-Caveat Lector-

>NOTE:  Aleksander Zograf (aka Sasa Rakezic), a cartoonist living in
>Serbia, has been witnessing the bombing of his hometown, Pancevo, by NATO.
>He has been staying in contact with the international alternative comics
>community by e-mail.  Following is his latest report.
>>From: "Sasa Rakezic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Date: Sun, 9 May 1999 22:51:14 +0200
>>X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
>>X-Priority: 3
>>MIME-Version: 1.0
>>Sasa Rakezic
>>P.F. 163
>>26000 Pancevo
>>Yugoslavia (Serbia)
>>May 9th 1999
>>Hello friends!
>>Last night, a main post office in Kragujevac, in Central Serbia,  was hit
>>by a
>>NATO bomb, but it didn't explode. During the same night, another post
>>office - in a town of Uzice, was completely destroyed by NATO projectiles,
>>and in a second attack, the same bulding - which was already turned into
>>ruins - was bombed once more. The whole area was left without phone
>>connections. The same thing could happen here in my town as well, and it
>>makes me sad  just to think about the possibility that we could be cut off
>>from our friends all over the world...
>>By the way, I have found more funny NATO leaflets - they are so
>>collectible!  I already gathered  an interesting collection. The newest one
>>is with the target sign ( so, it seems that  - eventually -  it was adopted
>>even by the NATO designers! ) and with the message:NO FUEL, NO POWER, NO
>>TRADE, NO FREEDOM, NO FUTURE: MILOSEVIC. Milosevic's photo ( a rather small
>>one) is also included.
>> Could these leaflets, dropped (maybe?) from the same planes which are
>>dropping bombs on the towns bellow, be the  meaningful media for the
>>communication with the Serbian people? Ironically, one of the small Tv
>>stations  here has aired  "Mars Attacks" movie few weeks ago. One of the
>>scenes includes Martians destroying the towns and people of the Earth,
>>while at the same time there was a voice from the speaker saying (with
>>RUN AWAY! WE ARE YOUR FRIENDS!!" This whole situation seemed strangelly
>>familiar to what we are experiencing in this silly land of Serbia.
>>Anyway, after most of the offices and the transmitters of the major Tv
>>stations ( some of which were owned by a state, and some which were private
>>ones) in Serbia  were rocketed , in some parts of the counrty you can see
>>only a couple of programs, aired by some small local transmitters, but in
>>some parts there is no signal of any Tv station left. Instead, I heard that
>>some people were able to receive the signal by some sort of NATO Tv
>>program, in Serbo-Croat language, transmitted probably from the near-by
>>countries. I wasn't able to watch any of it, but I can guess that most of
>>the people here will not be quite delighted to watch the program with NATO
>>trademark , after the domestic stations has been  blown to pieces by the
>>very same organization (even though most of the Serbian stations were
>>mostly airing American movies and Tv series anyway. At the beginning of the
>>bombing campaign, as I  described, there were some attempts by local
>>censors to exclude American movies and series from the Serbian media. But
>>it lasted just few days or so ).
>> It is obvious that war kills communication, and that people who are
>>pointing the means of destruction at each other don't really want to
>>establish a meaningful communication in the first place. I should say
>>again, and again,  that we are living in a savage world, hiding behind the
>>happy face of the mass communication. We are still learning to talk to each
>>other....And we almost forgot that it is a simple and natural thing to do.
>>Bye bye

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