-Caveat Lector-

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This transcript is from a presentation by Annie McKenna at The Fourth Annual
Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind Control Conference, August 10
- 12, 2001 at the DoubleTree Hotel in Windsor Locks, CT. Some of the topics
discussed may be triggering. The conference is educational and not intended
as therapy or treatment. All accusations are alleged. Our providing the
information below does not necessarily constitute our endorsement of it.

Due to the nature of the material discussed, survivors may want to read this
with a support person present.

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Annie McKenna is an alleged survivor of Project Monarch, a government mind
control program involving the military, various intelligence agencies, and
the Nazi's ushered into the U.S. under Operation Paperclip and wrote
"Paperclip Dolls." She has an article in the 12/00 issue of Media Bypass. She
owes her rapid healing and integration process to a strong cooperative system
and scrapbook therapy. Her topic is "Shattering the Myths--Deprogramming with
System Communication."

SMART 2001 - Presentation by Annie McKenna - Shattering the
Myths--Deprogramming with System Communication

For the past three years at this conference I've been primarily showing how
Scrapbook Therapy has helped my alters to communicate my past to me. This
year I'd like to expand that topic to include all ways my alters are able to
communicate with me. Because I have a lot of information and overheads to
share with you, I'd like to ask everyone to please hold questions until the
end. Also, so I don't forget, I'm always asked where I find the images for my
collages. The main source was Communication Arts magazine and I've placed a
sample on the table with my book Paperclip Dolls. But I've found pictures in
all kinds of magazines. It's just that the really bizarre ones usually came
from Communication Arts.

Before I begin my presentation I want to say that most of us in this room are
survivors or work with survivors of horrific abuse. Programming was involved
whether we were survivors of ritual abuse alone or in conjunction with one of
the military/illuminati programs. With ritual abuse, we are programmed to the
extent that we have alters who were trained to participate in rituals and
most likely several alters who took a vow of silence.

What happens a lot when survivors communicate with each other (especially in
the early stages of healing), is we trigger the hell out of each other. This
is because we are programmed beings and what comes out of us--whether we know
it or not--is programming. And that can be misconstrued as intentional
triggering or an attempt at accessing through programming phrases. I'm here
to tell you I have no idea how I was programmed but I have learned that I
heal backwards from my programming. And I only learned that because a few
times when I relayed the imagery and messages of my healing in a support
group setting, someone said "that's exactly how I was programmed!" In looking
back at how I got my messages, I didn't have a clue. But I am going to give
you a very concrete example of how this works for me.

In February of this year, I had a huge integration take place. It started on
February 17 and completed on February 23. Internally I was getting a
beautiful story of how my spiritual guides or protectors were each related to
an element like Earth, Wind, Fire, and Ice. The part of me that needed to
integrate I knew only as Baby. Baby had been my shattered spirit and was now
healed and ready to integrate with the core--which had also been shattered
but was now whole. So I had a whole core integrate with a whole spirit. The
timing of every aspect of my healing has been uncanny and I've just learned
to accept that strange things happen in my life and trust my protectors to
lead the way. On the evening of February 24, the day after my integration, I
was catching up on reading articles related to mind control.

One of the articles I read included information about the OTO (a
well-documented cult) and their rituals and beliefs. I was very interested
because one of my first connections to ritual abuse was the OTO because of my
father's military background. Anyway, I was reading about the OTO and it
explained how they worshipped spirits called elementals and an entity called
Babalon (BABAlon) which is a perversion of BABYlon or Baby. I totally freaked
out when I read this but then I just shook my head. That is my system's way.
My system takes the yuck and turns it inside out. So this is my trigger
warning. I do not know when I'm using programming phrases. I was programmed
my whole life and my objective is to share my healing...which means you will
most likely be exposed to some programming that may trigger you. What you
need to know is that it is not intentional. I prefer to embrace triggers as
clues to parts of me that are not yet healed. So if you suddenly feel
triggered, I'd like to suggest that you write down whatever it was that
bothered you. If I'm overwhelming you, then please be safe and do whatever
you need to do to get grounded even if that means leaving.

