-Caveat Lector-

"This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation
has full gun registration! Our streets will be safer, our police more
efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!"
                                --- Adolph Hitler,
                                        'Berlin Daily', April 15th, 1935

A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls."
                                --- Dan Quayle

Wednesday July 28 1:41 PM ET

Sen. Smith Denounces Gun Control
By DAVID ESPO Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - Efforts to fashion a gun control compromise inched forward
in Congress on Wednesday despite a defiant speech from newly independent
Sen. Bob Smith urging voters to defeat senators who support such
legislation, regardless of their party.

Smith, who bolted from the Republican Party this month, likened the Senate's
gun control supporters to agents of Fidel Castro's government in Cuba, whom,
he said, went door to door confiscating guns after they gained power.

``It is interesting,'' Smith said. ``Tyrannical governments taking our guns,
members of the Senate and the media taking our guns.''

The New Hampshire senator, who is expected to run for the White House on a
third-party ticket, twice appealed to ``my fellow Americans'' in his lengthy
remarks, and vowed to filibuster any gun control compromise that returns to
the Senate floor.

The fate of gun control legislation is unclear in the Republican-controlled
Congress despite a surge in public support in the wake of last spring's
shootings at Columbine High School in Colorado.

The Senate last month approved legislation to crack down on juvenile crime,
with a handful of gun control provisions attached. These include a
requirement for instant background checks on all sales at gun shows, a
requirement that safety devices be sold with all handguns and a ban on the
importation of certain high-capacity ammunition clips.

The House measure contains none of those provisions, although efforts at
negotiating a compromise are expected. For more than a week, Smith had
blocked the Senate from taking the routine parliamentary steps needed to
begin those talks. Lawmakers voted 77-22 to go ahead, though, and the New
Hampshire lawmaker announced he would fall back and wait for compromise
talks to conclude before taking his next step.

At the same time, parliamentary rules required the Senate to delete at the
last minute the provision relating to high-ammunition clips. It is expected
to be reinserted by House and Senate negotiators in a final compromise.

Smith has been treated gently by the Senate's GOP leadership despite his
recent defection in what aides say is a calculated bid by Majority Leader
Trent Lott and others to avoid turning him into a magnet for conservative
voters the Republican Party needs.

In his remarks on the Senate floor, Smith appealed to voters to begin paying
close attention to what he said were attempts to trample on the Second
Amendment's guarantee to possess arms.

``And you need to start throwing those people out of here,'' he said.
``That's what you need to do. I don't care what party they are. It's

He also spoke scathingly of the news media, which he said is solidly aligned
with the forces advocating gun control. ``It would be interesting to take a
little poll to find out how many of these news media pack a little sidearm
somewhere to protect themselves.''

Smith also made a passing reference to O.J. Simpson, who was acquitted in
1995 on charges of murdering his wife. Simpson, he said, should have gone to

Earlier Stories
Smith Blocks Gun Control Talks (July 22)

Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish.
                   -- Euripides

"FREE SPEECH! Use it, or lose it!"
        --- Ken Hamblin


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