Let's not forget
1.) Waco where the government murder 80 some people (20 some were
2.) Vince Foster
3.) The oaklahoma city bombing
4.) The clinton body count
5.) The various "lone nuts" who have been shooting up schools and churches
and have used as a pretex for the government to take our rights away from
6.) Let's get armed with unregistered weapons!

visit my web site at  http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2000 22:34:42 -0700
From: Howard Rothenburg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:  Undisclosed, recipients:, ;
Subject: SNET: Federal Agents Storm Private Residence Before Dawn

->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

America's Aggressive Civil Rights Organization

Date: April 22, 2000

Federal Agents Storm Private Residence Before Dawn

Federal agents stormed a private residence at 5 a.m. on
Saturday, April 22, 2000. Their mission was to capture a
six-year-old boy, Elian Gonzalez, from his sleeping quarters.
The agents were carrying out orders to take young Elian out
of the house by force and reunite him with his father, Juan
Gonzalez, in Washington, D.C. Mr. Gonzalez' expressed
intention is to return with the boy to Cuba.

The federal agents numbered approximately 20. They smashed
down the front fence gate and then smashed down the front
door of the home with a battering ram. Carrying automatic
rifles, the agents reportedly demanded the boy be turned
over to them, or else they would "shoot" the adults in the

In a few minutes time, the federal agents obtained the
screaming child at gunpoint and whisked him into a waiting
van. Outside, federal agents, guns drawn, held protesters
face down on the ground. As the vans drove away, the federal
agents launched pepper spray into the crowd.

No documents we have found suggest that the federal agents
had a warrant to arrest and seize the boy. They operated at
the direction of the Immigration and Naturalization Service,
a division of the Department of Justice.

We have located no court order to seize the boy. The agents
operated under the authority of Attorney General Janet Reno.

We have found no provision in the U.S. Constitution that
authorizes the federal government to make and enforce custody
decisions. We have found no provision in the U.S. Constitution
that authorizes warrantless home invasions to capture innocent

Whether the "right" thing is to return Elian to his father
and ultimately to communist Cuba or not, this show of federal
force in a custody dispute should worry every American.

Just imagine how much violent force the Attorney General
will authorize to seize "illegal firearms" held by otherwise
nonviolent citizens who refuse to voluntarily hand over their

Many Americans don't see this issue. That is a serious problem.

We have a potentially large block of supporters among Spanish-
speaking people all across America -- particularly among those
who know what communist Cuba is like. You can take a bold step
for liberty immediately. Here's how:

Copy the Spanish-language version of the Bill of Rights (and
the article with it) and send it to every Spanish-language
media outlet in the country. Even if you send a copy to just
a handful of newspapers or radio stations, via fax or e-mail,
you will be helping to get the word out.

Click on http://www.jpfo.org/bor-span.htm and spread the word!

For Americans who don't know their Bill of Rights, now is the
time to send them a copy of Gran'pa Jack's Common Sense. When
people know the history and the language of their rights, perhaps
they'll see the INS home invasion a little differently.

Click on http://www.jpfo.org/gpjack3.htm

The Liberty Crew

This Alert archived at http://www.jpfo.org/alert20000422.htm
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership
PO Box 270143
Hartford, Wisconsin 53027

      Phone: 1-262-673-9745
Orders only: 1-800-869-1884 (toll-free!)
        Fax: 1-262-673-9746
        Web: http://www.jpfo.org/

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