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More drip, drip drip . . .
Edward Timperlake, William C. Triplett II:
The Year of the Rat: How Bill Clinton Compromised U.S. Security for
Chinese Cash
In these pages we will show that, in order to gain and hold onto power,
the Clinton administration has acted recklessly, allowing the wrong
people to gain access to our most important political and economic
secrets. Any number of Chinese arms dealers, spies, narcotics
traffickers, gangsters, pimps, accomplishes to mass murder, communist
agents, and other undesirables will appear in these pages, all
associated in one way or another with the White House and money...
(Regnery publ. 256 pages. October 1998) Read more about this book.
See other books/videos for sale.
Senior Spy Penetrated Oval Office in 1996

Interview with Edward Timperlake


"You can't characterize it in any other way," says Edward Timperlake,
co-author of "Year of the Rat: How Bill Clinton Compromised U.S.
Security for Chinese Cash. [1]"

"Johnny Chung, who was paid by Colonel Liu, penetrated to the oval
office," Timperlake tells the Washington Weekly. "Colonel Liu is a
senior spy. She went to the spy academy."

Liutenant Colonel Liu Chaoying began her military intelligence career
with Chinese navy intelligence. She made illegal campaign contributions
to the Clinton Campaign through Johnny Chung in 1996. And she met Bill
Clinton in person at a dinner at the private Brentwood, California home
of Clinton supporter Eli Broad on July 22, 1996. Liu's main interest is
satellites for military purposes. Several subsequent decisions by the
Clinton administration were favorable to the transfer of technology for
the development of the military satellite program of the People's
Liberation Army for which Liu works.

This is just one of the mindboggling revelations in the bestselling book
[1] by Timperlake and Triplett. We interviewed Timperlake last week
about the success of the book, how its message has been received, and
what we can expect in the future from Chinagate.

QUESTION: What made you write this book?

TIMPERLAKE: Bill and I have combined over 50 years of experience in
national security. I was on the House side he was on the Senate side. In
January a year ago, when the Monica Lewinsky story broke, we realized
that the complete story hadn't been told at all. The White House had
been compartmentalizing it into very small pieces and we were very much
afraid that the Monica story would dominate the headlines. We, as
national security experts, thought that we would write a national
security book that would at least put a coherent picture in front of the
American people to tell them how much this administration put them in
jeopardy. And as we got into it, the book just expanded. We originally
thought that the book was going to be pretty narrow, but the more we
looked, the more we found.

QUESTION: And what has been the response to it?

TIMPERLAKE: Excellent! We are near past best sellers - on the extended
list on the New York Times bestseller list.

QUESTION: Has there been any negative response?

TIMPERLAKE: We have been bumping into some benign neglect, if you will,
hoping we will just go away, if no one fights with us eventually it will
fade away. But you have to remember that we have 647 endnotes, so the
book is very solid. And we wrote it with an eye to understanding that it
had to be very accurate because The White House is brilliant at--if they
find a single mistake--to try and trash the whole work. And because of
that, we sourced every which way we could.

QUESTION: Yes it looks like there is a lot of research behind it.

TIMPERLAKE: Yes very much so. We are experts, so we know what we are

QUESTION: And you also went to China.

TIMPERLAKE: Yes I went to mainland China and Bill went to Hong Kong,
Macao and Taiwan twice.

QUESTION: And in what way did that influence your research?

TIMPERLAKE: Well, Bill found the gangster Triad connection [1]. That was
very, very telling. We found the kind of a network for the payoff in
China for people that penetrated our system, Bill found that, searching
in Macao. I found in Shanghai a very strange stock market that everybody
claimed, when the president was there, was like the New York big board,
and actually it is not. It's much more a computer trading operation. By
that I mean computers and trading, not trader or trading operation. The
building was owned by one Wang Jun of Polytechnologies, the guy who the
president met with at the White House coffee, whose firm
Polytechnologies was indicted for smuggling automatic weapons into
America. I found that on site in Shanghai.

QUESTION: How did you get in contact with the people that could direct
you to the right sources?

TIMPERLAKE: I'm the weapons guy. I used to work in the intelligence
field on a contract chasing weapons. I had a job for Ronald Reagan as
director of mobilization so I kind of knew the global threat in the old
Cold War days--I still know it. Bill spent his whole adult life focusing
on China so his contacts are extensive. Very extensive. He is one of the
world's leading experts on The People's Republic of China. I'm much more
the financial and weapons proliferation--things like that, that's my

QUESTION: Apart from the different reviews in the different magazines
what kind of responses have you got?

