Not SF Nessie

Interesting info, if you can keep up with it all...


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> To: "(Mailing List 1)" < ([EMAIL PROTECTED])>
> Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2000 21:50:31 -0600
> Below is a most informative history of the US involvement with UFO's.
> Our contact also reveals startling testimony about Dulce.  This is one
> of
> the most revealing accounts of Dulce and other pertinent info, I have
> ever
> seen.  I realize it may just be to hard to accept the reality of the
> Dulce
> base.  But keep in mind, there have been many confirmations, and from
> top Ufologists, and one particular Ufologist who has told me personally,
> that he interviewed a Dulce officer that left Dulce, and began to talk.
> This officers wife and child or children were allegedly murdered.  The
> officer was on the run for several years in south America, until just
> recently I learned that the officer was found and also allegedly
> murdered
> to shut him up.
>        Surely, with so information, and confirming reports and from
> credible
> sources, this bizar nightmare Hell that is called Dulce, must exist.
> Its not
> that it should exist, God forbid, but that it does exist.
>        Obviously, most Americans will not ever believe that such
> information about Dulce, (or much less that there is a Dulce base)
> exists,
> or ever has.  And most will tell you it is one of the most grand
> fabricated
> hoax's or lies ever created.  Is it?
>         Here are the basic facts we do know for sure, and without a
> doubt.
> 1.  The Dulce base does exist.  (There is actual military base in New
> Mexico called "Dulce".)
> 2.  There have been many individuals, and teams, both private, and
> organized research parties that have gone into the Dulce base area, and
> have claimed to have seen UFO's.  The research teams claimed to have
> seen a giant hanger like door open in the side of the mountain, and
> either
> UFO type crafts flying in, or out.
> However, today, if the photo of the "blood lab" that was sent to UFOSSI
> is authentic, then we now have another credible piece of information.
> I would also like to add this.  This information even further proves out
> that
> Colonel Steve Wilson did tell more of the truth then some gave him
> credit
> for.    The colonel knew about Dulce.  In fact, the colonel sent me a
> map
> of underground military bases that were involved with UFO's and aliens.
> The map he sent me, was from 7 years ago.  The maps we just received
> today, are newer.  Here is yet another confirmation on information, and
> another confirmation that Colonel Steve Wilson did know what he was
> talking about.
>  Please read on, of the incredible report below.
> Billy Dee
> ------- Forwarded message follows -------
> Date sent:            Sun, 27 Feb 2000 08:21:24 -0800
> From:                 (Deleted For Privacy)
> Send reply to:        (Deleted For Privacy)
> To:                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject:              "The COVERT take over of Planet Earth."
> >         You mentioned, you have more information.  I would really
> >         like to
> > see it.
> The following is an Article, not yet on the Internet, you can POST if
> you wish.
> *********************************************************************
> "The COVERT take over of Planet Earth."    [Compiled by "TEC", "TAL"
> and "Ann West"]
>       Over 10 years ago, I ("TAL") was passed information from a
>       former
> Dulce, Underground Base, Security Officer.
>     He was hiding from his Supervisors whom were
> out to have him killed, for going AWOL and taking various weapons,
> documents, a video tape and photographs.
>    I was shown some of this material.
>  I called him "TEC"....his name was Thomas E. Castello.
>      Based on his information I wrote an article on the Dulce Base,
>      about
> 10 years ago ( ).
> Since I was given such a hard time about the release of that material,
> I declined to write about the other information he had given me.
> And for years, I've kept it under "lock and key".  Much of the
> material I didn't, at the time, think was true or even possible.
> Now....I think differently.
>    The follow are "excerpts" from that material.
> (With comments from our mutual friend "Ann West".)
> *************************************************
>    Between 1874 and 1887 several "Disc-shaped Craft" were observed in
>    the
> sky above the United  States.
>     Some people thought they were from advanced "previous"
> Earth surface civilizations, (like Atlantis, Lemuria, etc.), that had
> gone Underground and were observing the progress of the "surface
> barbarians".
>    In 1887, President Grover Cleveland conceived of a "secret
>    committee"
> to investigate the mysterious objects.
>    He secretly financed the five member group. He was
> the only United States President to serve two non-consecutive terms.
>   He was the 22nd and 24th President of the
> United States :  1885-1889 and 1893-1897
>     John G.Carlisle, Speaker of the House, headed the first
>     investigation
> of the "Aerial Craft".   [House 1877-1890;
> Speaker of the House 1883-1889; Senate 1890-1893.]
