-Caveat Lector-


 Subj: South China Morning Post
 Date: 11/2/99 10:32:18 AM PST
 Published on Sunday, October 31, 1999

 Secret of Hirohito's hidden billions


 It contains all the elements of a political thriller: family
 squabbles, power struggles, duplicity and murder. It involves a
 huge pile of treasure - bullion worth billions stashed all over
 the world - and secret operations to retrieve it. It promises a
 sequel. And best of all, it is all true.

 So say Sterling and Peggy Seagrave, in their latest work, The
 Yamato Dynasty (Bantam Press, $150), an incisive biography of
 five generations of Japan's imperial family since the Meiji
 Restoration in 1868. Their most controversial claims, however,
 centre on the country's longest-reigning emperor, Hirohito, who
 died in 1989.

 The book claims to reveal for the first time the imperial
 family's alleged role in Japan's wartime looting of Asia - a
 covert operation named Golden Lily that was headed by Prince
 Chichibu, a brother of Hirohito, and involved the military, the
 secret service, underworld figures and businessmen.

 It aims to expose the extent to which Washington and Tokyo
 supposedly collaborated to keep this secret and deceive the
 world into thinking the fighting had left Japan too poor to
 compensate its victims meaningfully.

 It dashes once and for all assumptions that the imperial family
 was a fossilised symbol removed from day-to-day decisions
 during the war.

 It also says that the people involved in Hirohito's exoneration
 of war crimes - including General Douglas MacArthur and former
 US president Herbert Hoover - walked away from the occupation
 with huge amounts of gold.

 "I think this is going to turn out to be one of the great
 scandals of the century," Sterling Seagrave says

 In a phone interview from his home in Europe, the former
 journalist explains how he and his wife first stumbled across
 information that would lead them on an 18-year investigation of
 the Japanese imperial family. He tiptoes around exactly where
 he lives because of possible retaliation over the latest

 "In the course of working on a book about the Marcoses [The
 Marcos Dynasty] we discovered how much of the Japanese war loot
 Ferdinand Marcos had recovered," Seagrave says. "At the time we
 didn't really understand too well how the looting operation had
 occurred during World War II. We assumed there was
 collaboration between the Japanese army and the Japanese
 underworld. It was only after we published the book that we
 realised there were a number of imperial princes involved in
 the looting."

 While Japan's war aggression is well documented, much less has
 been written about its plundering and the people killed to keep
 hideaways secret. According to the Seagraves, many POWs
 prisoners of war and Japanese soldiers were buried alive in
 vaults they dug for the booty, which included gold bullion,
 gems and artefacts. Others died when the ships they were on
 were scuttled so the treasure could be hidden at sea.

 That it has taken so long for the imperial family to be
 implicated is not surprising because, according to Seagrave,
 "nobody had looked beyond Hirohito himself".

 Seagrave says nobody had done a study of Prince Chichibu, who
 until now was believed to have sat out the war recuperating
 from tuberculosis in an estate near Mount Fuji, or Prince
 Takeda, a cousin of Hirohito who, Seagrave says, oversaw the
 collection and concealment of Japan's war loot, or any of the
 others, like Prince Asaka, an uncle of Hirohito who commanded
 the rape of Nanking.

 The authors contend that Hirohito appointed Chichibu head of
 Golden Lily (named after one of the emperor's poems) in 1940,
 with Takeda as his deputy. According to their sources -
 participants and other eyewitnesses, as well as Chichibu's
 retinue - the two apparently travelled to China, Hong Kong,
 Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Burma, Malaya, Singapore, Sumatra,
 Java, Borneo and the Philippines, looting treasures and
 supervising their transport to Japan using ships disguised with
 hospital crosses.

 The imperial family's actual role in Golden Lily was never
 apparent for several reasons, Seagrave says. "For example,
 Prince Takeda used a nom de guerre everywhere he worked in Asia
 during the war, so people who came into contact with him knew
 him by different names. This has taken us nearly 20 years to
 figure out," he says.

 But the couple was able to pinpoint Takeda and others by
 putting together information gleaned from various sources.

