-Caveat Lector-


A Fifty-year Legacy of US Propaganda

Dr. Nancy Snow

In 1948, the United States Information and Educational Exchange Act
(Smith-Mundt Act; Public Law 80-402) was signed, which established the
charter for U.S. overseas information and cultural programs. The Smith-Mundt
Act of 1948 was an outgrowth of two previous administrations: President
Wilson's Committee on Public Information (CPI), America's first official
government propaganda program that "sold" the American public on entering
World War I; and President Truman's "Campaign of Truth" programs designed to
combat Soviet propaganda. The U.S. government's official propaganda
mouthpiece overseas, the US Information Agency, operates under the authority
of the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948.

The headquarters of the US Information Agency (USIA) are just two blocks
from the Mall in Washington, DC and the National Air and Space Museum, the
most visited museum in the world. But this government agency, which receives
about $1 billion a year from US taxpayers, is no tourist attraction. In
fact, most Americans have never heard of it. Although part of the US foreign
policy establishment, its work is intended for an overseas audience, and a
US citizen is better off going abroad to learn how it implements its motto:
"telling America's story to the world." Why? Because the Smith-Mundt Act of
1948 authorizes the dissemination of US foreign policy information abroad
but prohibits the dissemination of the same material within the United
States. Coming on the heels of an American-led war against Nazi
totalitarianism, the original intent of the law was to avoid any appearance
of the US government doing to its own population what had been done by
defeated Axis powers. USIA's adherence to the domestic ban of the
Smith-Mundt Act blocks out important information to the US public about its
government's foreign-policy objectives. The intent of this article is to
tell the whole story of America's official storyteller.

USIA likes to call its particular branch of foreign affairs "public
diplomacy," a euphemism for propaganda. The encyclopedia definition of the
latter term is "instruments of psychological warfare aimed at influencing
the actions of human beings in ways that are compatible with the national
interest objectives of the purveying state." But USIA prefers the euphemism,
because it doesn't want the US public to think that its government engages
in psychological warfare activities, and because, among the general public,
"propaganda" is a pejorative catch-all for negative and offensive
manipulation. In many places, however, the term has no inherent negative
connotation. It's widely accepted, for example, that advertising and public
relations employ propagandistic techniques to sell merchandise or images.

I favor the word to describe the operations of the USIA because it's
essentially a public relations instrument of corporate propaganda which
"sells" the US story abroad by integrating business interests with cultural
objectives. And I offer this critique as one who experienced the corporate
domination of the USIA firsthand. From 1992-94, I participated in a federal
program for graduate students called the Presidential Management Intern
(PMI) program. As a result, I worked in USIA's Bureau of Educational and
Cultural Affairs (the "E Bureau" in government-speak), whose purpose is to
conduct cultural programs which increase mutual understanding between the
people of the US and other countries. While there, I acted as the agency's
contact for the Fulbright program in Germany, Spain, and the former
Yugoslavia. A Fulbright recipient myself, I very much believed in the ideals
of educational exchange. But Sen. Fulbright, who wrote in The Price of
Empire that intercultural education could help people find in themselves
"the ways and means of living together in peace," opposed the housing of his
namesake program in the USIA. Not thrilled about the agency's existence, he
even supported a 1987 plan to dismantle it, making the Smithsonian
Institution home for the Fulbright program and returning public affairs to
the State Department. Instead, however, the USIA undertook a new post-Cold
War propaganda emphasis on democracy and free markets under the Clinton
administration. Educational exchange programs quickly became useful tools to
promote the US economic model and global integration.

The primary targets of USIA propaganda are overseas elite clients from the
upper class business and professional echelon who look to the US as the
world's leader. Often participating in sponsored visits like the
International Visitor Program, they're the 10 to 20 percent of the target
population with relatively high education and influence potential. The
agency prefers this group, despite some anti-US sentiments, because
propaganda is thought to be most effective when used on powerful influence
peddlers. As Noam Chomsky explains, "By and large, they're part of the
privileged elite, and share the interests and perceptions of those in
power." USIA also uses various media, including overseas radio broadcasts
like the Voice of America (VOA), and its TV counterpart Worldnet, to further
influence society's insiders. What about the other 80 to 90 percent, whom
journalist Walter Lippmann labeled the "bewildered herd"? They aren't
expected to pay much attention. Instead, they're the target audience of the
commercial mass media. Throughout the Cold War, USIA used Radio Free Europe
and Radio Liberty to reach Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. Both
received credit for helping win that war. In the 1980s, the Reagan
administration created Radio/TV Marti to undermine Fidel Castro's government
in Cuba and win support from anti-Castro Cubans in Florida. This was the
first triumph of the Cuban American National Foundation, a brainchild of
Richard Allen, Reagan's first national security advisor. Allen envisioned an
organization for anti-Communist exiles that would be for Cuba what the
American-Israel Political Action Committee (AIPAC) was for Israel. Today,
USIA's Office of Cuba Broadcasting is stacked with supporters of the
Cuban-American National Foundation (CANF), whose controversial founder, the
late Jorge Mas Canosa, chaired that office's Advisory Board. Canosa used his
bullying charisma and organization's clout to secure millions for Radio/TV
Marti, despite internal reports that TV Marti "achieves virtually no
reception or impact within the greater Havana area due to heavy jamming."
The agency's newest broadcasting arm is Radio Free Asia (RFA). Patterned
after Radio Free Europe, RFA began broadcasting to China in September 1996,
and now airs programs for North Korea, Tibet, Vietnam, Laos, and Burma. The
stated mission is to broadcast truthful information to countries where
governments censor information and ban freedom of the press. Yet,
congressional debate over the new venture was contentious. Opponents argued
that the VOA was already broadcasting effectively to the same countries. RFA
proponents then explained that its broadcasts would be entirely in the
native language of targeted countries, and that the goal of its journalists
and "information specialists" would be to destabilize government control. In
other words, RFA would function primarily as a propaganda operation.

