-Caveat Lector-

Following is a recent e-mail exchange between myself and Sasa Rekaxic (aka
Aleksander Zograf), posted here with his permission.

Mack White
P.O. Box 49575
Austin, TX  78765

>Thank you very much for writing.  I am continuing to follow your reports
>with great interest and concern.  Your firsthand descriptions of this
>criminal attack by NATO on your country are in sharp contrast to the war
>propaganda we are being fed here by the elitist-controlled U.S. media.
>To hear the Clinton government and U.S. media tell it, this war is being
>fought for "humanitarian reasons."  Many people believe this,
>unfortunately; however, not everyone does.  I certainly do not.
>I have not sent you the articles I mentioned, out of concern they may be
>too long for your computer to handle.  I understand you have had a great
>deal of computer trouble and do not want to cause more trouble for you.
>So, for the time being, I will not send the articles.
>However, I can summarize for you the allegations being made as to why this
>war is really being fought.  (I would be interested in hearing your
>opinion on the following, as you have a personal perspective on Serbian
>matters which I do not have.  I only know what I read.)
>One reason for this war being staged at this time:  President Clinton is
>attempting to draw public attention away from investigations into
>allegations of rape, and, even more seriously, into his illegal,
>treasonous transfer of nuclear technology to China.
>Another reason:  The attacks are an attempt to bully Serbia into going
>along with the International Monetary Fund and the Globalist/New World
>Order agenda as promoted by the Council on Foreign Relations.
>It is also believed by many that the Kosovo Liberation Army is a CIA
>heroin smuggling operation, and that one motivation for this war might be
>the Serbian government has been interfering with the CIA's heroin supply.
>(It is documented fact the CIA imports heroin and cocaine into the U.S.
>President Clinton himself was personally involved in this activity in the
>1980s while governor of Arkansas.)
>There is also some evidence to indicate the recent, highly publicized
>massacre of Albanians was in fact perpetrated by the CIA, in order to
>justify this war.  (There are many documented precedents for this sort of
>activity.  It is well known the CIA has been staging atrocities and
>blaming them on others for its entire history.  This is not surprising
>when you remember the CIA was formed partly as a cover agency for Nazi
>spies and war criminals after World War II.)

>Praying for the safety of you and all your friends and family . . .
>Your comix colleague,
>Mack White

>Sasa Rakezic
>26000 Pancevo
>Yugoslavia /Serbia/
>Hello Mack!
>Sorry I haven't answered you earlier. So much things to do... Beside the
>fact that last bombing of Pancevo (the big blast, which also freed a toxic
>gas) was a kind of a shock, I saw it from my window - can you imagine about
>7 bombs being thrown at the same time, at the large Industrial complex,
>full of explosive materials? Night turned into a spooky red-light day, and
>the blast was visible from the distance of 200 km... The nearest of the
>plants which were bombed  is less than 700m far from our appartment
>> To hear the Clinton government and U.S. media tell it, this war is being
>> fought for "humanitarian reasons."  Many people believe this,
>> unfortunately; however, not everyone does.  I certainly do not.

>Well, that's a good excuse, anyway. Serbian regime is also using excuses to
>play the dirty tricks with their own people. But they are a bloody
>amatheurs compared to the Western Aliance.
>> However, I can summarize for you the allegations being made by most
>> investigators as to why this war is really being fought.
>> One reason for this war being staged at this time:  President Clinton is
>> attempting to draw public attention away from investigations into
>> allegations of rape, and, even more seriously, into his illegal, treasonous
>> transfer of nuclear technology to China.

>This is very likely. But there are many other reasons, basically to do with
>the demonstartion of power by the American administration and NATO as an
>"world police" organization.Their idea is to impose an "super
>hierarchy",with U.S. as a  supreme authority, hidden under the facade of
>humanitarian and democratic facade. Their very being could be justified
>only through occasional fights like this one in Balkans, which is serving
>also to "discipline" the rest of the world. It is obvious that countries
>like Italy and Greece, even though their interest and public oppinion
>(especially in Greece)  is opposed to this war, they weren't able to
>dissobey the actions projected by Clinton's administration.
>> Another reason:  The attacks are an attempt to bully Serbia into going
>> along with the International Monetary Fund and the Globalist/New World
>> Order agenda as promoted by the Council on Foreign Relations.
>Probably. Serbian regime was trying to remain the control over the economy
>of Serbia and Monte Negro, and to keep it from the influences of the West
>as much as it is possible...Not for some good or articulated reasons, but
>just because the Serbian ruler wants to keep the power for himself.  I
>don't pretend that I know much about the economics, but they were obviously
>a "bad case", and have to be punished in a way...
>> It is also believed by many that the Kosovo Liberation Army is a CIA
>> smuggling operation, and that one motivation for this war might be the
>> Serbian government has been interfering with the CIA's heroin supply.
>> is documented fact the CIA imports heroin and cocaine into the U.S.
>> President Clinton himself was personally involved in this activity in the
>> 1980s while governor of Arkansas.)

>I don't know about this, but it is a well known fact in Europe that
>Albanian mafia,  from Kosovo, which is mainly financing KLA, is holding a
>control of the drug smuggling in the Continent. Serbia is a crossing point
>between East and West Europe, so there could be some "battles" over the
>control of the field. Again, I believe that it was the combination of all
>the factors, and a lot of lunacy and personal pride and hatered,that
>produced the whole mess.
>> There is also some evidence to indicate the recent, highly publicized
>> massacre of Albanians was in fact perpetrated by the CIA, in order to
>> justify this war.  (There are many documented precedents for this sort of
>> activity.  It is well known the CIA has been staging atrocities and
>> them on others for its entire history.  This is not surprising when you
>> remember the CIA was formed partly as a cover agency for Nazi spies and
>> criminals after World War II.)
>What I am sure is that they were making up some of the facts, and
>presenting them as being more drastic, in order to justify the action. A
>lot of crime was done on the Serbian side, but Albanian army is basically a
>terorrist militia, killing Serbian civilians, police, and even the moderate
>Albaninans. On top of it, the Western media are silent about the fact that
>it were SERBS who were kicked out from Kosovo first! Almost the complete
>Serbian population was forced to leave the Kosovo, past few decades, with a
>lot of murder, rape, and pressure of any kind, and it was the problem which
>was supressed for many years in Komunist Yugoslavia, in order to present
>the situation in the country as idilic. Of course this does not justify the
>revengful action by Serbian Police and Paramilitary groups at all...
>I'm pasting some of the stuff which you might be interested to read...




May I have your permission to forward to the Conspiracy Theory Discussion
List your letter to me?  Your thoughts and insights on the war will be of
great interest to many people.


Hello Mack!

>May I have your permission to forward to the Conspiracy Theory Discussion
>List your letter to me?  Your thoughts and insights on the war will be of
>great interest to many people.

OK, that's all right, but the only problem is that I will not be able to
answer in great lenght to a letters...And it will be GREAT if they do not
bomb communicational centers around here soon, so that we can all remain in

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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