-Caveat Lector-

... or, How 'They' Try to Scare You

> The dangers of 'safe sun'
> Are sunbathers really at risk of skin cancer? Or is it more that
> public health zealots try to turn anything pleasurable into a
> source of anxiety and fear? Dr Michael Fitzpatrick and Bríd Hehir
> throw some light on the subject
> The Easter frost had scarcely melted away before public health
> minister Tessa Jowell presided over what has become an annual
> event - the launch of the summer skin cancer scare. This year's
> novelty is the 'Solar UV Index', which indicates the level of the
> sun's ultraviolet radiation and is to be included in weather
> forecast bulletins on television, radio and in newspapers. Jowell
> introduced 'some of the nation's favourite weather forecasters' -
> Siân Lloyd, Bill Giles, Francis Wilson - to promote the new
> index, which will enable people to 'work out their personal risk
> of sun damage'.
> Health promotion around the link between exposure to sunlight and
> skin cancer has been gathering momentum over the past decade. In
> 1995 the Health Education Authority (HEA) launched its 'Sun
> know-how' campaign, followed up in 1996 with the slogan 'Shift to
> the shade'. The Australian advice 'slip, slap, slop' - slip on a
> shirt, slap on a hat, slop on some suncream - has been widely
> adopted as part of the sun awareness crusade in Britain. Schools
> have been a particular target as children are advised to play in
> shaded areas, wear Legionnaire-style hats and long-sleeved
> shirts. 'Molewatch' teams patrol beaches in seaside resorts,
> urging holidaymakers to cover up their dangerously exposed skin.
> This year's promotion of the Solar UV Index is being spearheaded
> by the HEA, with posters, a new website, a video for schools and
> a factsheet, and supported by agencies such as the Imperial
> Cancer Research Fund and the Cancer Research Campaign (CRC). The
> idea is that people first classify their skin type (white,
> doesn't tan; white, tans easily; brown; black) and then calculate
> the duration of safe exposure according to the Solar UV Index
> announced in the weather forecast. According to Kate Law, CRC's
> head of clinical information, 'this is another great opportunity
> to educate and inform the public, on a daily basis, about how to
> practise safe sun'.
> It is ironic that the sun, long regarded as a source of health
> and vitality, is now depicted as a mortal danger to the
> unsuspecting British public. It is even more ironic that the
> beginning of this year's skin cancer campaign coincided with the
> first recorded case of vitamin D deficiency in a white infant
> resulting from the use of high potency sunscreen creams (British
> Medical Journal (BMJ), 22 May). Three years ago the same journal
> noted reports that the use of sunscreens might increase the risk
> of some types of skin cancer (29 June 1996).
> Leaving aside doubts about the efficacy or potential dangers of
> sunscreens, the relationship between sunlight and skin cancer is
> more complex - and more controversial - than would appear from
> the characteristically dogmatic pronouncements of the Health
> Education Authority and other agencies engaged in promoting the
> scare.
> Though public anxieties are focused on malignant melanoma - moles
> which turn cancerous - in fact these are a relatively rare type
> of skin cancer, and the one least related to sunlight. Around 90
> percent of skin cancers in Britain are either basal-cell or
> squamous-cell carcinomas: both are highly correlated with sun
> exposure and are commonest around the head, neck and arms, where
> the skin is most likely to burn. They characteristically appear
> in late middle-aged or elderly men (particularly if they are
> fair-skinned, and have worked outdoors in tropical climates).
> Fortunately, these cancers tend to grow slowly and are fairly
> easily treated with surgery or radiotherapy.
> Malignant melanomas account for less than 10 percent of skin
> cancers, around 4000 cases a year in Britain (or about one case
> every 10 years for the average GP). These commonly arise in areas
> of the body not much exposed to the sun, such as the back of the
> legs, soles of the feet, scalp and buttocks. The incidence is
> similar in Japan, where there is little tradition of sunbathing.
> Some cases have a family history of melanoma, suggesting a
> genetic contribution. Malignant melanomas can appear at any age,
> but are most common in young adults. Though if diagnosed early
> and treated aggressively, most are curable, some cases are highly
> malignant and spread early to other parts of the body, resulting
> in a significant mortality rate (around 1500 deaths a year).
> Though it is commonly asserted that there is an 'epidemic' of
> skin cancer in general and malignant melanoma in particular, this
> is contentious. According to Newcastle professor of dermatology
> Sam Shuster, the dramatic increase in the number of 'suspicious'
> moles removed and sent for microscopic examination over the past
> decade has been paralleled by a tendency to reclassify benign
> disease as malignant: 'instead of allowing biopsy detection of
> early, curable disease, the minimal changes we once accepted as
> benign from experience of their subsequent behaviour are now
> being called early malignancy.' (BMJ, 18 July 1992) His
> conclusion is that 'melanomas are being invented, not found', and