TIMPERLAKE: Oh yes, by the way we got rave reviews. People have been
praising this book from coast to coast. It's been more of a talk radio
phenomenon. I was treated very fairly by Larry King--he was very
gracious. I was on CNN with Larry King and I want to say that he treated
me very fairly. Brian Lamb of C-SPAN treated me very fairly and we very
briefly touched some of the cable channels, but that's it.

QUESTION: And how many copies of your book have been printed now?

TIMPERLAKE: We believe 110,000, which is very positive because we have
been told that this is the best selling foreign policy book in the last
10 years. I have been told that, but I can't verify that.

QUESTION: And what do you think the reason is for this success?

TIMPERLAKE: I think that the American people do--at some level--really
care and when the word gets out they read the book and word-of-mouth
really sells this book. People get angry when they read it because it's
documented and for those that choose not to involve themselves with the
Monica issue this shows the real betrayal of the oath of president
Clinton. That's what really has people paying attention.

QUESTION: The White House, the Department of Justice, and the mainstream
press now seem in agreement that the only guilty parties in Chinagate
are private companies and Chinese money launderers. Is Chinagate dead as
a political issue?

TIMPERLAKE: No, Ma'am. Because, regardless of what they are saying at
The White House, the Department of Justice and the mainstream media, I
think we, through some ability and through some luck have uncovered the
truth. And the truth is the truth and it will come out. So regardless of
whether they wish it to be a dead issue, betting the future of President
Clinton and the Democratic party on the good behavior of The People's
Republic of China is not a good idea. They (China) will not behave well
if history shows any evidence of their previous behavior. Eventually
something will happen. And it will affect Americans. I just hope we stop
any problems before American military are threatened or killed or
America is threatened again like we were in 1996 when we had carriers
trying to stop the intimidation of Taiwan. They directly threatened
America. I think that we really have put a spotlight on the event.

I don't make a claim that we know the complete story. We don't know what
we still don't know. But the truth is the truth and it's going to come
out and it's going to be shocking. They can't ignore it over the long

Johnny Chung is Reportedly Singing

QUESTION: Is there more information not known to the public that you
have not been able to include in your book or that you have learned
after the book went to press?

TIMPERLAKE: Yes there is, but two things: (1) Bill and I have
surrendered our security clearances, we don't want to step over that
line. I don't want to violate security. Both of us respect that. (2) We
had a rule that we don't want to go on less than two sources or hard
information--you know government reports or filings or things like that.

But we heard a lot of rumors, some of which we believe and some of which
are kind of way out there. We chose not to put those in the book because
we don't want to speculate. One of them is that the money was much
greater than the millions that we identified. And I want to make sure
that your readers know that I'm speculating. The other part is that the
corruption was deep and the Chinese operation was interconnected in
China. We heard that the networks were better coordinated than we
suspect. But we did not write any of that because we wanted to get
facts, facts, facts, conclusion in the book. The book is solid that way.
The reason why I'm saying what the rumors are is because eventually,
over time, some of these may come out and be verified.

QUESTION: So you say that you speculate that the money were much greater

TIMPERLAKE: Yes, we did not put that in the book though, but you asked:
what could happen in the future? Well they could find more money, they
could break the conspiracy. You know a hundred people fled the country.
And Johnny Chung did talk. That's one guy. Now, if anyone else is held
accountable under penalty of prosecution for long criminal sentences and
they start to talk, I think that there is going to be a lot more that
the American people will hear about on a criminal conspiracy. But I am
now speculating, because we don't know.

QUESTION: But could you be more precise? You say that you are
speculating that the money was much greater and in a wider conspiracy
but there must be some reason for you to speculate?

TIMPERLAKE: Yes there is, and I have not seen this first hand and I did
not deal with grand jury information but I heard Johnny Chung talked a
little bit about the relationships and the interconnections. His spy
master was Lieut. Col. Liu and apparently they were a little bit
gossipy. But that's just pure speculations.

QUESTION: Now the Cox Committee report...

TIMPERLAKE: We gave input to it and they did keep it buttoned up, they
didn't leak. As a staffer I was part of the rules committee that set it
up. Chairman Cox stood up with ranking minority Mr. Dicks just before
the new year. They settled for consensus. And it's no surprise that
there seems to be now a move to show that all administrations, dating
God knows how far back, did much of the same thing. I will disagree with
that completely, because our investigation shows that money changed
hands directly in the Clinton White House. And we never heard any of
those accusations (under Reagan and Bush). There weren't even
accusations made. They may have had bad policies in the other
administrations that we disagreed with, but no one ever accused them for
doing it for graft reasons that they accuse the President of the United
States and his team of. That's the difference. Bill and I believe that,
because we have seen that it's an order of magnitude greater. By that I
mean a lot of the fixes and upgrades in strategic systems and the
selling of satellite technology and the upgrades in the missile ranges
have been pretty dramatic in this president's time in office.

