-Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 991207a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* Nothing contained here is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy, or meaning.
* Very few desert rats were harmed during the production of this bulletin.
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@ Reptoid: www.cs.uoregon.edu/~kent/images/apatosaurus/CM3018_discover.jpg
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# Affidavit Tells of Bomb Plot. SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) -A man hoped his
  bombing of several California targets would prompt a declaration of
  martial law, then civic unrest and, ultimately, a popular revolution
  and a militia takeover of the federal government. InsurrectionS'R'Us:

: Have you overthrown a govt lately? Did you employ terrorist tactics, piss-
off the populace, provoke a popular uprising? Is wielding power as easy as
grabbing it? Is your revolution successful/moribund/disastrous? D'ya care?

# China blasts US for stance on banned sect - "mind your own damn business"
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@ Genetic Engineering: the Hazards. If we change the fundamental make-up of
  food, it could cause new diseases, or extreme mutations of known diseases,
  just as herbicides & pesticides have done recently. GM plants designed to
  be germicide-resistant will mean that higher concentrations of toxic agro-
  chemicals will have to be sprayed on crops. Agricultural run-off further
  pollutes our streams, rivers, oceans and drinking water reservoirs. Many
  modern industrial diseases such as heart disease, arthritis, Alzheimer's,
  attention deficit disorder, and others have been linked to toxicity in the
  diet. http://www.sudval.org/users/spamfire/essays/genfood/genfood.htm

: Is environmental pollution the major stimulus of human evolution, now that
we have no competitors to cull the unfit? Is ecocide the major stimulus for
humanity to expand into the universe, get off-planet before we kill Earth?
Would you rather evolve or stagnate, expand or collapse, grow or decay? Eh?
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# Missing Mars Spacecraft for Sale on Internet. PASADENA, Calif. (Reuters) -
  The Mars Polar Lander may be lost in outer space -- but in cyberspace it
  is already sitting pretty and up for sale. As beleaguered U.S. scientists
  vainly attempt to contact the wayward $165 million craft, cyberpranksters
  have put it up for sale on the eBay auction site for a fire sale price of
  $1 million. "Authentic Mars Polar Lander: Actual Mars Polar Lander NASA
  has lost. Good condition, clean, sharp runs good," the eBay offering read.
  Such a deal: http://news.excite.com/news/r/991207/06/net-space-mars

: Have you stolen/fenced/bought any 'lost' spacecraft lately? Do you like to
buy satellites that "fell off a truck?" Are interplanetary probes difficult
to hijack? Is security lax? Is there a hot market for hot spacecraft? Where?

# NASA declares Mars mission lost - "We're, like, rilly rilly bummed" -
  see http://www.cnn.com/1999/TECH/space/12/07/mars.lander.02
# Mars 2, Earth 0 - Is NASA the agency that can't shoot straight?
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@ THE VORTEX - Is this our doorway to the 4th Density/Dimension? "The Shift
  Of Ages" - An ancient belief that rooted in many cultures throughout many
  lands. The thought grows as awareness takes hold of our passed knowledge,
  long forgotten, but finding avenues of remembrance though New Age & Modern
  thought as well as the ancient wisdom of native cultures. It is of my mind
  to bring a perspective of where 'Mankind' will be going when the merging
  and passing through onto the next level of higher consciousness comes to
  pass. And no more airline food: http://www.mirrorsedge.com/attop.htm

: Has your consciousness shifted lately? Did anyone notice? Would you rather
shift consciousness, space/time, decimal places? Are paradigm/consciousness
shifts just sloppy bookkeeping, creative accounting, adaptation to events??
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# IBM to unveil cutting-edge chip design. (CNN) IBM says it will introduce
  a new chip design combining two cutting-edge semiconductor technologies
  in a single product. The result, according to IBM, will be a versatile,
  high-performance chip for use in next-generation wireless telephones and
  other advanced communications products. The design uses copper wires and
  a silicon germanium process to improve speed, performance - Aiming at
  wireless phones - http://cnn.com/1999/TECH/computing/12/03/ibm.chip.idg/
  And http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_553000/553690.stm

: Have you ever worked with germanium chips? D'ya remember the CK722? Wasn't
germanium a pain? Has tech changed beyond all recognition? Are you addled??
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# Antarctica's icy origins. (BBC) Scientists calculate when Antarctica's
  vast ice sheets were formed and warn that global warming might melt them.

@ LINKS - Virtual Antarctica: http://www.terraquest.com/va/
@ British Antarctic Survey: http://www.nerc-bas.ac.uk/

: Is Virtual Antarctica more appealing/survivable than the real thing? Are
the Nazi Antarctic UFO bases imperiled by the impending meltdown? Are they
causing it? Have you melted any icecaps lately? Is it fun, tedious, tiring?
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@ SPECIAL MESSAGE 2 U. This is a point in the evolution of the planet that
  brings to the forefront of each individuals thoughts the question of why
  me, why now and what is really going on in the reality that is right now
  in the time we are experiencing. What really is going on behind-the-scenes
  we are looking at through the five senses? Why is there this feeling that
  there is more to the story than just appearances. Who indeed has set this
  up and is pulling the strings. Is it really just a group of somebodies
  that is in charge? http://www.nohoax.com/nohoax/html/specmessage.html

: Are your strings being pulled? Is your planet evolving? How many senses do
you have? Are they all working? How can you tell? Has your brain turned into
oatmeal yet? Are ya sure? Will it soon? D'ya prefer apple or banana oatmeal?

# New Ways To Expand Minds - Re-Powering The Human Brain Using Machines The
  Size Of Blood Cells. (CBS) New mental architecture for a new millennium:
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  "If we turn a blind eye to the pain and suffering of others, we may
   suffer not but we learn nothing and lose our humanity in the process.
   But if we can face their agony and actually learn to enjoy it... well,
   that's just a bonus." http://www.SleazyTabloid.com

* Rev. Ric Carter, ULC * http://skepticon.da.ru * FAX: 603-415-3736
* Fringe * Science * Faith * Sex/Drugs * UFO/PSI/Y2K * Conspiracy *
* (sorry, I can't answer all email - but thanks for your feedback)
* SkeptiChat/News archives: http://www.sonic.net/~ric/sc/files.htm

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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