-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.historical-museum.org/history/southfla.htm">South Florida
Historical Museum of Southern Florida
South Florida:
A Brief History

It wouldn't have been too surprising if Miami had been renamed "Flagler"
at the incorporation meeting back in 1896, since it was in that year
that the Florida East Coast Railway, owned by Henry Morrison Flagler,
reached Miami. Before that time, most of the people in the area were
homesteaders and the only "towns" were Coconut Grove and Lemon City.
Persuaded by land offers from Julia Tuttle and William and Mary
Brickell, which were accompanied by fresh orange blossoms to prove that
Miami was frost-free, Flagler agreed to extend his railroad south from
West Palm Beach, build a luxurious hotel, and lay out the city of Miami.
John Sewell, who would later serve as Mayor of Miami, observed, "The
Florida East Coast Railroad reached here the latter part of April, 1896,
 and the passenger trains were soon put on. Then it seemed that the
flood gates were opened and people came from everywhere." Flagler kept
his promise by also building the Royal Palm Hotel, constructing houses
for workers, dredging a ship channel, and donating land for schools,
churches and public buildings. When 368 voters incorporated the city on
July 28, 1892, however, the name remained Miami.

1896 was not the first time the banks of the Miami River were the
location of a community. Hundreds of years earlier, before Christopher
columbus discovered the New World, the Tequesta Indians lived there. The
first to appreciate South Florida's mild climate, the Tequestans lives
simply. Abundant food supplied from the land and sea made agricultural
activities unnecessary.

In 1566, the Tequesta settlement was visited by Pedro Menendez de
Aviles, his men, and Brother Francisco Villareal. One year earlier,
Menendez had founded St. Augustine, the oldest city in the United
States, and now came to Miami to establish a Jesuit mission. Within a
few years it was abandoned and another attempt to Christianize the
Tequestans was not made until 1743. That effort was also short-lived.

During the more than two centuries that Florida was controlled by Spain,
the Tequestans and other Prehistoric Indians of Florida were decimated
by European diseases and warfare. The lands they vacated attracted
people from several of the Creek tribes in Georgia and Alabama who had
entered Florida as early as 1704. Collectively, they became known as
Seminoles, and during the ninteenth century they would engage in a
series of bloody wars against the United States partly to defend their
right to live in Florida. After the conclusion of the Third Seminole War
in 1858, the few hundred Indians remaining in the state lived in the

The first permanent white settlers in the Miami area arrived in the
early 1800s. During the decades that followed, a wide variety of
individuals left their mark on the history of this area. In the 1830s,
statesman Richard Fitzpatrick from South Carolina operated, with slave
labor, a successful plantation on the Miami River. He cultivated sugar
cane, bananas, corn and tropical fruit. Major William S. Harney, in
command at Ft. Dallas which was located on Fitzpatrick's Planatation on
the north bank of the Miami River, led several raids against the Indians
during the Second Seminole War (1835-1842).

George Ferguson made $24,000 in 1850 by selling the comptie starch he
manufactured in his mill farther up river. Carpetbagger William Gleason
dominated Dade County politics during the Reconstruction Era. A few
years later, Kirk Munroe, well known writer of books for boys, built a
home in Coconut Grove. Many of the other settlers were homesteaders,
attracted to the area by offers of 160 acres of free land by the federal
government. And nearly everyone took an interest in the wrecking
industry--the salvaging of cargo from ships wrecked on the Florida
reefs. Those pioneer days, when the mail came once a week, travel was
primarily by sailboat, children attended one-room schoolhouses, and the
trading post was the lone store, ended with the arrival of Flagler's
Florida East Coast Railway. Soon there were doctors and lawyers, shoe
stores and hardware stores, electric lights and telephones.

Beginning in 1896, blacks provided the primary labor force for the
building of Miami. Restrictive clauses in land deeds confined blacks to
the northwest section of Miami which became known as Colored Town. This
community, today's Overtown, established its own stores and businesses,
schools, churches, a hospital, library, newspaper, and social
organizations. As was the case in the rest of the nation, Miami did not
face segregation and civil rights issues until the decades following
World War II. The outbreak of rioting in the spring of 1980 is evidence
that the struggle for equal rights continues.

As thousands of people moved to Miami in the early 1900s, the need for
more land quickly became apparent. Up until then, the Everglades
extended to three miles west of Biscayne Bay. Beginning in 1906, canals
were dredged to remove some of the water from these lands. In 1916, a
few farsighted individuals recognized the need to preserve some of the
unique Everglades environment. In that year, Royal Palm Park, the
nucleus of the Everglades National Park, was dedicated. Another area of
land, Miami Beach, was poised for development in 1913 when a 2-mile
wooden bridge built by John Collins was completed. A major developer of
Miami Beach was Carl Fisher, a millionaire from Indiana, who built
hotels, golf courses and polo fields, realizing the potential of South
Florida as a major tourist resort.

