literally fabricated one.  As
 Amos Oz ["Israeli" author] describes the state's acculturation
 mission:  Even new lullabies and new 'ancient legends' which were
 synthesised by eager writers.  Folk song and dances that require
 the officially trained guides who.... are teaching the folk how to
 sing and dance properly!  (translated in Bresheeth, p.130 Jewish
 Arab threat).

 Shortly after the state of "Israel" was created, the task of
 Zionising European immigrants became overshadowed by the 'problem'
 of the Oriental Jews.  Nearly two million "Israelis", who now
 constitute a majority of the country's population, were culturally
 Arabs in all but religion; indeed, they were Arab Jews in all but
 name.  The Zionist project necessarily fractured that reality into
 two opposed identities -- Arab versus Jew.  It likewise identified
 Jew with Zionist, in turn meaning the assimilated Ashkenazi
 European type of Jew.  When the "Israeli" government realised in
 the early 1950s that few Jews would emigrate from Western
 countries, it resorted to inducing Oriental Jews to do so.  It then
 used them to populate dangerous settlements along cease-fire lines
 to consolidate "Israel's" claims to the disputed territory, and it
 assigned them to the low-paid, menial jobs otherwise done by
 Palestinians.  By engineering this physical and economic conflict
 between Oriental Jews and Palestinians, "Israel" manufactured the
 former's anti-Arab feeling, which Zionism officially attributed to
 the persecution that most Oriental Jews had supposedly suffered in
 Arab countries.

 Although the mass emigration of Oriental Jews served several
 Zionist purposes, the Ashkenazi establishment saw it as a potential
 cultural threat.  "Israeli" publications have abounded with racist
 language -- animal metaphors, savages', 'superstitious',
 'diseased', etc. -- describing the Oriental Jews.  Official
 "Israeli" language bans the Yiddish term 'Schwartze' commonly used
 in conversation to disparage Oriental Jews as 'blacks'.  Yet the
 official euphemism for them, Jewish 'people of African and Asian
 origin', excludes South African Jews, who are instead categorised
 along with Jewish 'people of European and American origin' (Halevi,
 p.207).  That anomaly reveals the racial, rather than geographical,
 basis for the Zionist categorisation of Jews.  Halevi further notes
 the irony that "Israel" denounces its Jewish critics as
 'self-hating' yet attempts to integrate the Arab Jews through a
 'system of ideological control and cultural domination wholly built
 on the self-denial of Arab Judaism, and on a colonial-style mass
 psychology' (p.220).

 The Ashkenazi perception of internal threat has been insightfully
 analyzed by Ella Shohat (1988).  She quotes Prime Minister David
 Ben-Gurion, whose 1964 book described the Oriental Jews as lacking
 'the most elementary knowledge', 'without a trace of Jewish or
 human education'.  Similarly, Abba Eban warned that "Israel" must
 infuse them 'with an Occidental spirit, rather than allow them to
 drag us into an unnatural Orientalism'.  Shohat describes the
 Zionist project of turning the Oriental Jews into true Ashkenazi
 "Israelis":  By distinguishing the 'evil East' (the Moslem Arab)
 from the 'good' East (the Jewish Arab), "Israel" has taken it upon
 itself to 'cleanse' the Orientals of their Arab-ness and redeem
 them from the 'primal sin' of belonging to the Orient. (pp.7-8).
 Despite official proclamations about Jews as 'one people', the
 Orientals' different culture "threatens the European ideal-ego
 which phantasises "Israel" as a prolongation of Europe 'in' the
 Middle East but not 'of it. (p.23).  The grand project of
 assimilation has succeeded in constructing a putatively eternal
 antagonism between Arab versus Jew, particularly erasing the memory
 of the original Palestinian Jews.  Likewise it has generated a
 syndrome of self-hating Oriental Jews, who can win acceptance only
 by disavowing their previous cultural identity.  For them, Shohat
 argues, "existence under Zionism has meant a profound and visceral
 schizophrenia, mingling stubborn self-pride with an imposed
 self-rejection, typical products of a situation of colonial
 ambivalence... In fact, Arab-hatred, when it occurs among Oriental
 Jews, is almost always a disguised form of self-hatred." (p.25).
 Thus their resentment against Palestinians expresses an
 internalised Western racism.