Some of you know this already but for the new people I'm going to repeat it.
My healing actually began before I ever had my first memory. It came in the
form of what I thought was a fictional novel I wrote in 1996. I completed the
novel in October 1996. My first memory surfaced a year later in September
1997. It didn't take long for me to realize the book was really quite spooky.
There were things happening in my life that paralleled what my fictional
character did in the book. It got to be sort of a joke that my life was
somehow in the book. And even when I was writing it, once I had created a
character named Spencer, it was his voice I heard in my head. He had a really
neat British accent and I loved hearing him talk. I thought it was just my
creativity hearing my character's voice citing his dialog. Eventually I was
hearing Spencer dictate the story to me and I was just writing it down. I
often said he wrote the book. I came to love his character. He was a
pseudo-father figure to main character of Mags who was, I thought, loosely
based on my conscious life of struggling with emotions and especially trying
to have a successful relationship.

The point of this is that I've since realized that all the answers to my
subconscious life are in my novel. Some are overt; some are covert. But they
reveal themselves to me when Spencer decides it's time. Also, by the time I
figured out I was multiple, I was very relieved to learn that Spencer was my
main protector and was taking care of me. So my system established trust and
cooperation before I even knew about being a multiple. Most healing guides
and therapy exercises suggest keeping a journal of your thoughts and dreams.
That's all well and good for what is going on consciously, but what I
discovered by writing fiction was that the brain digs into the subconscious
for every single word and detail. Many of my clues are in the descriptions
and the names of places, the names of the characters, and even the adjectives
surrounding each person and location. I guess what I want to say is that if I
had looked at this logically, I would have discounted that voice in my head
telling me to take the story in one direction when I was inclined to take it
in another. So that book is now an encrypted record of my past that is slowly
unraveling as I get my memories.

You don't have to be a writer and you don't have to write a novel. But you
can try writing stories about anything. You can do an exercise like write
about your dream house or what might be the scariest place you could think
of. In my case, what I thought I was describing as very cozy safe places were
locations of abuse to which I had no conscious connection. So just let it
come out of you and don't question it. And don't worry if it doesn't have any
meaning at the time you write it. The object is to get the process going of
allowing this unspoken communication to get out of your head.

I've been contacted through my website by a number of survivors wanting to
know how to "deprogram." My personal feelings, along with discussions and
research material from therapists I trust who work with mind control
survivors, is that it is best to stay away from trying to find and use system
codes. I think that can backfire. However, in healing, you are likely to get
codes from your alters. Sometimes I'm not sure if what I'm getting is a code
for an alter or a code for a date, but I see numbers in my collages. I've had
codes revealed to me through my novel through dates and times and in dialog
that included numbers. I'm going to show you an example from my collages. Not
only is it a code for a date, but it helped me match up two collages to put
together a more complete memory. It doesn't matter what it means to me. I
just want to show you that alters, given the freedom to do what they need to
communicate, will give you all kinds of information. And one more thing, I
don't know if these codes were programmed codes or just an ingenious way my
system gives me for getting memories.


This is part of a large collage which I call my birth page. It has the number
444-5252. I was born in 1952. The fact that there is a double 52 is
significant to my personal story. But it's the 444 that I want to use as an


This is another collage depicting a death with the same triple digit of 444.
It says American, Gothic, Horror above the numbers. I have learned that this
actually represents the splitting of several of my alters. But internally
they viewed it as death.

I was married on April 26--I chose the date back in 1980. My clues revealed
April 26 as the date of a death my alters remembered. Last year someone sent
me a website with a satanic calendar. April 26 is THE human sacrifice date.
There's even a period before April 26 designated for the preparation of the
sacrifice. That description coincided exactly with my collaged memory. Last
year in early April, I woke up in the middle of the night with the message:
the 4th day of the 4th week of the 4th month. I ran to the calendar and last
year that date was April 26. That's when I understood that 444 was a code for
the date of April 26. I'm sure our programmers took great advantage of
perpetrating horror on that date.