 "People who described Takeda to us physically knew he was a
 prince, but they didn't know which prince he was and weren't
 quite sure what his relationship was to Hirohito," Seagrave
 says. "It turned out there were actually uncles, cousins and
 brothers all there [involved in the plundering] at the same

 After the war, the story takes a more sinister turn when US
 forces led by MacArthur occupied Japan, raising expectations
 that, among other things, democracy would flourish, the
 zaibatsu conglomerates that had bankrolled Japan's warmongering
 would be dissolved, and the guilty would be brought to justice.

 But those hopes proved premature when Allied investigators
 proclaimed - falsely, the Seagraves say - Japan to be bankrupt,
 removing from it the duty of paying meaningful reparations.

 In comparison with Germany, which has provided US$30 billion
 (HK$233 billion) in compensation over the years, Japan has paid
 only US$2 billion. According to Seagrave, "British PoWs
 received only US$48 each. Most victims got zero".

 MacArthur also allowed Hirohito's own accountants to audit the
 emperor's wealth - which they hugely underestimated at US$100
 million, a point that has been noted by others.

 In addition the Supreme Commander Allied Powers announced that
 after taxes and other penalties, Hirohito had only US$42,000 in
 cash - a laughable figure in the Seagraves' opinion.

 Not only did the imperious general downplay Japan's and the
 emperor's net worth but, the authors contend, he went out of
 his way to make Hirohito seem innocent of any war crimes by
 forcing wartime prime minister General Hideki Tojo and other
 officers to perjure themselves by claiming exclusive
 responsibility for the war.

 But MacArthur was not alone. His aide, General Bonner Fellers,
 Hoover, and US ambassador to Japan Joseph Grew were also in on
 the conspiracy to exonerate Hirohito, the Seagraves say.

 And Hirohito was not the only member of the imperial household
 to escape punishment. None of his family was tried for war

 Why the deception? MacArthur and a clique of right-wing
 Americans (financiers included) wanted Hirohito to remain in
 power so they could hold him hostage to their demands, the
 authors argue. They needed to protect US interests in Japan,
 including massive loans and business investments made before
 the war. They also wanted a shield against communist expansion
 in the East.

 "Hoover wanted conservative, anti-communist Japan to be
 America's political, commercial and financial ally in Asia,"
 the Seagraves write. "Tokyo would be the Asian base for the
 Republican Party and its Wall Street supporters."

 Even if the sham had stopped there, Tokyo and Washington would
 have enough reason now to take up the cudgels; there is likely
 to be a surge of reparation claims, for one. But there is more.

 The Seagraves contend that while Washington was declaring Japan
 to be insolvent, between 1945 and 1948 agents of the Office of
 Strategic Services (which became the CIA in 1947) and US Army
 officers were led by an OSS officer, Severino Garcia Santa
 Romana, in the recovery of billions of dollars worth of war
 loot from mountain caves in the Philippines.

 Gold bullion emptied from vaults were deposited in 176 bank
 accounts in 42 countries, they add. And some of this bounty
 ended up lining the pockets of Hoover and MacArthur.

 "The loot was earmarked for secret anti-communist operations
 during the Cold War," Seagrave says.

 "What this means is that there is now incontrovertible evidence
 of collusion between America and Japan, while millions of war
 victims went without any form of compensation to this day."

 Seagrave's calm, steady voice belies the excitement he must
 have felt when he found what he says is proof of this unholy
 alliance. "It's only as this book began to come into its final
 form [in the past two years] that things dovetailed - to the
 extent we knew beyond question there had been collusion," he

 "We were doing research at the Hoover Library in California and
 the MacArthur Memorial Library in Norfolk, Virginia. At both
 places we suddenly came across documents, personal notes,
 diaries, entries and also some annotations that confirmed the
 link between General MacArthur's staff in Tokyo and the people
 in the Philippines making these recoveries. That . . led us to
 the bank documents that showed the Japanese war loot in bank
 accounts in the name of Herbert Hoover and of General

 How much did they profit from the war? "We know that when
 Herbert Hoover died, his son had to get permission from the
 American Treasury to sell US$100 million in gold bullion that
 was in his father's bank account," says Seagrave, adding that
 he has yet to calculate the exact amount MacArthur had in his

 But, he continues, "we do know MacArthur had an account with
 millions of dollars in gold in it at the Hong Kong branch of
 the Sanwa Bank. He held this account jointly with Hirohito. If
 that isn't collusion at the highest level . . ."

