-Caveat Lector-

~~for educational purposes only~~
[Title 17 U.S.C. section 107]

Saddam Hussein is Right
by Bill Barnwell

Do you have to be a bloodthirsty bully to be a conservative?
That's one of the prerequisites, if the rhetoric of many
Republicans are taken seriously. My conservative credentials
hold up pretty well. If I had things my way, the IRS would
be dismantled. The income tax would be abolished. Affirmative
action would come to its miserable conclusion. The powers
of the federal and even state governments would be dramatically
reduced, Roe v. Wade would be overturned, and the nation would
be magically rescued from the perverse warriors of political
correctness and humanistic new age morality. Indeed, over the
past couple of years, I have written quite bluntly on
virtually all these subjects without apology.

But there is one position I hold which cannot be tolerated
by the conservative establishment. It is such a great heresy
that it is considered blasphemy by the self-appointed
ecclesiastical lords and guardians of "real conservatism."
That position is the rejection of the long held right wing
doctrine of internationalism and militaristic imperialism.

Think that is dramatic and overblown rhetoric? Think again.
This country believes it has the right to rape the sovereignty
of any nation that fails to succumb to its dictatorial demands.
This is a country that has its military in countless foreign
lands where it was never invited and never belonged. This is
a country that tells foreign powers where and when it can fly
its own planes over its own territory, then screams bloody
murder when these same people try to protect themselves
against US aggression.

Just witness the ongoing 11-year rape of Iraq. Since the
"end" of the Gulf War, armed forces, led by the United States,
have engaged in a ruthless, merciless perpetual war against
the Iraqi people. Countless children and elderly citizens
have been starved by sanctions. Many civilians have needlessly
died in US "retaliation strikes" (retaliation for Iraq trying
to free itself from US aggression). Why, just two days ago,
the US again bombed Iraq for daring to assert its sovereignly
over its own air space. These kinds of events are hardly ever
"news" anymore. These stories are buried in the back of our
newspaper and rarely receive any attention in the national
news because such imperialism is now the norm.

Saddam Hussein, an aging and unhealthy dictator who allegedly
poses a huge threat to American interests put it this way:
"Do you know what excuse was invented this time by the masters
of the (White) House? That Iraq is threatening the planes of
the US enemy which fly through our skies, our sovereignty
and our territory." That is exactly the excuse coming from
the Pentagon, the President and from imperialists in both
parties. And guess what. Saddam is absolutely, 100% correct.
And the United States, as it frequently is on matters of
international relations, is totally in the wrong.

Which one of you, my fellow right-wing (alleged) lovers of
liberty, would like for a foreign power to dictate to us the
terms of where we could fly our planes over our own territory?
Who are the bold and consistent cheerleaders of US foreign
policy that believe that China has the full rights and
privileges to send spy planes over US land to monitor
our military activities? Conservatives, please raise your
hands if you believe that we'd have no right to shoot down
such a plane that violated our sovereignty, or that we must
follow orders from a foreign state that declared part of
our airspace a "U.S. no-fly zone?" Would you agree to such
terms? Of course you wouldn't. You would rightly want to
fight back against such oppression. So in the name of all
that is rational, why is it such a hard concept for some
of you armchair generals to understand that other countries
also don't want to be subjected to such tyranny?

The response is all too predictable: "You're comparing apples
and oranges you idiot! Iraq is a threat to our national and
world security!" This ho-hum argument is getting as tiresome
as it is moronic. Does Iraq, or any other country for that
matter, possess as huge of a nuclear arsenal as the United
States? Is Iraq sending their armed forces all over the
globe to topple dictators, settle foreign disputes, and play
the god of internationalism? Is it any wonder that Iraq wants
to rebuild its military strength when it is being constantly
humiliated, provoked and attacked by the world's greatest
military superpower? Have any of you ever stopped to wonder
why so many countries hate us and plot terrorist attacks
against us? Could it be because of our much cherished
doctrine of internationalism which arrogantly tries to
control the affairs of the world?

You conservatives who buy the official propaganda of the
US government could learn from the golden rule of Christ.
"So in everything, do to others what you would have them
do to you (Matthew 7:12, NIV)." Nobody in their right mind
would want this country to go through the kind of bullying
and abuse we have inflicted upon the Iraqi people. It is
rank hypocrisy on the part of people like yourselves to
give sanction and approval to the deaths of countless of
innocent people in Iraq and many other countries.  Saddam
Hussein, while he is wrong on most everything, is absolutely
correct in his assessment of US foreign policy. While
Republicans and Democrats are having a shouting and pillow
fight match over who the bigger internationalist is, people
are dying and injustice is raging because of our arrogant
and immoral policies. The saddest proponents of this madness
are the people that call themselves pro-life and conservative,
who worship state spending on the US death machine and clap
their hands in giddy approval every time a bomb is dropped.

You people are not conservatives. You pound your fists to send
late teens and twenty-somethings into battle to possibly have
their young lives ended to promote imperialism. The State can
never spend enough tax dollars on its killing machine which
has long ceased to be a function for "defense." You demand
that other countries sit back while we occupy their territory,
rape their land and violate their sovereignty, then scream
for justice when one of these countries allegedly spies on
us. Whether or not you'd like to admit it, you are the
aggressive imperialists that Saddam says you are.

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