I'd like to just take a moment here to express how confusing it has been to
me to understand whether my alters are remembering the death of an outside
person or an inside person. In my case, I believe there was an outside child
but the programming and messages were to destroy an internal part of me. The
memories associated with this death (and my alters viewed it as a murder)
were very difficult and several parts of me mourned the death of other parts
of me. Many of my alters were made to believe they were dead. I think by
making me believe that they had killed parts of me, they sealed my silencing
and loyalty programming. Or at least that was their intention. But here I
stand speaking to you about it. And if you think about it from a mission
perspective, an alter who thinks he or she is dead is fearless because there
is no fear of death.

222 PERP

This is a magazine picture but my system can show me the bad guys through
very similar likenesses. This happens to represent a perp who is a world
renowned geneticist and is also a relative. His clues go with a genetics lab
and an area we know as "the zoo."

Last year in my presentation I showed this picture.


Charles Geschickter was the head of a department at Georgetown University.
The CIA funded an entire new wing in the late 1950s to Georgetown University
called the Lawrence Gorman Annex. In my research, it indicates that at least
two floors of this wing are dedicated for mind control. But I believe there
was an underground facility and still is from before the wing was ever built.
Perp 222 did part of his training at Georgetown during the time frame of the
Annex being built and I believe Geschickter was his mentor. A number of
survivors have memories of being in the primate lab at this facility. I do
have memories of cages but I can't tell you if I was specifically in the
primate lab at Georgetown University. I do have memories of a genetics lab
and cages at Area 51 or Nellis AFB near Las Vegas.

I mentioned that I had a huge integration on February 23--that's 223. On
February 24 or 224 I went to visit a friend in Las Vegas. I had the trip
planned for several months. I arrived the morning of 2/24. That night, I woke
up precisely at 2:22 a.m. even though I had experienced a 3-hour time
difference that day. When I woke up at that time, my whole system went a
little nuts. I realized I had arrived in Las Vegas for callback
programming--only this time I was fully conscious. Just north of Las Vegas is
Nellis Air Force Base. I suppose if it had happened correctly, an alter would
have awakened at 2:22 a.m. and called someone. Of course, when I realized
this, I was convinced that since I didn't call, the military was going to
come pick me up. So the rest of my stay in Las Vegas was very unsettling. But
it did give me the opportunity to see how my system had the ability to get me
to a location on a specific date and report at a specific time without my
conscious knowledge. It still got me there subconsiously but then let me know
that that's as far as it was going to allow the programming to go. I will
confess I actually navigated my friend, who was driving, up to the area of
Nellis AFB and directed him to turn up a road labeled Area 11. So someone
inside me even showed me where we would have gone.

Perp 222 is quite alive and well. I woke up at 222. Any guesses who I was
supposed to call or who was going to deal with me if I did show up ?

Prior to my Las Vegas trip, I had brought some of my alter pictures with me
to my therapist. At one point I asked her to hand me the one picture and I
realized that in the newer picture I had of her she was in the same position
as one of the first pictures I'd ever found of her. Here she is as an

ABBY (Illustration--Collage with eyes & Cider Jack)

Obviously Abby is remembering some horror event.

Here is her most recent picture.

ABBY (Model w/red striped top)

Abby is the word Baby scrambled up. She has always gone with red and white
stripes. But in both pictures she is crouching. Then I pulled out some other
pictures I had of alters.

DKNY Jeans

This is my alter Sadie.


Here is another but there are many in this position.