> Scores of eye witnesses were questioned (by a team called "The Suits",
> they wore black.). However, no DATA was given to the members of the
> government.  But, members of the "Press" were contacted and asked
> to report the "sightings" to the public. Mr. Carlisle advised the
> President NOT to release the information until all the facts were
> understood.
>    And the more they gathered information, the more they
> realized this was too big a job for the small "committee".
>      In 1889, Benjamin Harrison became President(23rd), and  Mr.
>      Carlisle
> retired as Speaker of the House,
>  and devoted more time to the "Strange Craft" studies.    The
> secret committee became a full  fledged "underground" Division of the
> Government (Housed in the tunnels below Washington, D.C. aka The
> Land
> of "NOD").  This committee now had over thirty members and was called
>     Meanwhile, ENGLAND began seeing strange aerial Craft, and by 1896,
>     the
> England skies
> were invaded by "Glowing Orbs" that criss-crossed the sky, by day and
> night.   Queen Victoria appointed a group to inquire into the meaning
> of these eerie phenomenon. Discrete studies in England lead to contact
> with the "Central Group", in the USA.    Joining forces in the efforts
> to study the "Airships",  they became the "UNITED NATIONS INTELLIGENCE
>  & TACTICS - Agency for Aerial Phenomenon.   Quickly called CENTRAL
> UNIT-AAP   aka "UNITAAP" or "UNI-TAAP" (UN-TAP and sometimes called
> UN-AP, or just "UNIT" )
>      The United States Division was divided into four(4) "Sections"*.
> And to save space here, I'll go on to other material, than to detail
> this.
>   * It was Symbolized by a "Red Cross, within a circle".
>       In 1933, Central UNITAAP officially shortened the Code Name of
>       the
> organization to the Central "UNIT".
>   Later, this name was first leaked in England and a cover
> story, involving various Science-Fiction stories,
>  were devised to cover the real activities of "UNIT".
>   [ Many years later, in the USA, "UNIT" takes control of the Central
>   core
> of the "National Security Council" (NSC) and related
> gathering/reporting Intel Organizations. NSA, CIA, ONI, "Division
> 5"(FBI), etc.] * Documents are issued as NSC/MJ-12.    "Study Groups"
> have been hired, over the years, to get "deeper" into the matter ( "J"
> =  JASON Group ; "R" =  Project RAND ; "P"= PAGE ; "Z" = Zia, etc.).
>      This information is also known as "M.A.J.I.C." [ Majestic Agency
>      for
> Joint Intelligence Command ].     Security code = "MAJI" ULTRA (Above
> Top-Secret) "Critical" & "UMBRA".
>       In 1951-1952, "MAJESTIC"(meeting in Paris, France) expanded to
>       take
> in other countries.
> The cover was "M.J." (Magnetic Journey) Studies.  Joint
> Magnetic-Journey Craft experiments. *  They met with "KEY" Powers,
> within various Countries.   The twelve(12) countries :  The USA ;
> England ; France ; Germany ; Canada ;
>  Denmark ; Russia ; Sweden ; Norway ; Poland ;
> Greenland ; and Columbia (with links to other countries in South and
> Central America). [ "SCI" = Sensitive Compartmented Information ]
>   * Royal Blood = primarily, what is known today
> as, the Rh-Negative Blood Factor.   Reptilian / Human "Hybrids"(some
> born with a "Cauda").   The Solar "Winged Dragon".....Sign of the RED
> CROSS, within a Circle.  The Caste of MARS/the EAGLE.
> Edited chronological listing :
> 1798 = The United States Navy formed.  The first USA "World Wide"
> INTEL Organization. 1887    =   The CENTRAL GROUP formed. 1896-97 =
> Joint efforts come together as the CENTRAL UNITAAP. 1929 = Two-way
> communication, Radio contact with "the ALIENS". 1931 = The IVORY TOWER
> Project (Electro-Magnetics. Beyond the I.T. = Magnetic Rotation) 1933
> =  Roosevelt meets Reptilian "ALIENS" in the San Blas Mountains, in
> Panama. Negotiations begin for the "TREATY".
>  * The "ZON"ian Web Site :
> 1934 = The Reptilian "ALIENS"(really Inner-Earth based "fronts" for
> the off world DRACO) appear in force.   Roosevelt forms a "Special
> Group", a division of Central UNIT, to assist the secret infiltration
> of "Aliens" into the Western USA  "Joint Underground Bases".  Most are
> hidden on Indian Reservations.