For decades, the messianic mission of the USIA was to counter Soviet
propaganda and win the battle for people's minds. Since winning that
psychological war, however, the agency has adopted new foreign policy
objectives-commercial engagement and expanded markets overseas. The new
campaign actually began in the mid-80s with the funding of the National
Endowment for Democracy (NED) and the Center for International Enterprise
(CIPE). These followed Reagan's Project Democracy and Project Truth, which
claimed to spread the ideals of democracy at the height of US military aid
to Latin America. In a 1982 address to the British parliament, Reagan called
for a new war of ideas and values, the first sign of a shift from a policy
of containment to advocacy of democracy and free markets. Some congressional
oversight committee members were skeptical, especially upon hearing that CIA
Director William Casey was helping to plan the initiative. The academic
community also weighed in. "If the United States wants to propagate
democracy," said Harvard professor Stanley Hoffman, "it should do it by
example." Hampshire College President Adele Simmons called the tone of the
project culturally imperialistic. Concern also centered on the effect that
new campaign would have on the Fulbright program, which espoused democracy
by example rather than indoctrination. In response to criticism, Congress
doubled spending on US government exchanges.

Since the passage of NAFTA in 1993, USIA has embraced trade and economics as
its primary mission. At the start of the Clinton administration, national
security advisor Anthony Lake announced the new rationale: "Throughout the
Cold War, we contained a global threat to market democracies. Now we should
seek to enlarge their reach, particularly in places of special significance
to us. The successor to a doctrine of containment must be a strategy of
enlargement, the enlargement of the world's free community of market
democracies." This Clinton Doctrine places US competitiveness and
integration of the world economy at the heart of foreign policy. In the
post-Soviet environment, that message has become the USIA's raison d'etre.
As then-Senator Howell Heflin asserted in a 1996 editorial, the agency's
programs not only serve US national interests, but also "provide direct
economic benefits and foster a climate where American business can develop
overseas markets."

If there ever were a White Paper on the intersection of diplomacy with US
business interests, it appeared in "News and Views," a publication of the
USIA's American Federation of Government Employees, Local 1812. In the May
1994 issue, distributed to USIA employees worldwide, the E Bureau's Rhonda
Boris announced a restructuring of the agency's mission. The conversion of
150 bi-national centers and 132 USIA American Centers overseas would
"activate the link between US public diplomacy and trade promotion and
support the new US foreign policy of penetrating the Department of
Commerce-designated 'Big Emerging Markets'." USIA was developing a "new
synergy between public diplomacy and trade promotion in the information
age," which has the potential to "become the growth industry for USIA."

Along with hundreds of supporting VOA editorials, this article verified that
henceforth, first and foremost, the agency would act to promote US business
interests overseas. Of course, USIA's emergence as a mini-Commerce
Department makes for duplication of government services in a post-big
government era of downsizing. But USIA aims to further synergize the
public/private partnership between corporate US and foreign affairs. The
agency's Strategic Plan for 1997-2003 includes national security, democracy,
law enforcement, and economic prosperity as vital goals. This leads to
functions such as promoting NATO expansion (expected to create a boom market
for US arms manufacturers), anti-crime and anti-terrorism information
programs in cooperation with the Department of Justice and FBI,
collaboration with the Drug Enforcement Administration on public affairs
programming, and protection of intellectual property rights.

USIA uses "national security" and "democracy" interchangeably with "free
enterprise" and "the free market." Economic prosperity means you have to
"expand exports, open markets, assist American business, and foster
sustainable economic growth." In this context, "democracy" isn't a political
system in which citizens participate in the management of their own affairs.
Instead, it means a system in which transnational business interests and
their government allies make decisions that ensure private profit and
massive public subsidies. Economic prosperity is narrowly defined as that
condition in which corporations can function free of regulation, while
relying on government intervention in the form of tax breaks and corporate

Under the new mandate, international exchange and public diplomacy are tools
to promote free trade, US competitiveness, and US-led democracy building.
That's the new hard sell of the US' storyteller.

