-Caveat Lector-

Friday, October 5, 2001

Marine Corps creates new brigade to fight terrorism at home, abroad

By Sandra Jontz
Stars and Stripes
Washington bureau

WASHINGTON - The U.S.  Marine Corps created a new brigade Thursday to
fight terrorism at home and abroad, and will give it the tools to fight.

"Vigilance with an attitude, and with the Marine muscle to back it up,"
is how Brig. Gen. Douglas O'Dell Jr. described the brigade, which
combines three existing anti-terrorism units.

O'Dell now commands the Chemical, Biological Incident Response Force, or
CBIRF, which has been combined with the Marine Security Force Battalion
and Marine Security Guard Battalion.

In all, 4,800 Marines and sailors will make up the brigade, with plans
to boost its end-strength over the next year by another 2,400, he said.

For now, it will be headquartered at Camp Lejuene, N.C., but might
eventually move to Norfolk, Va., he said.

"Right now, headquarters is me and my notebook," O'Dell quipped during a
morning briefing with reporters at the Pentagon.

The brigade now broadens and deepens the capabilities of units that have
long been inherent to Marine Corps capabilities worldwide, O'Dell said.

The brigade will focus on anti-terrorism efforts in defensive methods,
O'Dell said.  It is not a counter-terrorism entity that will work to
snuff out terrorists.

So far, the brigade is costing the Marine Corps $21 million.  It will be
about 80 percent mission-ready and capable for deployment by Oct. 10,
and fully capable by Dec. 1.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency will have to request, through
the Joint Forces Command, the brigade's services for homeland
disasters.  Aid rendered abroad will fall under the commandant.

The brigade will provide its own force protection for any missions
overseas, and will rely on local police and national guardsman for
homeland missions, he said.

Marines and sailors of the CBIRF are trained to respond to disasters of
chemical, nuclear and biological warfare to decontaminate areas and
assist victims, "hopefully turning victims into patients," he said.

It was activated in 1996 following the Sarin gas attack on a Tokyo
subway in 1995.

The CBIRF team can be to a scene within the United States within 5 hours
and anywhere in the world within 12.  The rest of the brigade can be
deployed worldwide within 72 hours.

The Marine Security Force Battalion's main mission is to detect, deter
and defend against threats, focusing on anti-terrorism.  Marines are
trained in countersurveillance, physical security operations and urban
combat techniques.

The Marine Security Guard Battalion's main mission is to provide
security services to selected State Department missions, such as U.S.

The Marine Fleet Antiterrorism Security Teams, which evolved in the late
1980s to respond quickly to threats against specific targets, also make
up the brigade.

O'Dell said he briefed both Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Navy
Secretary Gordon England, both of whom "think highly of the brigade."

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


           *Michael Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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