By 1920, Miami's population had grown to 29,571, an increase of 440%
during the previous decade. That development was but a prelude to the
great Florida Land Boom of the mid-1920s. People from all over the
country flocked to South Florida in hopes of getting rich buying and
selling real estate. They sent home tales of riches being made when
orange groves and swamp lands were subdivided, sold, and developed.

Standing above all the other Boom-era development projects was Coral
Gables. Created by George Edgar Merrick, Coral Gables began in 1921 with
the Merrick family grove and a Mediterranean architectural style. By
1926, the city covered 10,000 acres, had netted $150 million in sales
with over $100 million spent on development. Among the beautiful and
distinctive landmarks in Coral Gables are the Venetian Pool, Douglas
Entrance, the Biltmore Hotel, and many fine residences.

Other communities were also developed during the Boom, including Miami
Shores, Hialeah, Miami Springs, Boca Raton, and Opa-locka. In 1925
alone, 971 subdivisions were filed for platting and 174,530 deeds

The Florida land boom fit the spirit of the Roaring Twenties when women
were bobbing their hair and raising their hemlines, bootleg liquor was
enjoyed at speakeasies, and South Florida became the nation's winter
playground with its beaches, fancy hotels, horse races, and top-name

The Boom, dependent on continuing rising prices, could not last forever.
In 1925, federal income tax specialists were examining real estate
records for profits, the railroad and shipping lines were putting
embargoes on all cargoes except foodstuffs, and anti-Florida propaganda
was appearing almost daily in northern newspapers. Sales began slacking
off and prices were not escalating as rapidly. Early in 1926, the 241
foot barkentine Prins Valdemar overturned in Miami's harbor blocking the
ship channel for several weeks. When a major hurricane struck South
Florida in September of 1926, killing over one hundred people and
causing millions of dollars in damage, Miamians were forced to confront
the end of the Boom.

Miami did not have much time to recover from the 1926 Bust before the
Depression Era of the 1930s hit the nation. There were a few bright
moments, however. One was the growth of commercial aviation, made
possible by the Kelly Air Mail Act of 1925. The flight of a Fokker
tri-motor F-7 from Key West to Havana on October 28, 1927 marked the
birth of Pan American World Airways. By 1935, Pan Am was connecting
Miami with 32 Central and South American countries. At the same time,
Eastern Airlines was flying daily between Miami, New York, Chicago and
intermediate cities. During the decades that followed, aviation would
continue to play a major role in Miami's development, and today Miami
International Airport is one of the busiest in the world.

The post Boom years also saw the development of a new architectural
style commonly known as "Art Deco," but including Zig Zag Moderne and
Streamline Moderne. Most of the 200 hotels built on Miami Beach between
1935 and 1941, marking the return to prosperity for South Florida, are
Art Deco. The area of 6th to 23rd Streets between Ocean and Alton Roads
was designated the Art Deco Historic District by the National Register
of Historic Places in 1979.

World War II brought the Depression Era to an end. Within months of the
attack on Pearl harbor, German submarines were sinking tankers off
Florida's coasts. In order to combat these attacks, the Gulf Sea
Frontier and Seventh Naval District headquarters were set up in Miami,
the Submarine Chaser Training Center was established, and a U.S. Naval
Air Station to house and service blimps was constructed. At the same
time, the hotels and beaches of Miami Beach were converted to barracks
and training grounds by the Army Air Force. During the War, over 500,000
enlised men and 50,000 officers were trained on Miami Beach.

Miami enjoyed another boom following World War II with construction,
tourism, and aviation among the major industries. Beautiful new parks
were established including Crandon Park, Cape Florida State Recreation
Area, Biscayne National Park, and Everglades National Park. Tourism gave
birth to the cruise ship industry and today Miami is the "Cruise Ship
Capital of the World" with 3.5 million passengers departing annually
from The Port of Miami.

Greater Miami's soaring population received a significant boost in the
1960s when thousands of Cuban refugees arrived in Miami. They have made
a major impact on Dade County, now a bilingual metropolis, owning more
than one third of the local businesses including restaurants, furniture
stores, garment plants, cigar factories, and banks. The Boatlift of 1980
brought over 100,000 more Cubans to the United States; their impact on
South Florida remains to be seen.

But the story of South Florida has always been one of arrivals, from the
early Tequesta Indians to the homesteaders of the 1800s, to the modern
influx of Cuban and Haitian refugees, South Americans, Europeans,
Canadians, and Americans from other states. Whatever South Florida's
future may hold, it is certain the "arrival" will remain a basic theme
of our history.

Linda K. Williams
June 1983

Revised June 1995
Dr. Paul George
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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