 When some Orientals formed the Black Panthers in 1970-71 and
 declared their solidarity with the PLO, the "Israeli" government
 attacked the movement as an expression of 'neurosis or
 'maladjustment'.  That is, precisely when Oriental Jews attempted
 to overcome the psychopathology induced by Zionist anti-Semitism,
 their attempt was labeled pathological and suppressed.  Eventually
 their resentment became decisive in "Israeli" politics.  Having
 been treated as second-class citizens by the Histadrut ("Israel's"
 second largest employer doubling as a 'labour movement'), Oriental
 Jews directed their hatred against 'socialism' and the Labour Party
 in particular, to the point of largely voting for Likud alignment
 in the 1977 election.  Although Oriental Jews apparently support
 harsher measures against the Palestinians, the repressive vanguard
 among the army and settlers has always had an Ashkenazi leadership.
 While colluding with the latter, the Labour Party (and others)
 conveniently blame the 'backward' Oriental Jews as a major obstacle
 to peace.  As Shohat argues, this blaming "has the advantage of
 placing the elite protesters in the narcissistic posture of
 perpetual seekers after peace", who must bear the hostility of the
 government, the right wing, the Oriental Jews and recalcitrant
 Palestinians.  In that way, even the most enlightened Ashkenazi
 Zionism can absolve itself by blaming less civilised Semitic
 peoples for perpetuating irrational conflicts.  At the same time,
 Zionism conceals the institutional racism which engendered that

 Palestinians as persecutors

 Zionism often portrays the Palestinians as agents of an
 international Arab conspiracy dedicated to destroying "Israel".
 This mentality can be understood by analogy to other colonial
 episodes in which the colonizers experienced the colonised as
 persecutors.  In the case of Zionism, Haim Bresheeth (1989)
 describes how the social identity of the 'New Jew' was created in
 the image of the European neo-colonialist model, except that
 Palestine's original inhabitants (if acknowledged to exist at all)
 were to be expelled rather than merely exploited.  Moreover,
 Zionist paranoia bears parallels to European anti-Semitism, in two
 senses.  Palestinians are almost racially defined as anti-Jewish,
 as persecuted German Jews were labeled 'anti-German'.  And their
 anticipated attacks on Jews help displace subconscious guilt about
 "Israeli" pogroms committed against Palestinians.  This
 displacement or projection of persecution can be seen in the
 portrayal of Arabs in Hebrew-language children's literature, as
 analysed by Fouzi al-Asmar (1986).  In these stories "Israelis"
 face a mortal threat from Arabs who vent a racial hatred for the
 Jews, as a result of being incited by agitators sent by Arab
 governments.  Of course such fictional Arab characters make no
 distinction between Jews and "Israelis".  Somehow the State of
 "Israel" always escapes imminent annihilation because the
 irrational Arabs lack effective organisation, and because "Israeli"
 supermen-soldiers (or even children) heroically protect the country
 from the threat.  Despite such reassurance, the threat should be
 considered paranoid by virtue of projecting aggression and
 potential guilt upon the Arabs, as well as containing anxieties
 about the "Israelis"' national identity.

 El-Asmar observes a change in demonological terminology according
 to the period being described.  In these stories, pre-1948 Arabs
 are portrayed as mainly nomadic Bedoums with no particular
 attachment to Palestine; other Arabs, likewise primitive, diseased
 and dirty, are often thieves and murderers.  The Arab-"Israeli"
 conflict arises only because Arabs refused to live in peace with
 Jews; given their refusal and subsequent (unexplained) 'flight',
 they lack grounds for claiming Palestine as a homeland.  After the
 1948 war and the establishment of the state of "Israel", Arabs are
 portrayed as fedayin 'infiltrators' -- in a period when many of the
 million expelled Palestinians attempted to harvest their crops or
 reclaim other abandoned property.  After the 1967 war, Arabs are
 portrayed as 'saboteurs' -- in a period when "Israel" sabotaged
 Palestinian agriculture in the Occupied Territories through an
 array of legal restrictions.  After the 1973 war, Palestinian
 characters became 'terrorists' operating world-wide.  In all cases,
 this children's literature portrays Arab attacks as seeking only to
 raid, steal and kill.  Apparently they are motivated by jealousy
 against Jews who have brought 'human standards' and modern
 prosperity to the Land of Israel.  A 'good Arab' character is
 portrayed as lamenting that "these Jews came to a desert and they
 made out of it a paradise, and here we come and convert that
 paradise into a desert" (p.70).  This portrayal lends legitimation
 to any "Israeli" measures taken against Palestinians.  Thus
 systematic Zionist expropriation and killing is concealed or
 justified by attributing the real barbarity to its victims.

 While the "Israeli" characters ultimately triumph in these
 children's stories, the omnipotence fantasy becomes somewhat dented
 by the 1973 war.  In one story a child is taking cover from a MIG
 bombing.  He hears a terrible noise "as if I were a loyal grain
 ground between huge millstones, as if the land is trembling under
 me and I will soon fall into a deep and black pit" (p.119).  In
 that fantasy of being reduced to nothingness, the child expresses a
 widespread 'victim complex', whereby "Israelis" imagine themselves
 as facing a perpetual threat of annihilation, from which they are
 saved by superior moral character and/or military defence.  The
 fantasy serves at least two crucial functions.  It displaces
 subconscious guilt about the persecution of Palestinians; and it
 externalizes the internal threat to Jewish identity by the Zionist
 project itself.  The displacement involves a psychic continuum, in
 which anxiety over social identity is experienced as a threat to
 one's physical existence -- "falling into a deep and black pit".
 The unavoidable anxiety arises in turn from "Israel's" failed
 attempt to replace a religious Jewish identity with a secular
 Jewish culture (as analysed by Akiva Orr in The unJewish State).

