-Caveat Lector-

How to make your own UN conspiracy theory.

1) Take some well established facts.
A. The UN Charter was signed in San Francisco.
B. San Francisco has a lot of homosexuals.
C. The UN General ASSembly (Note: ASS) first met in Queens, NY.
D. Queen is slang for "homosexual"
E. New York City has a lot of homosexuals.

2) Take the aforementioned facts, and come to a bizzare conclusion.
A. The UN Charter is a homosexual plot.

3) Scatter to all your paranoid buddies who will agree since it fits nicely
into their preconceived conspiracy notions.

Now, try this one on for size. And remember, use the method!

1) Take some well established facts.
A. San Francisco where the UN Charter was signed: "The City by the Bay".
B. The UN Headquarters in New York City is in an area called "Turle Bay".
C. Pat Buchanan's sister is named "Bay"

2) Take the aformentioned facts, and come to a bizzare conclusion.
A. The UN is slowly trying to infiltrate every bay on earth.
B. Bay Buchanan is a UN operative. Her name is code for this "UN-Bay"

3) Scatter to all your paranoid buddies who will agree since it fits nicely
into their preconceived conspiracy notions.

Fun for the whole "patriot" cell!
Loads of fun at "common law courts"!
It's the game EVERYONE can play!

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