-Caveat Lector-

New York Post, 12/17/98

     *Former chief U.N. weapons inspector Scott Ritter accused Clinton
     of being on a "Wag the Dog" schedule, saying U.S. officials created
     a crisis that would justify a bombing by pushing inspection teams
     to return to Iraq last month.

                               New York Post


                               By TRACY CONNOR

       It was a day of fast-breaking, wide-ranging developments as the
        White House juggled the deepening crises in Iraq and at home:

     *Cruise missiles slammed into Iraq after President Clinton launched
     "Operation Desert Fox" with a surprise attack on Saddam Hussein for
     refusing to cooperate with United Nations weapon inspectors.

     *House leaders delayed an impeachment vote against Clinton -
     deciding instead to vote today on a resolution supporting American
     troops in the Persian Gulf.

     *In a 15-minute address to the nation after the bombs started
     falling on Baghdad, the president denied the raids were a plot to
     divert attention from Sexgate.

     *Top congressional GOP leaders, including Senate Majority Leader
     Trent Lott, were quick to criticize the timing of the attack. "Why
     now?" asked Rep. Gerald Solomon (R-N.Y.), who accused the president
     of trying to delay the impeachment vote. Democrats and some
     Republicans defended Clinton's decision.

     *Defense Secretary William Cohen ordered a sharp increase in
     American air and ground forces in the Gulf, and officials said the
     bombing raids could last four days.

     *Grim-faced Prime Minister Tony Blair announced Britain had joined
     in the attack against Iraq. "We have exhausted all other avenues,"
     he said.

     *U.N. weapons inspection teams were hurriedly evacuated from
     Baghdad in a convoy hours before the attack. The crisis reached a
     boiling point after a blistering report to the U.N. by chief arms
     inspector Richard Butler, who said the Iraqis had once again
     refused to cooperate by blocking access to sites and hindering

     *Former chief U.N. weapons inspector Scott Ritter accused Clinton
     of being on a "Wag the Dog" schedule, saying U.S. officials created
     a crisis that would justify a bombing by pushing inspection teams
     to return to Iraq last month.

     *Officials confirmed they timed the airstrikes so they would not
     interfere with the projected start of Ramadan, the Muslim holy
     month of dawn-to-dusk fasting, prayer and reflection.

     *Hours before the strikes, Saddam told his country Iraq would not
     "kneel" before the United States. Iraqi radio reported he and his
     top aides were preparing for strikes by dividing the country into
     four regional commands.

     *Early reaction to the strikes from U.S. allies was mixed - with
     Canada backing the military action while France tried to distance
     itself from the bombing, noting the "grave human consequences."

     *Israeli defense chiefs met late into the night to prepare for
     possible retaliatory Scud attacks by Saddam Hussein in a replay of
     Desert Storm.

     *The double whammy of Iraq and impeachment triggered a stock-market
     drop, with the Dow falling 32.70 to 8,790.60, although historically
     low oil prices and oil stocks were boosted by the latest Gulf

     * Arab-Americans in New York expressed skepticism about the raids,
     as 80 protesters in Times Square blasted the United States,
     shouting "Let Iraq live."

     *In Los Angeles, Hollywood stars including Ted Danson, Barbra
     Streisand and Jack Nicholson backed Clinton during an
     anti-impeachment rally.

     *Officials said reputed terror boss Osama bin Laden has ordered new
     "unusually specific" attacks on American targets in the Persian
     Gulf. Meanwhile, five more fugitives were charged with the August
     attack on a U.S. embassy in Tanzania, which bin Laden is accused of


                                 MORE NEWS


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   Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express
           written permission of the New York Post is prohibited.

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