>    The Primary bases were in Nevada, AriZONa, New Mexico
> and Utah.  This was  Code named : Project "NANMU".
>  * Side Note : From this point on, the Reptilian Beings[The
> "GREYS, "REPTOIDS", "Winged-DRACO", and various Hybrids
> (some of which "appear" to look very human)] would
> "Manifest", in force, every 13 years.   1934 - 1947 - 1960 - 1973 -
> 1986 - 1999 - 2012.    [ SUN - SOL - RA - ON - "ZON"] 1938 = Germany
> tests "Magnetic Failure" device.   * Micro-waves. 1941 = Construction
> began on "The Pentagon", headquarters of the Department of Defense.
> 1942 = The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers established the Manhattan
> Engineer District to manage the "Manhattan Project"
>  and the race to develop the atomic bomb during World War II.
> 1944 = Project **** (magnetics)
> 1946 = The Atomic Energy Act of 1946, creates the "Atomic Energy
> Commission" (AEC).
> 1946 = "ANL" : Argonne National Laboratory established. It is one of
> the U.S. Department of Energy's largest research centers. It is also
> the nation's first national laboratory, chartered in 1946.
>             ("Technology Transfers")
> 1947 = Central UNIT has their own Disc "Fighter" Craft.   All kinds of
> in fighting breaks out about the "ALIEN" situation.
>   The USA Military wants more TECH than the
> "Aliens" want to share. "Aliens" appear in force.   High-Energy
> RADAR-type Weapons are used to try to disable "Aerial" Craft.
>   Some are secret "German" Disc Craft....others are Reptilian Craft.
>           The CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY is formed (reporting to the
> NSC).   With all the confusion, the CIA spreads more Dis-Information
> to the public. NOTE : MAJESTIC 12 MJ-12 is a ULTRA TOP SECRET Research
> and Development, Intelligence Operation established by President
> Truman on September 24, 1947. MJ-12 was a "Committee" set up inside
> the NSC. In 1954, President Eisenhower signed the Secret Executive
> Order, "Order Number 54-12". (NSC=National Security Counsel) The NSC
> called this group the "54-12" committee which gave the President
> responsibility of approving all "Black" covert projects. This
> committee has undergone several changes over the years, and since
> then, has been called the "Special Committee"; the "303
> Committee"(because they met in Room #303) and currently the "40
> Committee". It is described as the "Directorate" of the NSC. The "40
> Committee" (PI-40) has access to advanced technology and teams to
> cover-up, "the cover-ups". In the past, this committee was headed by
> Dr. Henry Kissenger (Code name: "The Overseer")
> *************************** [Project SIGN] 1950 = Project BLUE BIRD
> ("BLUE" means "alien" related)
>    * CIA/NSA..... "Scientific INTELLIGENCE  UNIT" excels. ( "UNIT" has
> "CELLS")   Later this group loses power, because they have TOO
> intellectual an approach.  They  didn't like working on Human
> subjects.
>   However later, the Agency's Office of
> Technical Services Staff (TSS) had no such qualms.  [The "Gadget"
> makers.] 1952 = "Majestic-12" meetings. [approved by the "Directorate"
> of the NSC] * late 1952 = Project BLUEBIRD was renamed "Operation
> Artichoke". 1953 = Project ***** ( "Fighter" Saucers) 1954 = Project
> VIKING begins at the Dulce("D") Facility. (Sensors & high resolution
> images) 1958 =  "AQUARIUS dawns" and....The Defense Advanced Research
> Projects Agency (DARPA) was established.
>  DARPA is the CENTRAL research and development
> organization for the Department of Defense (DoD).