 Having constructed the 'New Jew' as the born-again goy,
 Hebrew-speaking gentile, Zionism has further constructed the
 Palestinian Arab on the stereotypical model of the European Jew.
 Even a humanist, left-Zionist writer like Amos Oz (1983, pp.157,
 164) found himself likening the office of Al-Fajr [a Palestinian
 East-Jerusalem newspaper - E.D.] to that of an Eastern European
 Yiddish newspaper.  And in all seriousness he saw the paper as a
 sinister front for an anti-Zionist, Islamic, Soviet Communist
 conspiracy.  Thus Arabs are despised not simply as the enemy
 'other', but as a reminder of a hated and abandoned Jewish
 identity, 'the suffering Jew'.  Moreover, European anti-Semitic
 conspiracy theories find their counterpart in "Israeli" fears of
 Palestinians:  the persecuted are experienced as the persecutors.
 Projecting Zionist anti-Semitism a Jewish "Israeli" academic,
 educationalist Dr. Adit Cohen (Ha'aretz, 30.6.76) once warned about
 this racist portrayal of Arabs as "it was in this way that the
 image of the Jew was presented in anti-Semitic Christian
 literature" (quoted in El-Asmar, p.125).

 Certainly an historical parallel can been drawn between Zionist
 paranoia and its anti-Semitic antecedents.  As capitalist market
 relations destroy autonomous cultural identities, "people begin not
 to know who they are" (Kovel, p.238).  As a psychic defence against
 this threat, modern racism must go further than to project onto the
 victim; to protect the self from annihilation, this racism tends
 towards physically removing or destroying the victim.  Given that
 the Holocaust and then "Israel" served to destroy 'Diaspora' Jewish
 identities, in favor of the New Jew, the Palestinians came to
 represent a psychic threat to the very existence of Jews.  "We were
 better off in the ghetto, where we knew who we were" laments a
 semi-fictional character of novelist Simon Louvish (1985, p.144).
 That wistful nostalgia, apparently innocuous, provides a way into
 understanding the persistent demonising of Palestinians as an
 external threat to Jewish existence, whose Jewish cultural basis
 has been suppressed by Zionist nationalism itself.

 In conclusion, then, Zionism attempted to substitute a European
 nationalism for the traditional religious basis of Jewish identity,
 as well as for the diverse 'Diaspora' cultures.  While claiming to
 protect Jews from anti-Semitism, Zionism actually undermined the
 basis for any coherent Jewish identity, while attributing the
 threat entirely to external enemies of the Jews.  Thus, through a
 self-perpetuating illogic, Zionism presents itself as the only
 saviour from a malaise which it brought about and sustains.


 + Bresheeth, H. (1989). Self and other in Zionism. Palestine and
 "Israel" in recent Hebrew literature, in Khamsin, 14/15. Palestine:
 Profile of an Occupation, London, Zed Books, pp.120-52

 + El-Asmar, F. (1986). Through the Hebrew Looking-Glass: Arab
 Stereotypes in Children's Literature, London, Zed Books

 + Halevi, I. (1987): A History of the Jews, London, Zed Books

 + Hertzberg, A. (1966). The Zionist Idea: A Historical Analysis and
 Reader. New York, Atheneum; includes a reprint of Leo Pinsker,

 + Kovel, J. (1983). Marx on the Jewish Question. Dialectical
 Anthropology 8: 31-46; reprinted in Joel Kovel, The Radical Spirit:
 Essays on Psychoanalysis and Society, London, Free Association
 Books, 1988, pp.226-50

 + Louvish, S. (1985) The Therapy of Avram Blok. London, Heinemann.

 + Orr, A. (1983). The unJewish State:

 The Politics of Jewish Identity in "Israel". London, Ithaca Press

 + Oz, A. (1983). The Dawn. In the Land of "Israel". London, Fontana

 + Shohat, E. (1988). Sephardim in "Israel": Zionism from the
 standpoint of its Jewish victims. Social Text 19/20:1-36; available
 from P.O. Box 1474, Old Chelsea Station, New York, NY 10011.

 + Weizmann, C. (1937) Dr. Weizmann's Political Adress -20th Zionist
 Congress, New Judea, August, p.215.


         The Fraud of Zionism -- by Wilbur Sensor


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