The Watcher wrote:

>Springfield, where the festival for ensuring the fertility of the earth
>is enacted, the Spring Field where the Wicker Man ceremony occurs, The
>Burning Man sacrifice:
>     Traditionally, burning a human effigy is intended to create a
>     spirit messenger - to connect the celebrants with energies and
>     powers which would ordinarily be beyond their control. It is a
>     ritual to invoke TRANSFORMATION. See Sir James G. Frazer, The
>     Golden Bough, one volume abridged edition (New York: MacMillan
>     Company, 1958), Ch. LXII, LXIII, especially Ch. LXIV "The
>     Burning of Human Beings in the Fire."
>Speaking of the Burning Man cere-mony... the Amerukan version of this
>cere-mony of transformation was the site of the accident which
>ultimately killed noted author and conspiracist  Jim Keith. In addition
>to covering the Burning Man festibaal,
>it is IMO beyond mere coincidence that Keith was working on a potential
>collaboration with our own Kansan1225.
>Note to Kansan1225: does the coming solar eclipse on the day of death
>and rebirth of the illuminating sun, and the anniversary of your own
>birth, signal in any way a potential ill fate as a result of some CLuMmy
>respectfully submitted:
>watcher website
>Watcher's Millennium Apocalypse Updates

     An eclipse for occultists represents the sexual union of Brother Sun
and Sister Moon, of Apollo and Artemis/Diana.

     A solar eclipse has another meaning, too:  The perceived triumph of the
"lunar" religions, Judaism and Islam, over Christianity:  an old Church
Christmas hymn calls Jesus Christ the Sun of Justice.

     When clandestine Luciferian Masonic (CLuM) astronomers persuaded Pope
Gregory XIII to establish the New Calendar, the so-called Gregorian Calendar,
back in 1582, they managed to endow the millennial year 2000 with a great
number of CLuMmy "coincidences":

     ***  October 13, 2000, falls on a Friday, as it did back in 1307, at
the time of the arrest of Knights Templars.

     ***  Christmas, December 25, 2000, occurs on a New Moon and a partial
solar eclipse.  This New Moon also happens to be the New Moon of Chanukkah
for this year.  It also happens to mark the end of the Moslem fasting month
of Ramadan:  when the New Moon is sighted, Ramadan is over and Eid al-Fitr, a
major Moslem Festival begins.

     This "coincidence" of Christmas, Chanukkah, and Eid al-Fitr can be seen
as further evidence of the religious syncretism during the Reign of the
Antichrist.  The year 2000 is the first full year of the Reign of the Son of

     The fact that Christmas 2000 was made by the CLuM astronomers to fall
on a solar eclipse is an indication that they wanted to mark in this way the
perceived end of the Christian Era and the beginning of the New Age, the New
World Order.

     I do not think they will cause any trouble at this particular time.  
Their action is a symbolic one aimed at mass mind control.

     Best regards,


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