>  But, the organization was as unique as its role, reporting
> directly to the Secretary of Defense and operating in coordination
> with but completely independent of the military research and
> development (R&D) establishment. 1960 = Project "OZMA"
> 1963 =  THE COUP [ The
> Killing of the "SUN KING" (33)] * Rise of the 4th Reich. 1967 = Phase
> 3 : Project ****** ( Reptilian / Human Hybrid experiments) 1969 =
> Beyond MK-ULTRA (Mind Control) and MK-NAOMI (Gen-Tech & Bio
> weapons)..."TSS" is replaced(as the Center for the
> "UN-orthodox")..."ORD" takes over.  [ Office of Research and
> Development.] * Operation OFTEN (Code : Black Earth)...The "World" of
> Black Magic & the Supernatural. * The "CELL", called "Division D"(aka
> Nixon's Security force), plants "BUGS" everywhere. 1970 = "Hybrid
> Warrior" complete, ready for "field-test. 1971 = OP-OFTEN uses
> professional Astrologers to predict the FUTURE. 1972 = Increased
> tension at the "D" Bases.  Human researchers "officially" report they
> believe(have realized) the so-called "ALIENS" can NOT be trusted. 1973
> = Dr.Gottlieb shredded the records of M-K-Ultra / M-K-Search. 1974 =
> President Ford appoints Nelson A. Rockefeller("NAR") to investigate
> allegations of "illegal activities".  Its eight members included the
> governor of California, Ronald Reagan. ( He had been compromised
> years
>  before by a Homosexual Film of him and S** M****)
> 1975 = Ronald Reagon and Dr. Louis Jolyon West coordinate efforts,
> with the Dulce Base. 1976 = Many "Visitors" to Level #1, at DULCE.
> Several unsuspecting people get "IMPLANTS". 1977 = "The SUN King"
> consolidates....."DOE" : The Department of Energy assumed the
> responsibilities of the Federal Energy Administration, the Energy
> Research and Development Administration, the Federal Power
> Commission,
> and parts and programs of several other agencies.
> 1977 = The "Hybrid-Warriors"
> become "self-realized".   Three escape the Main "D" Lab. 1978 = "TEC",
> a few Lab workers and Security people, at Dulce, begin sabotaging the
> Labs. 1979 = Serious conflict at Dulce Base.  * About 68 humans
> killed.  "TEC" and 18 others escape. 1980 = Seven AWOL Dulce workers
> recaptured.   Their Family members are kidnapped.
>      * A total of 12 workers(from the labs and Security) are still at
>      large.
> News of the Underground "Alien"(Reptilian)/Human Bases, in several
> western states, starts to spread.
>   NSC/"UNIT" works on a "cover story" has some truth, but
> enough dis-information so as to be criticized and ridiculed.
>   ( Faked Documents, faked "sightings", etc.)
> 1986 = Abductions, "Implants", Animal Mutilations......Albino "DRACO
> Prime" arrive from the "DRACONIAN" Planetoid
>  (which entered our Solar System), to check on how the
> "take  over" of "SOL-3"( TER-RA = Earth) is coming.
> 1987 = "Frozen" Hu-man children are given to "DRACO Prime", as Tribute
> (from the "GREYS"). 1988 = Living "Abductees" are tortured and drained
> of blood and Brain "juices".   The Draco don't drink "Fruit" or
> "Vegetable" Juices....they like "Special Fluids". * Side Note : The
> DRACO are really "Drug LORDS" from Space.  They want "amped" and
> "cushed"   BLOOD.     As in ancient times, they promote the use of
> substances that create "ACID pH Blood" in humans(as opposed to
> Alkaline pH).
>     Draco's drug of chose is human ENDORPHINS.
>  These are 1000 times more potent than any plant
> OPIATES.   They are hooked on "ecstasy"and "Ritual Behavior"(The
> driving forces of the REPTILIAN Brain).   This is FALSE
> "Spiritualism"....NOT the true "experience" of the SPIRIT/SOUL.
> NOTE :  We can remain in health by consuming a diet that is 70-80%
> Alkaline and 20-30% acid. The more alkaline the better. * The "normal"
> American diet is the reverse of the above.
> Eating "ACID-FORMING" Foods(or DRUGS) is like putting a
> BUFFER(filter)
> in your Brain,  that WILL restrict YOUR "Connection" to the God head
>    Do NOT take Cocaine, Amphetamines, Coffee, Nicotine, Alcohol,
> or lots of Sugar.   These make your Blood pH....Acidic.
> What ARE  "ACID-FORMING" Foods ?
> Acid forming foods include:
> * asparagus, barley, beans (dried), beechnuts, BEEF, BREAD,
> buckwheat,
> BUTTER, cashew nuts, Cereals, CHEESE, chestnuts, Chicken,
>  CHOCOLATE, cider vinegar, clams, cod liver oil, Cottage Cheese,
> Cornmeal, cottonseed meal, cow peas,
> crab, cream, EGGS, farina, FISH, FLOUR, frog legs, Halibut,
> HAM, hazelnuts, hickory nuts, hominy, HONEY, horseradish, Jello,
> kohlrabi, lamb, lentils, lobster, mackerel, Macaroni, maple syrup,
> Margarine, MEATS, mussels, Mushrooms, OATS, pasta peanuts, Peas,
> pecans, pistachios, pomegranate, PORK, prunes, quinces, Rice,
> rutabagas,
>  Rye, sauerkraut, SALMON, scallops, smelt, smoked
> herring, sole, spaghetti, SUGAR, syrups, tapioca, turkey, walnuts,
> WHEAT, wheat germ & WINE.