 According to Seagrave, the US has kept its role "in all of this
 very, very secret".

 But, "we got some documents connected to the CIA, who were
 involved in the Santa Romana bank accounts. These were people
 who in the last 20 years or so have been trying to get their
 hands on some of the gold deposits, for their own benefit".

 What are their names? "I'd rather leave that for the next
 book," Seagrave says, estimating that the sequel, which will
 focus on the revelations about Golden Lily, will be out in 18
 months. "I need to have enough documentation so that I can't
 get challenged at this point legally."

 Seagrave's caution is understandable, considering the furore
 this book could cause in Washington and in Tokyo (though, to
 date, there has been nothing but stony silence). Already,
 however, the wheels of justice may be starting to turn with new
 legal action being taken by war victims.

 "What's happening now is that various PoWs and their lawyers
 are grouping together in what could become something equivalent
 to the tobacco industry class-action suit," Seagrave says.

 "I think it could end up being a suit against the zaibatsu on
 the one hand and the Japanese Government on the other.

 "But, eventually, I think it's going to involve the US
 Government for collusion."

 The Seagraves are also taking no chances by revealing before
 they are ready the names of other players in this game of
 political poker. No doubt they will also sleep easier as their
 web of researchers and sources expands. "There might be people
 who become outraged and decide we have to be murdered but it's
 not going to be that easy . . . murdering me is not going to
 stop this story coming out."

 After Seagrave's 1986 publication of The Soong Dynasty, in
 which he revealed Chiang Kai-shek's underworld links, he and
 his family went into hiding because of death threats. Seagrave,
 who grew up in Burma and has spent his career investigating
 East-West history, is also the author of Lords Of The Rim,
 which is about overseas-Chinese networks. Peggy Seagrave, with
 whom he worked to produce Dragon Lady, a book about the Dowager
 Empress Ci Xi, will be collaborating on the sequel to The
 Yamato Dynasty.

 No doubt treasure hunters will take a close interest. As the
 Seagraves point out: "In the Japanese holocaust, millions were
 killed and billions were stolen, but the loot vanished. One of
 the great mysteries is what happened to the billions of
 dollars' worth of treasure confiscated by the Japanese army
 from a dozen conquered countries."

 Chichibu had much of the plunder sent to him in the
 Philippines, where it was hidden in 172 "imperial" locations
 for later shipment to Japan, the authors say. In Japan, loot
 was stashed in several places, including Nagano, where the 1998
 Winter Olympics were held.

 "We have no idea how much made its way to Japan, either
 overland from China, through Korea or by sea," says Seagrave,
 who believes it is with this secret fund that the zaibatsu
 financed Japan's post-war economic "miracle". He also contends
 a member of the imperial family has confided that the army had
 amassed more than US$100 billion in loot (in 1945 dollars),
 much of it salted away in the Philippines, where "it will take
 a century to uncover".

 Seagrave also believes "there are small repositories all over
 the place, because individual officers or groups of officers
 managed to siphon off a certain amount of loot".

 "The equivalent of what were then the imperial sites in the
 Philippines are known to exist in Sumatra, Java, Borneo and the
 Celebes. It's possible there were some in Malaya as well," he

 Seagrave says it is hard to say where else the loot may be
 hidden, because in many cases wartime inventories fell into the
 hands of the Marcoses or those who worked with them.

 "But we have photographic evidence of site maps of these 172
 sites and we know one-third of them that have not been
 recovered," he says.

 As to why countries have not made concerted efforts to reclaim
 their stolen property, the Seagraves in part blame the
 tumultuous scramble for independence after the war.

 But they also point to ongoing operations - in the Philippines,
 for instance, groups are trying to uncover loot at an army base
 in Rizal, southeast of Manila.

 In Nagano, however, Seagrave says: "I think the loot has simply
 been left there as national treasure."

 Perhaps it will be needed if Seagrave's dream is to come true.
 "All these people who've been cruelly treated and whose lives
 have been deformed by their experience during the war were
 simply cheated, very often by their own governments after the
 war in collusion with Japan," he says. "I hope the war victims
 in the end get what they should have had all along, which is
 some justice."

 Published in the South China Morning Post. Copyright © 1999.
 All rights reserved.


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