The failure to invoke and kind of sanctions for The People's Republic of
China, who are trading weapons to rogue nations, that is very telling
and very bad for the men and women in uniform who may have to fight
against those weapons some day.

You know, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya--the People's Republic of China has
dealings with them. They also have dealings in south Asia. And we now
have a major nuclear arms and missile race down there between India and
Pakistan. That is a great concern. The world is a far more dangerous
place now thanks to the President of the United States.

Directly. I'm very blunt in saying that.

QUESTION: The Cox report shows that there were scientists cooperating
with China before the Clinton administration.

TIMPERLAKE: Yes. The People's Republic of China have tried to penetrate
America since they became a nation. Sometimes they have been successful,
sometimes not. But it has been massive (under the Clinton
administration). Johnny Chung, who was paid by Colonel Liu, penetrated
to the oval office. I mean Johnny Chung, Colonel Liu--a senior spy! You
can't characterize it in any other way. I mean, she went to the spy
academy! She is the daughter of a senior general. She set up a sham
corporation called Marswell and gave Chung money to buy her way in to
see the president. He (Chung) admits that, he has been found guilty.
They have been penetrated to the highest level.

QUESTION: So do you think that the public will ever learn about all
these things?

TIMPERLAKE: Yes, and I just hope that they will learn about it through
the book, our book and others, your writings on it, and that they don't
learn about it from the hard lesson of weapons being used against our
troops or America being threatened in some form of fashion at the time
of a crisis like we were in 1996. At that time Charlie Trie, the bag man
gangster, delivered a letter to the president saying that China has a
history of going to war over issues like what we were doing in
protecting Taiwan. He delivered that letter at the height of the crisis.
So the American people hopefully will learn the depth of the danger
before they are taught it in a very tragic and perhaps profound way.
That's my prayer for the future.

QUESTION: And the public will also learn new things as some of those you
have mentioned.

TIMPERLAKE: Oh yes it's not over.

QUESTION: Do you think new things are going to happen because of the
impeachment trial?

TIMPERLAKE: Yes we have high hopes that chairman Hyde, once he is
finished with the impeachment trial, regardless of the outcome, with Mr.
Schippers will do oversight on the Justice Department. We are hoping
that happens. We are hoping that both the House and Senate intelligence
committees will go into this. That is our great hope. And independent of
the debate over the Cox findings, I hope the Cox Committee
recommendations are handled in a bipartisan way quickly to fix the
problem right now, regardless of assigning blame. Separate that, make it
a second track and fix the problem quickly.

QUESTION: Lastly, you occasionally post on the Free Republic forum on
the Internet?

TIMPERLAKE: Yes, Bill does that, I'm not that clever. But yes, we use
the Free Republic to find out if we have a book distribution problem. We
are very concerned if we are going out of stock. The demand was great
and we found out that we did have a gap right during the Christmas
buying season. They didn't have enough books published to meet the
demand. So we went to Free Republic to ask them to look around and see
if they could find the books and the information we got we used with the
publisher to upgrade and to motivate them into publishing more. Free
Republic is helpful in that respect.

QUESTION: So what, in your opinion, is the impact of the Internet on
Washington today?

TIMPERLAKE: I think it's dramatic, I think it's effective, I think it is
moving the debate. The man in the street now has the opportunity at very
low cost to get his news unfiltered. I think the Internet is a very
powerful means of communication, and I think it is going to become more

And very bluntly, if I were doing national news shows I would be
concerned. Maybe the people are starting to follow the Internet to get
the raw story so they can make their own decisions. They don't need
people to read the filtered information to them on national media. Now,
whether that is going to be a short term spark or a long term cycle that
will change the way in which we make our decisions as human beings, I
just don't know. That's the 65,000 dollar question because a lot of
people will make a lot of money when they figure it out. But right now
it's very dramatic. Drudge's reports are dramatic, Larry Klayman posting
on the internet is dramatic, Gary Aldrich being vindicated is dramatic.
So there is an element of telling raw information to the American people
and trusting their judgment and that's a good thing.

1. The book "Year of the Rat: How Bill Clinton Compromised U.S. Security
for Chinese Cash" is now available at a discount through Amazon:


Published in the Jan. 25, 1999 issue of The Washington Weekly. Copyright
© 1999 The Washington Weekly (http://www.federal.com). Reposting
permitted with this message intact.
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