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Spite House: The Last Secret of the War in Vietnam
by Monika Jensen-Stevenson, Monika Jensen Stevenson

Our Price: $6.99

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Mass Market Paperback - 375 pages (September 1998)
Avon;  ISBN: 038073169X ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.08 x 6.90 x 4.23

Editorial Reviews
In 1965, 10 days short of the end of his tour of duty in Vietnam, private
Robert Garwood was sent by a captain assigned to military intelligence to
drive out to China Beach to pick up an officer, drive him to an airstrip, and
return to the base. Garwood carried only a sidearm to protect himself from
the enemy. On that fateful mission, Private Garwood was ambushed and captured
by a Vietcong patrol. The captain, embarrassed by his misjudgment, lied about
sending Garwood on the assignment, and the captured Marine was reported AWOL
and listed as a possible deserter.

So began the unimaginable 14-year imprisonment of Robert Garwood, who
survived the cruel treatment at the hands of his captors and finally escaped
in 1979, only to be court-martialed as a traitor upon his return to the
United States. As remarkable as Garwood's survival was, author Monika
Jensen-Stevenson reveals an even more incredible story that the U.S. Marine
Corps would never want revealed. Jensen-Stevenson exposes the operations of
an elite group of Marines assigned to hunt down and kill Garwood behind enemy
lines, a story disclosed to the author by the repentant Colonel who led the
assassination team. Jensen-Stevenson lays bare the deceit of both the
Vietnamese and the U.S. governments and the remarkable heroism of a simple
soldier who survived the worst treatment imaginable of both the enemy and his
own country. This is a shocking story certain to surprise readers who thought
they had already heard the most heinous stories of the Vietnam War. --This
text refers to the Hardcover edition.

This book uses impressive spadework to tell the story of what its subtitle
calls "the last secret of the war in Vietnam," namely, what really happened
in the case of Marine Private Bobby Garwood, the last soldier to return from
the war alive. He returned in 1979, after 14 years missing in action.
Jensen-Stevenson, a former Sixty Minutes producer, managed to get on the recor
d people who have spent years staying off it: several well-placed military
intelligence figures and Garwood... read more
 See all editorial reviews...


 Stupid fabrication, March 29, 2001
Reviewer: Richard Vidaurri (see more about me)  from Los Angeles, CA United
Didn't Jensen-Stevenson read Frank Anton's "Why Didn't You Get Me Out?
Apparently not. Anton and other American POWs held in South Vietnamses jungle
camps have vividly described Garwood as an armed prison trustee,
collaborator, traitor and all-around bad guy. How can anyone make this creep
out to be a victim?
Richard Vidaurri, Once upon a time of the Americal Division --This text
refers to the Hardcover edition.

 A Very Disturbing Story of the Injustice Suffered by One Man, August 20,
Reviewer: Willis Su (see more about me)  from San Francisco, California USA
I had happened upon this book by accident, whilest browsing the local
bookstore shelves. Never will I have thought how disturbing a story I had
purchased on that day. The author did a very comprehensive research to puzzle
together the tragic tale of USMC Pvt. Robert Garwood. Even if you can fault
the author's way of writing, there's no way you can fault Bobby's story. It
can only be summed up in one word, and that is "disturbing". For a few days I
was glued to his story, some times crying for the touching moments that Bobby
spent in prison camps, other times of Bobby's encounter with his father after
14 years in captivity. All this time, however, I became more and more
absorbed into this tale, and became increasingly disturbed of the injustice
and torment that one can suffer from one's enemy as well as his own country.
After reading the book one night, I had dreams in which I was desparate to
warn Garwood of his impending doom. This story is THAT powerful.
This book may suffer from some technical research errors, such as the
acronyms of units involved during the war (MACSOG vs. MACV-SOG), as well as
equipment details (.22 silenced Colt Pythons don't exist, it was actually .22
High Standard silenced pistol). These details make one suspicious of the
author's other details/research in the book. However, the story itself is so
good that it will overpower any such minor technicalities. I'd highly
recommend this book. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.


 nonsense, June 8, 2000
Reviewer: ra doyle (see more about me)  from South carolina
This is the author's second book touting convicted traitor Garwood as a hero.
(" Kiss the Boys Goodbye" was the first.) In first book Marine General Lewis
Walt is not even in the index, however in "Spite House " he is on fifteen
pages and becomes Garwood's father confessor and mentor. The reason is Walt
had died. The author conveniently never has a word from the former pows from
the camp they were all in in SVietnam and who testified against him at his
court martial. Of course she quotes dead pow Eisenbraun and Grisset ad
nauseam. Tell the Bruce Womack story ( pgs 212-223) to any Marine Sergeant
Major and you will have him on his knees laughing-it did to me and my retired
Marine buddies. The author has Sam Owens commanding a Force Recon company.
The Recon Association lists all their former company commanders and Owens
isn't one of them. If you really want to know if Garwood was a traitor read
Col Gary Solis' work on Marine Law in Vietnam-it will tell you all that
Jensen-Stevenson purposely omits. Semper Fi, RA Doyle USMC retired


 Another magnificent blow for profiteering!, December 30, 1999
Reviewer: A reader from Belleville, Illinois
Monika Jensen Stevenson strikes again. To portray Robert Garwood as the
victim only confirms the selective research she is becoming famous for (re:
Kiss the Boys Goodbye). The activities of Garwood have been well documented
and are a matter of public record. His movements within South East Asia,
although not as well documented, are known. Legitimate works on this
individual do not include the speculation or accusations which are not
supported and verified. Too many of the readers have no real knowledge of
underlying facts supporting the actions taken against Garwood by the US
Government. The only real surprise that came out of Garwood returning to the
US is that he did it alive unlike so many other Americans who died in
captivity rather than collaborate. To think Garwood deserves any credit at
all is to horribly stain the memory of true heroes such as Lance Sijan and
his peers. Anyone reading this book must balance it by reading the other
works referenced on this page and other reader comments.


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Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
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