In 1992, candidate Clinton ran with the theme of "putting people first." He
challenged the Cold War legacy of Reagan and Bush and spoke of an
opportunity to shift focus from national security, containment, and foreign
affairs to domestic programs like health care and education that would
benefit all. Less than a year later, however, President Clinton had a new
campaign: putting markets first. As chief international affairs
correspondent for the New York Times, Thomas Friedman explained: "America's
victory in the cold war was a victory for a set of political and economic
principles: democracy and the free market. The free market is the wave of
the future-a future for which America is both the gatekeeper and model." The
first success of this new policy was the passage of NAFTA and the World
Trade Organization (WTO), which included a "Bill of Economic Rights" for

USIA is scheduled to be incorporated into a "reinvented" State Department by
October 1999. USIA's information programs will be integrated with State's
public affairs operation, a new bureau will handle cultural and exchange
issues, and a new assistant secretary of public diplomacy will ease the
transition. The move suggests business-as-usual. As outlined by Nancy
Soderberg, foreign policy advisor to the National Security Council,
"economic prosperity" remains one of the main priorities as the
administration develops "a new global trading system with America at its
hub." For USIA, the new strategy emphasizes public-private partnership-
government doublespeak for private domination and public acquiescence in
budget-cutting times. It means a full partnership between trade/economic and
information/cultural policy. As pressure increases to measure performance, a
"good" USIA program becomes one that meets the corporate bottom line: Does
it expand US markets, promote competitiveness, or link US businesses with
overseas counterparts? Mutual understanding is a straw man; in reality, the
US-coached by business-informs and influences while other countries listen.

Current policymaking reduces the role of citizens to mere spectators. USIA's
model of democracy and the free market is the superpower version of economic
globalization. In this version, foreign capital flows freely, but the
movement of people, particularly the world's poor, is strictly monitored and
controlled. Such a commercial package speaks first and foremost for
government "partners," the corporations bankrolling and benefiting from the
US political process. But this packaged story, ready for shipment to clients
around the world, is incomplete and undemocratic. Where do workers and
communities fit in? How do private citizens help build dialogue across

There is strong evidence that the USIA is an ineffective, obsolete agency
that should be dismantled. It has no legitimate post-Cold War function and
primarily serves the interest of US trade and economic sectors by touting
the superiority of US commercial values and economic policies to elite
foreign audiences. Likewise, by overplaying foreign economic concerns, it
neglects its second mandate-mutual understanding.

But arguing for abolition puts one in unusual company. The Cato Institute, a
conservative think tank, argues that the USIA is a cold war relic that can't
compete with the US commercial culture sector in opening up markets. Thus,
it supports the proposed merger as a way to streamline US foreign policy, so
that more of the "business" of international relations can be handled by
private industry.

It appears that the days of government-sponsored information, culture, and
exchange programs are numbered, a development that could provide an opening
for a democratic alternative that challenges the market democracy supported
by foreign policy. In A Nation of Salesmen, Earl Shorris describes the US in
the late 20th century as completely dominated by selling and a market-driven
version of democracy. An alternative-political democracy-"is a relation
among human beings who control themselves. Market democracy is a competition
in which people try to control each other. The people who do the controlling
are called salesmen. They are rewarded according to their ability to use
information to influence people to do one thing instead of another, an act
they celebrate as the workings of the free market." These forms "are not
interchangeable, and one is a misnomer, for the control of one human being
by another, not matter how subtle the means, is no democracy."

Personally, I favor political democracy and a foreign policy driven by
informed citizens. USIA's function is to "sell" one, essentially corporate,
version of the country to the influential markets of the world. But
countless citizens, working with their counterparts abroad, are using their
united vision to promote another-a global civic society which promotes the
birth of a one-world community (not market) where diverse cultures can work
together to combat poverty, oppression, pollution, and violence. In contrast
to USIA's boardroom-style model, many of these activists favor more freedom
of movement for people and greater regulation of capital. Such a grassroots
globalism isn't driven by classical economics and devotion to unlimited
growth. Instead, it takes into account people's values, their cultural and
natural environments, and local economies where traditional non-market
values like reciprocity, mutual aid, and self-reliance build community

The Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 authorized the US government to disseminate
information about the United States and its policies abroad. It led to the
establishment of America's official storyteller, the US Information Agency,
in 1953. The most important part of the USIA story is what's being left out
of the telling - the voice of conscience and global citizen action.


This article is abridged from Propaganda, Inc.: Selling America's Culture to
the World (Seven Stories Press). It appears as "The Smith Mundt Act of 1948"
in the December 1998 edition of Peace Review (Vol. 10, No. 4).

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