I had never realized they were all crouching before. My therapist asked me
what this meant and I said "being in the womb" and started crying. But later
that day I realized crouching goes with fear. When I was in Las Vegas, I
started flashing on cage memories. I knew some alters had cage memories but I
really didn't get close to them before. This is the position we had to be in
while we were in a cage. So I know any alter like this, remembers being in a

So now we have alter communication through fictional writing, images from
magazines, internal talking, and journaling of conscious thoughts and
connections. I also call that flow writing because I just have the pen in my
hand and allow whatever is going to come out to come out. My system
apparently loves word association and word jumbles. I have this obsession for
making words out of other words. I think that is another form of alters
bypassing the vow of silence. They give me a puzzle and I get help figuring
it out.

I've talked in past presentations about clues being on the backs of pictures
I have cut out. I think alters can use anything to communicate if you open
yourself up to the communication. Take any group of words and my alters will
highlight which words make sense with a particular memory. I might get a few
here and few there, but when all the pictures come together with all the
words, I will get a whole story with my brain and internal protector voices
filling in the blanks.

It's the same way with word games. My system shows me what words we can make
out of other words. Some I connect to--others I don't. But the end result is
that I see a few words that will be important--maybe not now but at a later
time. Here is one puzzle. I have many many MILK clues.


It wasn't until after my visit to Las Vegas that I finally understood this
one. MK (mind control or MK Ultra) and LI --Area 51. While triggered out of
my mind in Las Vegas, I filled up a notebook with thoughts coming out. One
was that LI was the roman numeral for 51. And my alter Vivian holds Area 51
memories. I always knew VIVI was roman numerals but I was only getting 55 and
11 or 66 or backwards was 44. While driving around Nellis I wrote VI and the
second VI underneath it like a math problem.


Then one of me drew a vertical line between the Vs and the Is and a
horizontal line between the two VI combinations. That's when I finally saw
two 51s. I really had forgotten until that moment that Nellis was where Area
51 was. Got Milk? Try the message "go to MILK".

This was a fun one. Sometimes while watching a movie my brain will start
churning out clues and I know it's important because I get that triggered
feeling. I was probably the only person in the world who cried at the theater
showing of Rocky & Bullwinkle because one of the characters represented one
of my alters who integrated during that movie. I've had a number of alters
integrate during movies so I never know what I'm in for when I go to the
theater. Very recently I received huge healing messages from the movie Cats &
Dogs. So I just never know.

This also happens with television. One day I was watching something on tv and
had my notebook in hand, and started writing down Jeb Clampett, Ellie Mae,
Max Baer, black gold. Later that day I was researching a very prominent
family. In fact, in my fictional novel, we only ever referred to certain
plant growth as ornamental shrubs or hedges. We never used the word bush. But
there is a lot of "shrubbery" in my memories. I was actually researching Neil
Bush and got to a website about Jeb. His real name is John Ellis Bush. His
nickname is Jeb. And George Sr. made his fortune in black gold.

I'd like to give one more example of how a television show helped with my
healing. I had just found an alter inside. I knew she was trapped. I wasn't
even sure who she was. I don't normally watch West Wing but this particular
night that show had started. I was reaching for the remote to change the
channel when I saw the episode title. It was called Ellie. Ellie was one of
my first protector alters to appear. In the show, Ellie is the president's
daughter. There was a scene where Ellie was in the oval office speaking to
her father. When it is time to leave, Ellie looks confused because there are
so many doors. Martin Sheen, who plays the president, pointed to the exit and
said "That's the way out." The reaction inside me was immediate. My brain
flashed on this collage:


Open it. Open the red door. Then my brain flashed a second collage. This one:


Another red door among other colored doors. Then I knew who the alter was and
she suddenly knew how to get out.


This is part of one of my collages of Alice. Notice the person trapped inside
the hat with three windows of different colors. Because of other pictures I
have of colored doors, I knew she was programmed to believe that horrors were
on the other side of the doors. She was afraid to open any of them. With that
West Wing episode, she knew to open the red door safely to be free. I guess I
should add here that the exercise of doing the collages sets my brain up for
future messages. To connect to something I see externally, I see the collages
in my head--like my protectors have a movie screen inside. They remember
every collage I have.