> that the resulting 'spurious cures' are being 'used to justify an
> incompetent and frightening screening programme'.
> Shuster is critical of health promotion advice to regard moles
> and other minor skin lesions which change in size or
> pigmentation, itch or bleed, as potentially malignant (BMJ, 7
> September 1996). Though such features are not 'usefully
> predictive' of melanoma, he complains that 'these common events
> have been used to frighten thousands of patients to their general
> practitioner'. The result of what he characterises as 'an
> ill-conceived propaganda exercise' is that dermatology clinics
> have been swamped by anxious patients with harmless moles,
> delaying the treatment of those with malignant conditions.
> Surveying the incidence of malignant melanoma in different
> countries in recent years, and the relationship between the
> microscopic appearance of the cancer cells and the pattern of
> disease in individual cases, Professor Jonathan Rees, a colleague
> of Shuster's in Newcastle, concludes that 'there is after all no
> robust empirical evidence to defend most health promotion in this
> area' (BMJ, 20 January 1996). According to another dermatologist,
> PN Karnauchow, 'the simplistic idea of a sun/melanoma
> relationship is based more on belief than on science' (Lancet, 30
> September 1995).
> The grave doubts expressed by eminent medical authorities about
> every aspect of the link between sunlight and skin cancer appear
> to have no effect whatsoever on the great 'safe sun' crusade. So
> why, despite the lack of scientific evidence, has this campaign
> had such a major social impact?
> No doubt there is an element of opportunism among dermatologists
> (and manufacturers of sunscreens) keen to raise awareness of skin
> cancer. Shuster and Rees have provoked considerable controversy
> with their accusation that some of their academic colleagues are
> 'making a living out of perpetuating the skin cancer scare'
> (Sunday Times, 24 August 1997).
> The disproportionate focus on melanoma clearly reflects the
> priorities of health promotion activists, who have an instinctive
> affinity for the drama of a malignant condition that mainly
> affects young people, irrespective of its rarity and the limited
> scope for prevention. Though malignant melanoma may be rare,
> moles are very common and sunbathing very popular: there is
> therefore enormous scope for the sort of scaremongering that is
> dignified as health education and public information. The threat
> to children is always a particularly welcome angle for health
> promotion activists, for whom encouraging parental guilt is a key
> strategic device.
> The central role of the public health minister at the launch of
> this year's skin cancer campaign reflects the continuing appeal
> of health scares for politicians. The previous Tory government
> went so far as to set targets for reducing the incidence of
> malignant melanoma in its comprehensive 'Health of the nation'
> programme: given what we have seen about the artificiality of
> such figures, meeting such targets would be of dubious value.
> Nevertheless, for politicians lacking in public prestige, such
> gestures project an image of concern about health and disease.
> Initiatives which enhance the professional regulation of
> individual behaviour are always welcomed by governments - and
> never more so than by New Labour.
> The media play a significant, if subordinate, part in increasing
> the impact of health scares. The HEA was delighted to announce
> last month that its Solar UV Index campaign had been 'adopted
> with great enthusiasm by the BBC, ITV, Sky, national newspapers
> and all other media'. The enthusiasm of the media executives
> reflects their recognition of the popular resonance for health
> stories as well as their readiness to serve the agendas of the
> professionals and the politicians.
> Meanwhile, down on the beaches and in the parks and gardens of
> the nation, there seems a remarkable readiness to accept the
> dictates of the safe sun crusaders. Though a hard core of
> leathery sun worshippers remain committed to their tanning
> rituals, most people have cut down on their exposure or use more
> sunscreens. Few parents would now allow a child out in the sun
> without protection - to do so would be to risk public rebuke if
> not a report to the NSPCC.
> The dangers of what Professor Shuster calls 'disaster
> dermatology' are considerable. The 'worried well' waste much of
> their own time and energy as well as burdening GP surgeries and
> skin clinics. They tend to overprotect their children, with much
> greater danger to their personal and emotional development than
> the risk of developing rickets. Meanwhile, the occasional
> pleasure of sunbathing in Britain is spoiled by anxieties about
> diseases, if not by 'molewatch' vigilantes in person. By the time
> you have looked up the day's Solar UV index, factored in your
> skin type, calculated your exposure time and selected the
> appropriate Sun Protection Factor sunscreen, it might well have
> started raining.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> ------- Reproduced from LM issue 122, July/August 1999
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> -------
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> http://www.informinc.co.uk/LM/LM122/LM122_Fitzpatrick.html

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