-Caveat Lector-

(Note:There will come a time when this Congress and President go over the
line and destroy the 1st & 2nd Amendments.  When that time comes, they surely
have declared war on America and have become seditionists from within and no
longer deserve any American's respect. (What little respect they have now)
When this line is drawn its time to fight!  The laws they are passing against
guns now are unconstitutional no matter what judge says they are
constitutional.  For the judges and lawmakers who take away are rights have
no business being in office.They are all traitors and seditionists from
within. - Bill)

Senate Republicans Join Clinton in Sacking Gun Owners
-- Send your strongly-worded comments to top Republicans

Gun Owners of America E-Mail/FAX Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408

(Friday, May 21, 1999)-- On May 19, Senate Democratic leader Tom
Daschle (SD) said, "There may not be much difference between
Democrats and Republicans anymore." Gun owners need to let the above
words sink in.  It remains to be seen if Republicans in the House
show more spine than their Senate counterparts.  In the Senate,
Daschle made the comment as he reflected on the Republican
"concessions and reversals on guns in the past week."  Not much
difference indeed.

Led by high-ranking Republicans such as Majority Leader Trent Lott
(MS) and Judiciary Chairman Orrin Hatch (OR), thirty-one Republicans
voted with the Democrats to pass a crime bill that was loaded with
gun rights restrictions:

   * Private sales at gun shows will be BANNED unless the buyer
submits to a background registration check;
   * Dealers who sell handguns will be forced to include "lock up
your safety" devices with every handgun sold, and gun owners are now
encouraged to "lock up their safety" or else face the possibility
they could be liable in court if another person steals their gun and
misuses the firearm;
   * A ban on the further importation of ANY magazine that holds
over 10 rounds; and
   * A various assortment of other anti-gun provisions, including, a
ban on the mere possession of certain firearms by young adults,
massive increases in funding for the BATF, and more.

[Readers should also check the GOA web page next week for a final
compilation and more detailed analysis of everything that passed the

What's the difference? One day after the Republicans handed
President Clinton and Sarah Brady an incredible media relations
victory, many gun owners have publicly been asking:  If there's not
much difference between the two parties on Capitol Hill, then why
should I make a distinction between the two parties at the ballot

Even Republican Senator and Presidential candidate Bob Smith of New
Hampshire just recently launched a "shot across the bow" and shocked
Party chieftains.  He said that as he travels around the country, he
is seeing a growing frustration with Republicans, specifically over
the gun rights issue.  "I believe you may well have seen the
beginning . . . [of] the end of the Republican Party," Smith said.
"If it happens, I'm not leaving my party-- my party is leaving me."

The Battle Now Moves to the House

As the anti-gun juvenile crime bill now moves to the House, top
Republicans are already lining up in support of certain gun
restrictions.  House Speaker Denny Hastert (R-IL) and House
Judiciary Committee Chairman Henry Hyde (R-IL) have both announced
their support for some of the anti-gun provisions included in the
Senate bill.  This is not surprising, considering the respective "C"
and "D" ratings that they have earned from Gun Owners of America.

ACTION: Contact the top honchos in the Republican Party to express
your outrage over the sell-out of gun owners nationwide.  GOA has
included a sample letter for you to send to Republican National
Committee Chairman Jim Nicholson.  You can reach him at (ph)
202-863-8500, 863-8700 (e-mail) [EMAIL PROTECTED] or (fax) 202-863-8774,

It would also be worthwhile to contact Representatives Hastert (ph:
202-225-2976, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or fax: 225-0697) and
Hyde (ph: 202-225-4561; fax: 225-1166; no e-mail).  You can tweak
the same letter and send it to them.

How they voted in the Senate.  When the smoke cleared yesterday, the
final tally in favor of passing S. 254 was 73-25.  Go to http://www.
senate.gov/legislative/vote1061/legis_rollcall_vote1061.html on the
web and click on vote numbers 121-140 to see how Senators voted on
all amendments relating to Hatch's bill, S. 254.  Listed below is a
breakdown of yesterday's vote on final passage.

Did Your Senator Vote Against the 2nd Amendment?

All Democrats voted in favor of S. 254 except Senators Russ Feingold
(WI) and Paul Wellstone (MN) who voted against the bill.  Not voting
were Senators Fritz Hollings (SC) and John McCain (AZ).
Twenty-three Republicans voted correctly and opposed the bill (those
*not* listed below). The Republicans who betrayed gun owners and
voted for the anti-gun crime bill (S. 254) were the following:

Abraham (MI)     Frist (TN)       Roth (DE)
Allard (CO)      Grams (MN)       Santorum (PA)
Ashcroft (MO)    Hagel (NE)       Sessions (AL)
Bennett (UT)     Hatch (UT)       Gordon Smith (OR)
Bond (MO)        Jeffords (VT)    Snowe (ME)
Chafee (RI)      Kyl (AZ)         Specter (PA)
Cochran (MS)     Lott (MS)        Stevens (AK)
Collins (ME)     Lugar (IN)       Thurmond (SC)
DeWine (OH)      Mack (FL)        Warner (VA)
Domenici (NM)    McConnell (KY)
Fitzgerald (IL)  Murkowski (AK)

-------- Clip-n-Send -----------

Dear Mr. Nicholson:

Words can not express the outrage that I feel over what Republicans
in the U.S. Senate just did to gun owners' rights.  Watching
Republicans stumble over themselves to violate their oath of office
and pass restrictions upon the 2nd Amendment was simply disgusting.

The media says there has been a public "mood shift" following the
Colorado shooting.  But that's just a figment of their collective
imagination.  A new poll released by the Denver Rocky Mountain News
on May 20 showed that "Gun-control opinions [are] unchanged"
following the Littleton tragedy.

The poll found that a full 65-percent of Coloradans FAVOR allowing
decent citizens to carry concealed firearms.  This is barely down
from the 66 percent figure that was taken in February-- a difference
well within the margin of error.

So why then have Republicans run for the tall grass?  Why have they
betrayed their oath of office to sacrifice my constitutional rights
on the altar of gun control?

While I probably disagree with Senate Democratic leader Tom Daschle
most of the time, he hit the nail on the head just recently.  On May
19, he said, "There may not be much difference between Democrats and
Republicans anymore."

Indeed, if there is "no difference" between the two parties
legislatively, then why should I make a distinction between the two
monetarily?  Moreover, why should I make any distinction at all--
like at the ballot box?  Please tell me.



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without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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