-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

Burma is one of the leading producers of opium / heroin, and is moving into
production of many other drugs. Burma is controlled by a military "junta"
(SLORC) which (like the U.S. & most other countries) is "officially
anti-drug" (spurious "War on drugs") while ACTUALLY engaged in Hundreds of
BILLIONS of dollars annually in drug-trade.
Predictably, Klinton and his "Just-US" Department are using political
subterfuge in coming down on the side of international DRUG DEALING,
supporting a repressive military dictatorship ("junta") which has been in
place since 1962 (!) and is keeping the legally elected head of Burma
government under house arrest, and at the same time striking a blow against
individual, municipal, and state's rights in the incessant quest for
"globalisation" - which can be briefly translated into Corporate Dominance.
Whose freedom is for sale to the highest bidder ? ... just-us..


Drugs & CIA (& "Just-US")

Chronologies of Organized crime in government
http://www.trufax.org/chrono/crm.html reading/reference link for chronology

Dave Hartley

WASHINGTON, Feb 16 (IPS) - In a major boost for the forces of economic
globalisation, US President Bill Clinton has decided to back multinational
corporations in a key court challenge to a Massachusetts law designed to
promote democracy in Burma.

In a brief quietly filed with the Supreme Court Tuesday, Clinton's Justice
Department charged that cities and states which make it more difficult for
companies doing business in repressive countries to win procurement
contracts "impermissibly intrude into the national government's exclusive
authority over foreign affairs."

Joining a coalition of some 600 major multinational corporations, the
European Union (EU) and Japan, the administration asked the Supreme Court,
which will hear oral arguments on the case March 22, to declare the
Massachusetts law unconstitutional. A final judgment by the nine-member
court is expected in June.

The case, called "Natsios versus the National Foreign Trade Council
(NFTC)," has major implications for grassroots human rights and other US
activist groups, which over the past 25 years have used state and local
"selective-purchasing" laws to influence the behaviour of multi-national
corporations abroad.

Selective-purchasing laws are designed to force companies to choose
between continuing to do business with repressive foreign governments and
bidding on often-lucrative state or local government contracts. The
Massachusetts law, for example, adds 10 percent to any bid by a target
companies - foreign and domestic - on a state procurement contract.

Such laws were used most successfully during the late 1970s and 1980s to
force scores of US multinationals - including such giants as Coca-Cola,
IBM, and General Motors - to withdraw from South Africa because of
apartheid. The resulting divestment, according to most experts, played a
crucial role in bringing about majority rule.

Similar laws in New York, California, Pennsylvania and other states and
cities targeting Swiss banks and insurance companies which had failed to
adequately account to Nazi Holocaust victims and their families helped
prompt a settlement of outstanding claims in 1998.

Some two dozen states and cities, including New York, Los Angeles, and San
Francisco - which each year put hundreds of millions of dollars in
contracts up for bids - have enacted selective-purchasing laws against
companies doing business in Burma, where a military junta has repressed
the democratic opposition led by Nobel Peace Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi.

Multinationals naturally oppose these initiatives because they curb their
freedom to do business where they like. But until now, they were reluctant
to challenge the laws in court due to the negative publicity that could
result from a company claiming a right to do business with abusive

In 1998, however, the NFTC filed a case in federal court challenging the
1996 Massachusetts law on the grounds that it violated US constitutional
provisions which gave the federal government the power to regulate foreign
commerce and foreign policy. In an unprecedented step, the EU and Japan
filed amicus curiae (friend of the court) briefs on the NFTC's behalf.

At the same time, Brussels and Tokyo also filed their own challenges to
the law with the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in Geneva. They claimed
that Massachusetts, by enacting the law, had violated the WTO's 1995
Government Procurement Agreement (GPA), which forbids states from using
non-economic criteria in deciding contract bids.

The Clinton administration, deeply split on the issue, stayed out of the
case. While strong supporters of globalisation, like the Treasury and
Commerce Departments, argued for backing the NFTC, other offices,
especially in the State Department and the National Security Council,
opposed taking any position.

In a letter to state officials in April 1998, Secretary of State Madeleine
Albright expressed the administration's deep ambivalence.

"Our challenge," she wrote, "is to ensure that America speaks with a
single voice." She also noted, however, that "President Clinton and I
recognise the authority of state and local officials to determine their
own investment and procurement policies, and the right - indeed their
responsibility - to take moral considerations into account as they do so."

The latter position is the one taken by Massachusetts in the case. "The
states should be free...to apply a moral standard to their spending
decisions," according to a brief filed by the state, which, in a rare
breach of legal protocol, was not informed in advance by the
administration - apparently to avoid publicity - of its own submission.

"Nothing in the federal Constitution...requires the states to trade with
dictators," argues the Massachusetts brief, which is supported by amicus
briefs from more than two dozen states and cities, some 24 members of
Congress, and a plethora of human rights and labour groups.

The Clinton administration brief stresses that it, too, strongly opposes
the current government in Burma and has imposed trade and other sanctions
against it.

"The disagreement," according to the brief, "is only over whether the
State could permissibly take the sort of action reflected in the
Massachusetts Burma Act."

Citing complaints against the law by the EU, Japan, and the Association
for Southeast Asian Nations, the administration goes onto argue that it
has "complicated (US) efforts to develop a multilateral strategy" and thus
"impermissibly infringe(s) upon the national government's exclusive
authority to conduct foreign affairs."

"Indeed, if the (Act) were sustained, a multitude of different, and
differing state and local measures sanctioning foreign governments could
be expected," the brief states, adding that similar selective-purchasing
statutes have been or adopted or considered against companies doing
business in China, Cuba, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Laos, Morocco,
Nigeria, North Korea, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Switzerland, Tibet,
Turkey, and Vietnam.

The administration's arguments echo those made by the two courts which
have considered the case to date. In November 1998, US federal court judge
Joseph Tauro ruled that "State interests, no matter how noble, do not
trump the federal government's exclusive foreign affairs power."

Last June, in a more sweeping decision, a three-judge federal appeals
court in Boston found that "the conduct of this nation's foreign affairs
cannot be effectively managed on behalf of all the nation's citizens if
each of the many state and local governments pursues its own foreign

But supporters of the Act remain confident. "This could actually backfire
against the administration," noted Robert Stumberg, a professor at
Georgetown Law Centre. "Some justices who might have been more sympathetic
to the administration's case may now be more inclined to see in this a
major extension of federal power at the expense of state and local

The Court's majority consists of justices appointed by Republican
presidents, who generally have been more solicitous of state and local
rights. Ironically, President Ronald Reagan's attorney-general, a strong
supporter of apartheid South Africa, opposed a constitutional challenge to
the selective-purchasing laws against Pretoria for precisely that reason.

"The administration's brief amounts to an unparalleled attack by the
federal government on state sovereignty and local democracy and really
makes a sharp contrast with even the Reagan administration's view that
selective-purchasing laws were constitutional," says Simon Billeness, a
financial analyst in Boston who has led the anti-Burma campaign there.

Whatever the Supreme Court decides, however, the case's main impact may
actually work against the WTO, which was already badly wounded by the
debacle of its Seattle meeting last December, according to Stumberg.

In 1994, when the administration was negotiating with Congress over
Washington's membership in the WTO, it offered assurances to the
attorneys-general of all 50 US states that private corporations could not
sue states in connection with WTO agreements, including any
constitution-based challenges to state laws.

"To get it through Congress, that's what the US Trade Representative
agreed to," said Stumberg. "Now the fact that the administration is lining
up with the corporations will not help the USTR's credibility when new
trade agreements come up." (END/IPS/EF/HD/jl/ks/00)


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