-Caveat Lector-

Cardinals Scramble To Defeat Abuse Bills - Child Victims Would Get More Time to Sue in Md. By Caryle Murphy Washington Post Staff Writer 3/24/06 "Roman Catholic Church officials are putting a full-court press on Maryland legislators to reject bills that would extend the time allowed for victims of childhood sex abuse to file lawsuits against abusers and their employers. Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick of the Washington archdiocese and Cardinal William H. Keeler of the Baltimore archdiocese have gotten involved, expressing opposition to the bills to House Judiciary Committee members directly or through intermediaries. The archdioceses also have hired a prominent Annapolis lobbying firm, Schwartz & Metz, to supplement the efforts of the Maryland Catholic Conference, their regular lobbying arm." http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/03/23/AR2006032301776.html
Sex Abuse Bill Called 'Victory' For Church By Caryle Murphy Washington Post Staff Writer 3/27/06 "In a legislative victory for the Roman Catholic church, Maryland delegates rejected a bill that would have allowed older victims of child sexual abuse to sue the church and the priests who abused them. Instead, the House Judiciary Committee on Friday, and the House on Saturday, approved a bill that would allow victims 25 and younger when the law takes effect to file lawsuits until they reach age 42. Maryland law currently allows victims to bring lawsuits until their 25th birthday. There is no time limit for criminal prosecutions of those who sexually abuse a child in Maryland. Under intense lobbying from the church, the bill was amended so the time extension does not apply to victims who are now 25 and older. "Anybody who is under the age of 25 when this bill goes into effect will have the right to go to court extended to the age of 42," said Del. Luiz R.S. Simmons (D-Montgomery). "But if you're over the age of 25, that's the key, you're gone."" http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/03/26/AR2006032600891_pf.html

“Stop the Silence is a non-profit organization working with individuals, companies, and community- and faith-based organizations in various states to raise awareness and funds to support programming, and provide technical assistance in the area of CSA prevention and treatment.“ http://www.stopcsa.org/
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