-Caveat Lector- -- Forwarded Item --

We have had some curious events here in the UK. A Dr.Pusztal, a research scientist at the respected Rowett
Research Institute, fed genetically modified potatoes to rats for ten days and found that their immune systems
were weakened and their brain sizes decreased. This result was both unexpected and inconvenient;Dr.Pusztal
was denied access to his results, his team was disbanded,his work was rubbished and suppressed,  and he was
retired early. Dr.Pusztal was a refugee from the 1956 Hungarian uprising - if he had stayed at home he could have
had the tyranny without the travel.
Now the news is that 22 prominent international research scientists have backed him and his research,arguing for
attention to be paid to his findings.
All honour particularly to the two US scientists in the group, Macolm Fuller of New York and Prof. Maarten
Chrispeels of California.I pray they may keep their jobs and not meet with any accidents.
The papers are saying that the Rowett Institute gets funds from Monsanto, but I know nothing about that.
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