> Hmmmmmm  Looks like, what MOST of  Everybody is eating. I wonder if
> WE
> have been "Tricked" into this kind of Diet.   Are "Corporate"
> heads(CEOs) really Reptilian "Hosts". ***************************
>  What is a list of foods that increase alkalinity in the blood?
> Alkaline forming foods include:
> * agar, ALFALFA(sprouts), almonds, APPLES(apple cider), apricots,
> artichokes,BANANAS, beets, beet tops, blackberries, blueberries,
>  BROCCOLI(did you eat yours?), Brussel sprouts,
> burdock, cabbage,cantaloupe, carob, CARROTS, cauliflower, CELERY,
> celeriac, chard, cherries, chives,  COCONUT, CRANBERRIES,
>  cucumbers, currants (fresh), dandelion greens, DATES, dill, dock,
> endive, figs (dried), flaxseed, GARLIC, GRAPES, Grapefruit,
>  greenbeans (fresh), guava, huckleberries, Irish moss, KELP,
> kohlrabi, leeks, LEMONS, lettuce, LIMA BEANS (fresh), limes,
> loganberries, loquats, mango, MELONS, millet, mint, molasses,
> mulberries, muskmelons, mustard greens, nectarines, okra, Olives,
> olive oil,
>  ONIONS, ORANGES, papaya, parsley, parsnips, passion fruit,
> Peaches, Pears, persimmons, PINEAPPLE, plums, Pumpkin, radishes,
> RAISINS, Raspberries, rhubarb, Romaine lettuce, rutabagas, sea grass,
> sorrel, Soybeans, Spinach, squash, Strawberries, Swiss chard,
> tangerine, turnips, Vegetable oils, water chestnuts, watercress,
> watermelon. [* Take "Microhydrin"(Silica Hydride) to make your Blood
> pH ...Alkaline.]
> ************************************************************ The DRACO
> like Rituals and certain Astrological dates.
>   * For "Reptilian" Info see  :
> ***************************************************
> * Genetic Engineering and Its Dangers :
> ****************************************************
> * Doctor WHO and  "UNIT" = United Nations Intelligence Taskforce :
> * Invasion of
> the Dinosaurs : "Dr. Who" helps "UNIT". * The Silurians : Invasion by
> Silurians, intelligent reptiles from the Earth's past. * "The Scales
> of Injustice" : ...Silurians. Another group of the prehistoric
> intelligent reptiles emerges from hibernation. These "EARTH REPTILES"
> as they call themselves ("SILURIANS" being a rather apocryphal term)
> are actually hybrids of the type UNIT had seen before, but
> not-yet-encountered.   Not only are these hybrids not exactly loved by
> their SCALY fellows, they also have a shortened life span. Hence the
> need to integrate some new GENETIC material into their physiognomy.
> Hence the need to capture human subjects. Meanwhile, various factions
> within the Silurian bases are arguing whether to work with the "Apes"
> who have infested their world or destroy them.   Excerpted from :
> **************************************************************** The
> Year of the DRAGON = 2000 and 2012 ! * "Year of the Dragon" : Year
> 2000 * 2000 - The Year of
> the Dragon : * Dragons in
> Myth and Literature : *  The
> Dragon in the Bible : The Old Testament  Job 30:29
>      " I am a brother to dragons......"
> * In the Babylonian myth : the dragon of primordial chaos.
> * To the Greeks, Draco guarded the Golden Apples of the "Sun" in the
> magical garden of Hesperides.   JASON & the ARGONAUTS. * NOTE :
> "Year
> of the Serpent" = 2001
>  They are fond of grandeur and pageantry.
> **********************************************************************
> **** * Coronal Mass Ejections :
>  The Coming of the Superflares.....2000 - 2001. Part of the "Strategy
>  of
> the Reptilians"?
> * Serpens : The Serpent.
> The astrological
> influence of the constellation:  According to Ptolemy, Serpens is said
> to give wisdom, craft, deceit, malice, and danger of poison. *
> Ophiuchus for the myth. :
> Ophiuchus or
> Serpentarius. The Serpent Bearer. The Healer.
> **********************************************************************
> ------- End of forwarded message -------
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