Sometimes I think my system is making it amusing or distracting for me while
I'm getting my clues so I don't see the trauma as readily. It becomes a game
to get the messages. I've even gotten messages from billboards and songs. I
think the key is to be tuned in, to accept what you believe, to give your
alters permission to give you the truth. And they will find ways to
communicate it while bypassing the "speak no evil" programming.

At one point earlier this year, I kept getting the message of Spencer Tracy.
I thought it related to my alter Tracy and wasn't paying much attention to it
otherwise. I also have many pictures of Henry Kissinger and have a sense that
he was in my past, but I never had a system picture or an actual memory. I
always have a system picture (or likeness of a perp) that my alters give me
for validation. Sometimes I've gotten clues of celebrities where I've ended
up printing out their filmographies--the list of movies they've been in which
have turned out to be clues. The Spencer Tracy message got so annoying I
decided to print out his filmography. I did. And look what was on the page.


Does he not look like a young Henry Kissinger? Now everytime I see Kissinger,
I see the resemblance to Spencer Tracy.

Many survivors seem afraid to believe their alters. They are afraid of screen
memories or afraid of what they will learn. I can tell you that you will have
screen memories because they intentionally created screen memories. Your
alters aren't lying. Some may hide the truth because it is their job. But you
will figure that out and you can work with the alter to stop the old job of
blocking and start a new job with the objective of healing. Once they
understand it was all lies, they usually give in. But some can be very
stubborn because of their loyalty oaths. And the screen memories will become
obvious when you get to the real memory of what they were trying to do. I
don't mean to imply that a screen memory is not real. I use the term screen
memory as what they want you to think happened so you don't get to what they
were really trying to do to you in terms of programming. So just accept what
comes up and thank the alter for sharing. Eventually, all the puzzle pieces
will fit. But this way, you acknowledge your insiders and part of healing for
them is finally being believed.

I'd now like to discuss alter names for a minute. When I first began finding
alters, I thought I was giving them names but I soon learned I was just being
guided to their names. Sometimes the name just comes to me when I find a
picture. Other times it will be months before I know the name. But I have
learned not to question the name because some of them are not your normal
names. Early in my memories, I found an alter named Tish. You can see how she
got her name.


Logically I thought that couldn't be right so I scratched that out and made
her name Trish (as in Patricia). Through researching programming sites I was
led to Tisch Hospital in New York which made me think that maybe Tish's name
was Tish after all and possibly a clue to this location. So I switched her
name back to Tish. This was back in 1998. Just before my plane landed in Las
Vegas, I had an urge to jot down the very first alters I could remember. Tish
was one of them. And for the first time I saw that her name spelled another
word. I nearly burst into tears that we had an alter named S H I T because it
was associated with a horrendous type of abuse for me. At any rate, in
retrospect, it was a very telling clue because by landing in Las Vegas, the
TISH really hit the fan.

Another way my system has of protecting me, is using what I call twin
language. If you've seen the movie Nell you know what I'm talking about. It
has been documented that twins can develop their own secret language to
communicate and it is believed that this language develops in the womb. My
alters all seem to use a type of twin language so I don't know what is going
on until I'm supposed to know. One example is the word LEE. I had "lee"
alters who were related to my emotions. (Peggy Lee, Buddy Lee, Vivian Leigh
and many others.) It wasn't until I returned home from Las Vegas that I
understood LEES were FEELINGS. And consider this connection. The only logical
reason I had for wanting to explore the area near Nellis was because I had an
alter named Nellie and I wondered where she got her name. It was at Nellis
where they began the destruction of my emotions or spirit before I was three
years old. And that movie Nell ties to the twin language. So we have Nellie
leading me to Nellis leading me to the twin language of the movie Nell.

