-Caveat Lector-



Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Sen. McCain Undergoes Surgery for Skin Cancer
Mon Feb 4,11:44 PM ET

PHOENIX (Reuters) - U.S. Sen. John McCain underwent successful surgery on
Monday to remove a small melanoma from his nose, his office said in a


Reuters Photo

Surgeons at the Mayo Clinic Hospital in Phoenix took about an hour to remove
a skin lesion less than one centimeter in size from the left side of McCain's
nose that was considered to be "the earliest form of melanoma," the statement
said. He received a local anesthetic.

"There's no indication of malignancy, nor was there," McCain told reporters
outside his Phoenix home. "But it's something that's important to detect
early and get rid of early."

Doctors will know by Tuesday if the edges of the specimen are clear and then
are scheduled to have the Republican senator return for an additional
procedure on Tuesday, said Nancy Ives, a McCain spokeswoman.

McCain, Arizona's senior senator and a former presidential candidate, will
undergo a 90-minute procedure to cover the scar from the removal of the
tumor, she said.

McCain, 65, is expected to be hospitalized overnight and released on
Wednesday, Ives said. Plans call for him to return to Washington on Sunday
night or Monday morning.

This is the third time McCain has been diagnosed with skin cancer, but Ives
said the new tumor was not related to any melanoma he has had previously.

McCain had surgery to remove melanomas from his left temple and left arm
after his 2000 campaign for the Republican presidential nomination, which he
lost to then-Texas Gov. George W. Bush. He also had a melanoma removed in

Melanomas are the most deadly form of skin cancer, killing more than 7,000
Americans annually. People who have had them are cautioned to watch for
lesions that have uneven or irregular borders and contain multiple shades of
brown or black.

McCain's office said the new tumor was discovered during a routine
dermatological examination on Jan. 17.

"(He) would encourage everyone to use sunscreens with high SPF (sun
protection factor) and have regular dermatological checkups," Ives said.

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