-Caveat Lector-

NOTE:  The following is forwarded from the Comix Discussion List, which
links alternative comics creators, fans,  scholars, and publishers
worldwide.  It is the fourth e-mail from Serbian cartoonist Sasa Rekazic
(aka Aleksandar Zograf), creator of Alas!, Life Under Sanctions, and
Psychonaut.  He has been witnessing the bombing of Pancevo by NATO.

Mack White

>Sasa Rakezic writes:
>From: "Aleksandar Zograf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sasa Rakezic
>26000 Pancevo
>Yugoslavia /Serbia/
>Hey -
>I just came back from the center of the town, when the raids began again...
>Just a quick note to correct my note from yesterday: postal system IS
>working between the raids, this far. So if anyone wants to send snail mail,
>it should be OK, well, at least you can try - I don't know if YOUR domestic
>post office has some restrictions concerning the mail to Serbia (we are
>"enemies", remember?). But yoyu can try, and we will see what's
>happening... As far as I know they already bombed some communicational
>systems, and I don't know which "phase" of the bombing will include
>resources for postal communication etc.
>Charles Alverson, the ex-editor of legendary Help! magazine, and the author
>of scripts for some movies by Terry Gilliam, lives in Serbia since
>1994...He had a slide lecture on Mad and American underground comics  in
>Pancevo 7 days ago, and it was great. To all the people who knows him or
>his work: Charles and  Zivana are good, and safe - they live in a very
>small village in a northern part of Serbia, and there are no military bases
>or targets for bombings...
>See you later
>Sasa and Gordana

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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