Recovering memories has been a very interesting process. I will get what
seems like a very detailed complete memory only to have another huge chunk
reveal itself months later. I have also received very clear memories from
several alters remembering the same event. But their interpretation from the
inside was different from what I initially interpreted it to be through their
collages. I had a memory of a "twin" named Rose being killed. I thought this
was a child who was either a womb twin with me or an external twin since
birth. In case you don't know, our programmers had a way of twinning or
emotionally connecting or bonding us to an external person even from the
womb. I also had three separate memories from alters remembering abortions. I
showed one of these memories last year. But since last year's presentation, I
realized that they weren't abortions and all three memories had a connecting
clue. But the message was very clear when I finally got it.


This is from my alter Andrea. Notice the file folder on the collage with the
letter G.


This is Andrea indicating the loss of a baby. There is even part of a birth
control ad included in the collage.


This is another alter's memory. Her name is Sybil. Notice the file folder
with the letter P for pigs. The babies are also depicted as unborn pigs.


And this is Sybil in images that appear as if she is pregnant. I'd like to
briefly point out the picture in the upper right which is a woman missing her
right breast.


This is Ellie with the third memory and a file folder with the letter R for
rats and babies also depicted as unborn rats. Ellie also has this collage.


The word BABY is actually cut up and put together. I think the word was
originally ABBY. I've always seen the pear in this collage as a symbol for
the womb and it is shown here twice split in half.


This also goes with Ellie's abortion memory. Once again we have an alter
missing her right breast. And finally we see a baby in the womb with the
number 3. I originally saw the Q as representing something exiting the womb.
But that wasn't the message.

To connect these three memories, my system took related images from a single
picture (the file folders), cut them up, and used them in different collages.
I have found this in other memories as well--where we took a single clue,
divided it up, and used different parts in different collages. I have learned
that was a clue that the collages actually connected. So getting the message
was similar to being split and then integrating. And the memory was so
complicated, my system had to break it down which is why we first have what
we think are three abortions. This was the memory of the part we knew as Baby
being killed. My alters also knew her as Rose. She was my spirit. To my
alters, Baby was killed. So actually using the metaphor of abortion was
rather clever. And Baby was hidden in my womb--she didn't exit my womb. Well
she has now because we found her and she is healed. Baby also represented my
emotions. And the symbolism of removal of the right breast goes with
repressed emotions for me.

These weren't screen memories. This was how my alters remembered this event.
And the death of my emotions was in three stages. We have recovered all of
the emotions and put my spirit back together again. Rose is no longer "dead".
But it took over three years from the time I started collaging Baby's death
to understanding what had really happened. And there were actually three
parts of me I knew as Baby. So we had to find all of them and then they
integrated back into who we know as Rose. Ironically, as I uncovered each of
what I thought were baby deaths, I planted a rose bush in their memory.

Another method of healing that has provided me with some very important clues
I call stuffed animal therapy.

Stuffed animals became connected to my alters the day I found my alligator
Howard. I'd had an alligator or crocodile in my pictures and I thought that
because it was a scary animal that it represented a perp. But one day I was
in a store and there was an alligator with big sad eyes just looking at me.
Instead of a perp, I realized my alligator was a sad little. I bought the
stuffed animal. I knew his name was Howard before I even left the store. I
looked through my pictures of unidentified littles when I got home and found
a little boy with the same sad eyes.


After acknowledging Howard through the alligator (as he originally saw
himself), I found him inside as the human little boy. He said Howard meant
hospital ward and that he needed tough skin for the needles so he made
himself an alligator so the shots wouldn't hurt. After that experience I
began to see stufffed animals in a different light. I saw it as another way
my alters could communicate to me. And I truly believe that by holding and
hugging the stuffed animals I was providing my insiders with a type of
external affection and acceptance. I probably have over 30, but I wanted to
share two special ones with you.

