-Caveat Lector-

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Thu, 22 Apr 1999 22:53:33 -0400
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 22:53:33 -0400
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TALK about TREPCA TODAY ! http://TeamInfinity.com/~ralph/trepca
Message is clear, from US and HATO, LIFE is CHEAP !
CLINTON tells kids, use words not violence, as HE KILLS !!!
Clinton may soon send many highschoolers to DIE & KILL !!!!
>From TiM: Serb TV Knocked Off the Air; Many Civilian Casualties
BELGRADE, Apr. 22 - NATO's bombing targets have indeed become
amazingly predictable.
Just as we warned yesterday that Serb TV headquarters may become
NATO's next target (see Day 29, Update 1, Item 3, Apr. 21), it
happened today at about 2:00AM Belgrade time (Apr. 23).
Ron Allen, MSNBC correspondent in Belgrade, has just reported
from his hotel in Belgrade that there were apparently "a lot of
civilian casualties, and a huge amount of damage over there."

BELGRADE TV Stations...
"When it comes to my country, it has already become
the world capital of resistance to the domination of
one country's will and interest over the entire
humankind." Milosevic's Wife to BRITISH BASTARDS
Slobodan said, ``Everybody's running away because of
bombing. Serbs, Turks, Gypsy, Muslims, of course.
Albanians their number is biggest. Everybody's running.
Deers are running, birds are running, everybody's
running away because of [HATO] bombing.''
Full contextual quotes below including last Serbian TV report...
Apparently human lives are worthless to the MAD MEN at the HELM
of NATO, now being called HATO !!! This was ALL pre-planned.
>From the LAND of supposed FREEDOM of SPEECH, US and NATO have,
as promised, destroyed virtually every RADIO and TV transmitter
in SERBIA, and even killed the brave jounalists and crews
manning those facilities. HATO promised it would if Serbs would
not allow HATO programming to be carried at least 6 hours a day.
HATO followed though on its promise, but who would have thought
they would launch cruise missles into buildings housing
civilians ? It just goes to show how wicked the people running
the show really are.
NEXT STEP, as promised by HATO is to surround TINY SERBIA with
HATO TV and RADIO Transmitters which will pump 24 hour a day
HATO PROPAGANDA. If you doubt this, read below. The
transmitters have already been installed.
Read transcript of LAST transmission on SERBIAN TV below USIA
to beam unbiased news) (640) By Charlene Porter USIA Staff
Washington -- The chairman of the U.S. Broadcasting Board of
Governors (BBG) have announced that the government's
international broadcasters will launch round-the-clock
programming into Yugoslavia starting on April 8.
Chairman Marc Nathanson expressed concern about a "media
blackout" in Yugoslavia and said, "We must get our message to
the Serbian people, and that message is just unbiased news and
information about what is going on in Kosovo and the rest of the
Programming from the Serbian language services of the Voice of
America (VOA) and Radio Free Europe (RFE) will be broadcast into
Yugoslavia via a ring of FM transmitters that is being erected
"at a frantic pace" around the Balkan nation. Nathanson said
VOA and RFE are working with the U.S. Agency for International
Development to put up a transmitter "in an emergency fashion" to
begin broadcasts from a neighboring nation.
The initial broadcasts will be carried on frequency 106.5 FM
MHZ, reaching Belgrade and most of northern Serbia. The
broadcasting board chairman said later expansion of the
broadcasts will allow complete coverage of the country.
Nathanson did not specify from which nation the first broadcasts
are to begin. He said Bosnia, Bulgaria and Romania have entered
agreements with the U.S. to host the transmitter sites. He said
the U.S. State Department is still negotiating with other
nations in the region to win their support for the emergency
broadcasting project.
Ultimately, Nathanson said the government's intent is to build
as many as six or seven transmitters to support the
24-hour-a-day broadcasts to Yugoslavia. The broadcasts will be
delivered in Serbian, as well as some programming in Bosnian,
Croatian, Albanian and English.
Nathanson said that some U.S. government broadcasts are still
being transmitted into Yugoslavia on shortwave and AM
frequencies. He said the organization's surveys indicate,
however, that FM broadcasting is an important news source for 52
percent of Serbia's population.
Previously U.S. government broadcasters have had a presence on
the FM band in Yugoslavia, but Nathanson says VOA, RFE and other
foreign broadcasters were all pulled from local stations by
Serbian authorities at the beginning of the NATO bombing
campaign. Independent media have also been taken off the air,
leaving Yugoslav government-controlled media as the dominant
news source in the country.
The U.S. government broadcasters are also trying to reach out to
their audiences via the Internet, and report more than 2.2
million site connections for web sites operated by VOA and RFE
since March 21. Information provided by the BBG showed a one-day
surge of more than 512,000 connections on March 26. The
Internet will also be a crucial mechanism for informing the
Yugoslav audience about the frequencies where they can tune in
to the new U.S. programming.
The chief of VOA's Southern European Division Frank Shkreli told
a press conference that virtually 100 percent of their
programming is now related to the events in Serbia and Kosovo.
He said freelance journalists are providing reports from
Macedonia, but stringers in Kosovo and Serbia are unable to file
on the current conflict.
Shkreli, an Albanian-American, says broadcasters in his division
are still following the regional view of the unfolding situation
by interviewing officials in Kosovo and Belgrade. Recently,
VOA's Serbian language service interviewed Yugoslav Deputy Prime
Minister Vuk Draskovic, Shkreli said.
Nathanson said the new programming will include the U.S.
government perspective, foreign commentary, general news and the
view from Belgrade.
But he re-emphasized that the BBG's main concern is the
"one-sided" media reporting from Belgrade. "To say that the
people of Kosovo, the Albanians, are walking to the refugee
camps because they're afraid of NATO bombing is just not the
true facts."
For more information regarding the latest policy statements and
other materials related to the Kosovo crisis, visit
To subscribe to KOSOVO, send the command/message
SUBSCRIBE KOSOVO Firstname Lastname

