-Caveat Lector-

Siener van Rensburg

I watched an interesting program a couple of nights ago. I put it in the
strange but interesting category of events.

At the turn of the century there was an unknown(to the world) afrikaans
'prophet' who was called "seer van rensburg" who was a south african
nostradamus.. Unlike nostradamus however he more a biblical figure who was
within the dutch reformed church . also unlike nostradamus he was an
illiterate man whose prophecies were recorded by his daughter. He however
did not live 500yrs ago and his prophecies were with contemporary events.
Like all such prophecies, they were given in visionary form and open to

(this also involves the question of how to describe future events-how would
one describe a chernobyl type of disaster, if you were making it in 1917,
when barely the fundamentals of nuclear physics were understood---one of his
prohecies did seem to indicate this event but is not earth shattering)

He also used certain symbols consistently for certain object/ country. Blue
was to him the symbol germany and europe. Red was the symbol of danger.

His life and his prophecies were also directly recorded and often told
directly to the people for whom they were intended. He died in 1926

Some apparent succees

Before the boer war he foresaw the concentration camps in which about 20-30%
of the atransvaal afrikaans wpmen and children died. Two of his own children
died9the pictures of the camps shown on the TV were similar to anything I
have seen about the holocaust with starving emaciated chidren --only the
numbers were lacking)(significant numbers of blacks also died.. but that's
another topic)
Two of his own children died in the concentration camps.

He was instrumental in saving a number of boer soldiers during the war.

After the war, he was violently anti british and supported general de la ray
in his opposition to the Smuts government and his trying to promote a
revolt. About 2 weeks before Del la rey's death by 'accidental' shooting at
a road block, Van rensburg warned de la rey of the location and certain
circumstances of his death.

prophecies fulfilled in his lifetime.

Others that appear to have been fulfilled after his lifetime

The rise of afrikaner nationalism and control of South Africa.

The rise of black nationalism and the fall of the Afrikaner from power.(in
the 1920's when black dominance was unthinkable)

The involvement of a leader from vreeniging in the fall of white SA(FW De
Klerk was the MP for vreeniging)....and strangley he forecast a petrol
factory near vreeniging  that is near where the Sasol(started in 1955)
factory converts coal to petrol and diesel...indeed a petrol factory

He saw the 2nd world war, and concentration camps in that war

The division of europe

The later unity of europe around germany

A gulf war.

And for the future?

A second gulf war where russia, china and the middle east combine against
the west.
The west prevails but britain is destroyed.

A giant warf involving   germ warfare and rays that destroy the earth.

The fall of Africa into anarchy and starvation(but that I suppose is already

The revival of white nationalism

The rise of afrikaans power, an terrific struggle and the shedding of much
blood (literally a pale of blood which falls) before its re-establishment
during the fiercest struggle that the afrikaners have experienced.

When asked when this would all happen he could only reply that it was all in
the Lords hands.

But almost on his death bed, he was asked again and he replied....."when the
ice begins to melt"


PS have a nice day

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