-Caveat Lector-

Southern Conservatives Speak out......

A Southern Perspective On Modern Day "Yankee Empire"
Aggression A special statement from The League of the South
by Dr. Michael Hill, President of The League of the South

His regime possesses a huge stockpile of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WOMD); his 
nation has used poison gas against its own citizens, and its well-armed internal 
police agencies have shot to death innocent women and children; he and his family 
became wealthy from petroleum and reportedly have close business ties to the family of 
Osama bin Laden; his country harbors members of Al-Qaida and other terrorist 
organizations; his regime is reported to have allowed the 9-11 suicide hijackers easy 
access into his country and flight training at some his nation's military air bases; 
his domestic police agencies are alleged to have prevented the arrest of known and 
suspected terrorist operatives before the 9-11attacks; he has laid plans for his 
country's citizens to spy on each other for the regime's benefit; according to an 
increasing number of credible reports, he knew before 9-11 that some sort of terrorist 
activity was afoot and did nothing to warn of it or forestall it; and now, pos
d of a massive arsenal of WOMD, he beats the drums of war against those who pose no 
immediate threat to his country, thus endangering the community of nations and his own 
people. Saddam Hussein, you ask? No. George W. Bush.

Considering the above information, we believe that President Bush lacks the moral 
authority to start a war with Iraq. If he's spoiling for a fight, let him take up 
Saddam's challenge to a personal duel. Clearly, there is no just cause for this war. 
America has not been attacked by Iraq and that country poses no real and immediate 
threat to America's national security.

Nor would this war be in the best interests of the Southern people. Our men 
historically have shed their blood in America's wars far out of proportion to their 
numbers in the overall population. A war with Iraq in the volatile powderkeg of the 
Middle East would put many Southern servicemen in harm's way for no purpose other than 
extending the reach and power of the American Empire. Moreover, war likely would 
result in increased terrorist activity on these shores in retaliation for America's 
aggression in the Middle East. Therefore, we ask all patriotic Southerners and others 
of goodwill to oppose a war with Iraq as an unjust, provocative, and foolhardy 
In all of American history we cannot recall a president ever bleating as loud or as 
long for war and send Americans into harm's way as has President Bush. Even Lincoln 
was more subtle, preferring instead to goad the South into retaking Fort Sumter after 
it was occupied by Union troops.

Building empires don't come cheap even for tyrants; 600,000 Americans died in the 
"civil" war. Mr. Bush has put his chum in the water, and now awaits a "Fort Sumter" of 
his own making.

Dixie Daily News
Anti-Washington, Anti-Establishment, Pro-Constitution, & Pro-Dixie.
Southern political news, free-market commentary, history & heritage event links, plus 
guest editorials promoting liberty, Southern pride  & a return to limited 
constitutional government.
Hey Bubba.
Yeah, Billy Joe Bob?
Whaddya thinka Bush?
He ain't fitta lick Jeff Davisuhs boots.
Yeah, he ain't nuttin but a blueblood yankee libral.
He's one a those gubmint Cominist Pinkos.

"The art of leadership...consists in consolidating the attention of the people against 
a single adversary and taking care that nothing will split up that attention... The 
leader of genius must have the ability to make different opponents appear as if they 
belonged to one category."
- Adolf Hitler
(Is this where Bush gets his M.O. ?)

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