>>>>> LAST BROADCAST on SERBIAN TV was a replay of an interview of
MILOSVIC on ironically HOUSTON TV in USA... read on...

Another side of the story below.
BTW, our Channel 11 mentioned below is a respected news source here in
Houston, unlike the regular pinko commie media. For example, they recently
broadcast an interview with a brother of one of the captured soldiers, and
he looked straight into the camera and declared in unequivocal terms that
we have no business being over there. If that had been on the usual FarLeft
TV, it would have been edited out.
Bob Knauer
HOUSTON, April 22 (UPI) -- Yugoslav President Slodoban
Milosevic has appeared on U.S. television, saying the United
States is conducting two wars against Yugoslavia.
Houston television station KHOU-TV Channel 11 broadcast
the interview Wednesday night. Milosevic, speaking in English,
used the interview to argue that the United States is running a
military campaign and a war of propaganda against him and his
According to a transcript provided by the television
station, Milosevic said, ``Propaganda war started long before
military war and its goal was to (demonize) this country, our
people, leadership of this country, individuals, and whatever
was needs to create artificially, of course, public opinion in
the United States which will be supportive to aggression they
commit later.''
The interview was conducted Monday by Ron Hatchett, the
station's military analyst who has been reporting from
Yugoslavia since the NATO attacks began about a month ago.
Attacks Wednesday night marked the 29th consecutive night of air
barrages in the region.
Hatchett asked about the images of refugees leaving
Kosovo and the Yugoslav president said there was not refugees
crisis until NATO began bombing and the people in the region
began to flee the alliance attacks.
Milosevic said, ``Everybody's running away because of
bombing. Serbs, Turks, Gypsy, Muslims, of course. Albanians
their number is biggest. Everybody's running. Deers are
running, birds are running, everybody's running away because of
And about a political settlement, the Yugoslav leader
said: ``(The) only obstacle to political process, which is going
on despite the bombing, is bombing.
``I believe that when aggression stops when bombing
stop, then it will be very easy to continue political process
but taking into account experience from Rambouillet and Paris,
it is so clear that negotiations have to be direct...between
representatives of national communities who live in Kosovo.''
Hatchett turned the interview to the U.S. servicemen,
who have been in Yugoslav custody since March 31. Milosevic
said, ``We are respecting prisoners of war'' and that the Red
Cross could visit the servicemen.
He added: ``Nothing will happen to your soldiers. They
are treated well. They are healthy...Geneva Convention is
respected. So, we are civilized people. We are not to make any
damage to your guys who are in prison.''
Milosevic characterized the Kosovo Liberation Army, the
guerilla group fighting the Yugoslav military, as ``killers,
rapists, kidnappers and drug dealers.''
He said, ``I was real surprised that NATO downgraded its
dignity making alliance with those killers and drug dealers.''
Asked about the proposed agreement in Rambouillet,
France, Milosevic complained that there was no face-to-face
negotiations between the ethnic Albanians from Kosovo and
Yugoslav representatives. He said, ``Albanians and Serbs and
others in state delegations couldn't exchange on single word, so
there were not any negotiations.''
NATO opened an air campaign against Yugoslavia on March
24, trying to convince Milosevic to remove his military and
police from Kosovo. The alliance wants the thousands of refugees
from the area to return home under the protection of
international peace-keepers.


