-Caveat Lector-


 Tuesday, August 3, 1999

 Solar flare alert

 By BBC News Online Science Editor Dr David Whitehouse

 Spacecraft and ground-based telescopes monitoring the Sun
 detected a major "X-class" solar flare on Monday.

 Astronomers say that while not spectacularly energetic, it
 is the most powerful event seen on the Sun's surface for
 over six months. They add that it has interrupted radio
 communications on Earth.

 The Sun is approaching the maximum of its 11-year cycle of
 behaviour and is expected to reach a peak next year.

 Solar flares are gigantic explosions that take place above
 the Sun's surface due to the explosive release of magnetic
 energy. Magnetic fields suddenly collapse and flash-heat
 gas to millions of degrees. This then explodes in all
 directions with the release of high-energy radiation.

 Astronomers rank solar flares into five categories
 according to the extent to which they emit X-rays. Class X
 is the most powerful, being tens times the intensity of
 M-class flares.

 X-class solar flares are the rarest and the most powerful
 of all types of solar flares. They can occur at any time
 during the solar cycle, but are more common near the solar
 maximum, when sunspot regions are complex enough to
 generate the conditions required to produce such powerful
 solar explosions.

 The last major X-class flare was observed on 28 November

 On impulse

 Scientists describe the event as impulsive, which means
 that the rise of the X-rays to the eventual maximum
 occurred very rapidly, within a few minutes. Despite being
 the strongest flare for many months' researchers say that
 only a modest amount of energy was released in terms of
 typical solar flare energy.

 In human terms, however, the energy involved is staggering.
 It would take all of the power generating plants in the
 United States more than 3,000 years to produce the amount
 of energy that this major X-class solar flare released in
 just 20 minutes.

 The flare was associated with what is known as a Type II
 spectral radio burst or a sweep frequency event. These
 radio emissions are produced when a shock wave from the
 solar flare excites the Sun's hot but thin lower
 atmosphere, causing clouds of electrons to be ejected.

 Such type II sweeps are often an indication of a mass being
 ejected from the Sun but data available about this current
 burst suggests that this solar flare probably was not
 associated with a mass ejection.

 However the X-rays from this flare were intense enough to
 have a considerable impact on radio communications.

 Reports suggest that in some cases the effect was strong
 enough to completely blackout all radio communications
 between points more than 3,000 to 4,000 km apart and up to
 frequencies as high as 10 MHz for a period of 15 to 30

 Trouble ahead?

 Researchers say that the active region that produced this
 major flare may be capable of producing another X-class
 flare before the sunspot region rotates out of view behind
 the southwest limb of the Sun over the next four or five

 They are also keeping a close eye on another active region
 on the Sun which is just crossing the Sun's central

 That region is larger than the one that spawned the recent
 major flare and may also be capable of producing a major M
 or X-class flare before it rotates out of view behind the
 northeast limb over the next seven days.


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