The first is Elmo. (blue and green "martian" with 3 eyes)

I bought this little guy and sat him on my computer shelf. He was there for
months. I only knew his name was Elmo. Then I took a trip to Walter Reed that
is outlined in my 1999 SMART Presentation which is on my website with the
collages. It was Elmo who came out while I was on the premises of Walter Reed
and got so triggered by the building we found. When we got home that evening,
Elmo was still out and my husband talked to him. Elmo said he had the third
eye not because he was a martian but because he remembered the third eye
ceremony when we were about 3 years old. Then he said he was really a little
boy and we had his picture. I had no recollection of a little boy that might
have been Elmo but he said it was in the drawer with the other pictures. So
we started going through the stack of pictures and this is what I found.


Notice the same colors in the shirt that are on the doll. Also notice that
the way the pea is positioned, it almost resembles or could indicate a third
eye. I found other pictures of Elmo as well.


Here is a second picture. Again, he has the green and blue shirt on. Every
picture I have of Elmo just about has the same colors. He was a very
frightened little and responsible for a lot of my PTSD reactions at home
until we integrated enough that the littles were more insulated.


This is my core part Baby. She is part of what was my broken spirit. And she
was broken down so badly and represented my emotions that were killed or
buried so that I didn't have conscious access to them. I think the
programming to minimize my emotions was a control factor. But Baby has since
been found and reunited with the rest of my spirit. Notice she is a baby seal
cub. That's what I'm sure she felt like by the time they were finished with
her--a clubbed baby seal. Baby is also pure white. I have a number of stuffed
animals that are all white and that means Illuminati to me. But I still don't
have all the messages to understand how I am considered Illuminati. I have a
shelf of stuffed animals who are all white. I prefer to think of them as my
alters or systems who are now fully free and out of the TISH.

The final method of communication I'm going to share with you is how my
alters have given me clues to my internal world. For some reason, I cannot
just draw a picture. Aside from the fact that I have no drawing ability
except for what littles will do, it seems we always have to use printed
images. Maybe we received some kind of message of not to draw as well as not
to speak. But this is how we bypassed that programming.


This system map is rather amazing, at least in retrospect. I didn't
understand most of it until the day I realized it showed me exactly how I was
healing and I knew what I was going to deal with next. I have this taped
together on display at my book table for anyone who wants to see it in one
piece. It indicates five systems and in each system we placed book covers cut
out from a Book of the Month Club flyer. The titles are very revealing.
Rather than explain what this means to me, I really just wanted to show you
what alters can do. A word of caution, there are a number of Wizard of Oz
pictures and representations of Alice through the Looking Glass. The littles
used Crayola paint, little sponges were used to create the textured effect,
and we even have some colored sparkly glue.


Here is the lower portion of the system. In the lower right in the dark blue
section is the word "Secrets". And you can see the secrets are buried
underneath the ritual abuse.

The last image I have is another system map where the littles used chalk and
stickers of animals and road signs. Again, I don't want to try to interpret
for you but you can see the same blue box of secrets with the "Do Not Enter"
sign. I think it was with this picture that I understood the Zoo was also Oz,
only backwards.

I hope that at least some of what I have shared with you will be helpful to
your healing. I have found that by opening myself up to listening to my
alters and embracing their truths, they have given me answers in return, in
the most amazing and creative ways. I am not the creative one--I think they
are incredible to have given me these tools for healing.

Before I end, I have a few quick announcements. One is that this presentation
along with the collages will be placed on my website in a few months. My
website has my 1999 and 2000 SMART presentations as well as a page devoted to
how scrapbook therapy has helped me. The website is www.paperclipdolls.com.
Secondly, I want to acknowledge my very good friend Carol Rutz who spent
years and countless hours researching for her book A Nation Betrayed. She has
put together what I think every government mind control survivor has to do
initially to understand our history. I wish I'd had that book three years
ago. Finally, I'd like to tell you that my friend Jennifer has the voice of
an angel. Her music is both beautiful and haunting. I highly recommend her
CDs. Her music is to her what my scrapbook therapy is to me. You have to hear
it to understand what I mean. You can find her music on the web at

Thank you all very much for your time and attention.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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