-Caveat Lector-

                              Soy - Wonder Food Or Health Hazard?
                                         By Suzannah Olivier
                                         The Times - London

                             Soy has been hailed as a wonder food for several
                             conditions, including heart disease, breast cancer,
                             prostate cancer, menopausal symptoms and bone

                             Yet recent media reports suggest that it may be
                             harmful, a view spearheaded by an article in Nexus
                             magazine. The piece was critical of soy products,
                             though the data on which it was based referred
                             mainly to whole soy beans rather than soy products
                             such as tofu and soy milk. Most soy-based products
                             are processed, which destroys or minimises the
                             "anti-nutrients discussed in the article.

                             The report denounced soy protein isolates (SPIs),
                             which are processed differently from tofu and are
                             used by the food industry as "hidden bulking agents
                             for many foods, including baby formulas. SPIs have
                             been criticised for high aluminium levels because of
                             the way that they are processed. Good-quality
                             brands of soy products such as milks, desserts and
                             yoghurt have low levels of aluminium; in soy milk it
                             is less than that found in water and in cow,s milk.

                             It is worth understanding why soy is supposed to be
                             so beneficial. The British Nutrition Foundation
                             (BNF) says that compounds in soy, isoflavones,
                             have been shown to have oestrogenic and
                             anti-oestrogenic effects. They vie with a human
                             oestrogen, oestradiol, to bind with the oestrogen
                             receptors in cells, but on binding they fail to
                             stimulate a full oestrogenic response, and evidence
                             is building that this may offer protection against a
                             range of hormone-related conditions, including
                             breast, bowel, prostate and other cancers and,
                             possibly, menopausal symptoms.

                             Isoflavones also have strong antioxidant properties,
                             and soy is a source of soluble fibre that can lower
                             cholesterol levels.

                             Some experts believe that "foreign oestrogens to
                             which we are exposed in our environment " the
                             xenoestrogens that come from plastics, pesticides
                             and dioxins " can be crowded out by soy
                             isoflavones, rendering them less capable of creating
                             the hormone havoc of which they are suspected.

                             In her book Our Stolen Future, Theo Colborn
                             accuses these environmental oestrogens of being
                             involved in breast and other cancers, as well as
                             lowered sperm counts in men and malformed
                             genitals in baby boys.

                             After menopause, when fewer oestrogens are
                             available " increasing the risk of osteoporosis and
                             heart disease " isoflavones are thought to act as
                             weak hormone replacement therapy because of
                             their mildly oestrogenic effect, which seems to
                             improve the prognosis for these conditions.

                             The US Food & Drug Administration has approved a
                             health claim on foods that contain 6.25g of soy
                             protein per serving. US manufacturers are allowed
                             to state that eating 25g of soy protein a day, as part
                             of a diet low in fat and cholesterol, may reduce the
                             risk of heart disease.

                             The FDA declined to say that isoflavones were
                             responsible for aiding heart health, but instead
                             agreed that the whole soy protein conferred

                             So what about the criticisms? While isoflavones
                             have excited the most research, it is probable that
                             other compounds in the soy bean are partially
                             responsible for the overall effect.

                             Probably the main criticism is of claims by
                             supplement manufacturers extolling the virtues of
                             isolated soy isoflavones for conditions such as
                             breast cancer, heart disease and menopausal
                             symptoms. Shelves in health-food shops are laden
                             with such supplements.

                             In fact, there is concern that these supplements
                             could actually increase the risk of breast cancer if
                             taken to excess, and some supplement
                             manufacturers have marketed high-dose isoflavone
                             supplements for breast enhancement, which is
                             patently a bad idea. To be on the safe side, and in
                             the absence of solid research evidence, it is safest
                             to advise those with breast cancer not to take
                             supplements that contain isolated isoflavones.

                             Professor Keith Griffiths is researching the effects of
                             isoflavones on prostate cancer at the Tenovus
                             Cancer Research Centre at the University of Wales
                             College of Medicine. "Isoflavones stand out as
                             compounds that stop prostate cancers developing
                             into their aggressive form, he says. "But we use
                             complete soy protein in the research because, while
                             we believe isoflavones are the interesting
                             compounds, we might be missing something if we
                             use them in isolation. Similar factors are involved in
                             breast and prostate cancer.

                             The point has been made that while Japanese and
                             other Eastern cultures enjoy substantially lower
                             incidences of breast cancer, their diet is so different
                             from that in the West that many other factors must
                             be considered. In my book about diet and breast
                             cancer, eating soy is the fifth of 12 points covered. I
                             recommend eating fruit and vegetables, oily fish and
                             pulses and changing the fats in the diet, and only
                             then eating around 100g (4oz) of tofu (or similar)
                             five times a week (equivalent to 70g daily). A bit of
                             what you fancy may do you good, a lot may do the

                             Stephen Terrass, the director of Solgar Vitamins
                             and a nutrition expert, says: "If future research were
                             to corroborate recent safety concerns, it would likely
                             be relative to the quantity of soy consumed rather
                             than inherent problems with isoflavone-rich foods.
                             No food can be consumed in unlimited quantities.

                             There have also been suggestions that soy is linked
                             to suppressed thyroid function, increased risk of
                             Alzheimer,s disease, mineral deficiencies and
                             possible effects on fetuses. Pointing out that much
                             of the research cited to support these claims has
                             been based on work with animals rather than
                             human beings, the BNF regards them as
                             "speculative and unproven.

                             The authors of a paper on tofu consumption and
                             brain aging published in the Journal of the American
                             College of Nutrition note in their conclusions that
                             the men who ate the most tofu were more likely to
                             have spent their childhood in Japan and in greater
                             poverty, and that a nutritionally deprived childhood
                             was more likely to be responsible for ageing of the
                             brain than tofu intake.

                             Some people are sensitive, or allergic, to soy and
                             there is no rule that we must obtain isoflavones from
                             just this source. Other foods rich in these
                             compounds include chickpeas, beans, pulses,
                             grains, nuts, vegetables and fruits, and isoflavone
                             levels are also higher in the Mediterranean diet,
                             which features these foods.

                             But if soy agrees with you, eating a moderate
                             amount as part of a mixed diet is likely to do more
                             good than harm. I had breast cancer 12 years ago
                             and still eat it.
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