Milosevic's wife recently

Professor Mira Markovic, the wife of Yugoslav
President Slobodan Milosevic, has addressed an open
letter to British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook. It
reads as follows:
With a ten-days' delay, I learned you had publicly
stated that my children and I are currently not in
Yugoslavia. My first reaction at hearing such a thing
was puzzlement. Is it really possible that the
Foreign Secretary of Great Britain does not have more
pressing business than to keep track of the
whereabouts of my children and myself?
The next one was naturally less naive. Your statement
that my children and I have left Yugoslavia is not
merely a result of your idleness, but primarily of
your bad intentions. You have been well-known for
your bad intentions ever since the beginning of your
term in the office, and especially in the last couple
of months.
We have you to thank for the four weeks of relentless
air-strikes in which many people have already been
killed and the country is mercilessly being destroyed.
Your statement that my children and I have fled the
country was aimed at giving the world public a
picture of my children and myself as dishonourable
people and cowards.
Much to your regret but to our content, your
intentions will not prove successful, neither as
regards my country nor my family.
When it comes to my country, it has already become
the world capital of resistance to the domination of
one country's will and interest over the entire
As regards my family, we stay in Yugoslavia.
My daughter is still editor-in-chief of the most
popular teenage - radio station 'Kosava'.
My son is wearing a uniform and watching over his
small, newly-formed family.
I, myself am actively spending every day at the
Yugoslav Left's Directorate's headquarters. Several
times a week, citizens of Yugoslavia can see me in
the TV news.
The things stand when it comes to your morality, I
might soon have to prove that my husband, the
President of the FR Yugoslavia, is in the country as
well, since you might also bring that into question
in a few days time and claim he is actually ruling
the country and receiving foreign diplomats in Tahiti.
My children and myself are where we belong, just like
the rest of the Yugoslav people. Furthermore, we have
to intention of leaving the country despite the
terror which is to a great extent your idea in which
you wholeheartedly participate.
Wherever did you get the idea that we have left the
country? Could it be the case that, were you in our
place, you would have fled with your family your
country - if you had it, that is.
I paid no attention to the usual courtesies, Dear
Sir, since you do not behave as one. So I finish this
letter the way I began it,
With utmost contempt,
prof. Mira Markovic PhD
Belgrade University professor
wife to the President of Yugoslavia
mother to daughter Marija and son Marko

----- END of LETTER

RALLY SCHEDULE this WEEKEND as HATO invades Washington DC
Friday April 23 - 10am-2pm @ 15th Street and Constitution Ave
NW, Washington, DC Call International Action Center 202-544-9355
Saturday April 24 - 12noon, WHITE HOUSE Lafayette Park,
Washington DC Call Saint Luke's Serbian Orthodox Christian
Church 202-829-4274, http://www.iacenter.org
Sunday, April 25th, 2pm-4pm @ 14th & Independence Ave SW )near
Bureau of Printing Engraving and Counterfeiting and the
Holocaust Museum, Washington DC call 202-544-9355x15
Sunday, June 5, mass March from the Vietnam Veterans Memorial to
the steps of the PENTAGRAM/GON Washington DC 202-544-5752

<< END COMMUNIQUE #2120 >>
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