-Caveat Lector-

 >Stolen Elections
 >The Florida Legislature Wants to Name the Next President. Here's Why
 >It's Illegal.
 >By John K. Wilson
 >If Tom Feeney has his way, he'll get to decide the next President of
 >the United States. As the Speaker of the Florida House of
 >Representatives, Feeney is making a unique claim: that the Florida
 >legislature has the power to overrule the courts and the popular vote,
 >and appoint its own slate of electors. Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who
 >knows that the Republican-controlled legislature would elect his
 >brother, has endorsed the idea as "the right thing to do."
 >There's only one problem with Feeney's plan: it's blatantly illegal.
 >Both Federal law and Florida law explicitly prohibit the legislature
 >from declaring the next president.
 >On Dec. 8, the Florida House and Senate made history by becoming the
 >first state legislature ever to meet for the purpose of overturning
 >the people's vote in a presidential election. The Florida legislature
 >plans to declare George W. Bush the winner on Dec. 13, and even if
 >court rulings make this unnecessary, the precedent of legislators
 >illegally overruling a popular vote is a serious threat to democracy.
 >Feeney hired conservative Harvard law professors Charles Fried and
 >Einer Elhauge, along with attorney Roger Magnuson, to argue this
 >notion before a Republican-controlled joint legislative committee that
 >issued a report Nov. 28 endorsing the idea. The lawyers also filed an
 >amicus brief in the U.S. Supreme Court and Florida Supreme Court
 >cases, asking the Court to endorse their dubious belief in legislative
 >Feeney's lawyers argue that the Florida legislature has "an
 >affirmative constitutional duty to appoint Presidential Electors
 >before December 18 to assure Florida is represented in the Electoral
 >College." Feeney's lawyers relied upon shaky justifications for their
 >proposal to allow legislative nullification of a presidential
 >election. The lawyers' brief cited McPherson v. Blacker, an 1892
 >Supreme Court case which declared that appointing electors is "placed
 >absolutely and wholly with the legislatures of the several states."
 >Unfortunately for Feeney, though, the Florida legislature used its
 >absolute authority to give Florida courts the final power to determine
 >the winner of a contested election.
 >Florida's state law directly contradicts the idea that the
 >legislature rather than the judiciary can determine the final outcome.
 >Section 102.168 (8) of Florida law declares about a contested
 >election, "The circuit judge to whom the contest is presented may
 >fashion such orders as he or she deems necessary to ensure that each
 >allegation in the complaint is investigated, examined, or checked, to
 >prevent or correct any alleged wrong, and to provide any relief
 >appropriate under such circumstances."
 >Nothing could be clearer: the courts, not the legislators, have the
 >power under Florida law to make a final determination. Because the
 >Florida Supreme Court has the authority to overrule a circuit court in
 >accordance with Florida law, the judiciary is the ultimate arbiter.
 >Just to be perfectly clear, Florida statutes explicitly declare that
 >there is only one exception to this rule, under 102.171, "to hear any
 >contest of the election of a member to either house of the
 >Legislature." For the presidential electors, the legislature is
 >utterly powerless to intervene under its own laws.
 >Of course, the Florida legislature does have the power to change the
 >rules. In fact, under the U.S. Constitution, the Florida legislature
 >can eliminate elections and simply appoint the presidential electors
 >directly. However, Federal law 3 U.S.C. 1, under Section 5, explicitly
 >outlaws changing the election system after the vote in order to affect
 >the outcome. If the Florida legislature tried to appoint electors in
 >place of election procedures, there would an immediate legal basis for
 >having these electors thrown out because of the violation of Federal
 >Feeney's lawyers argue, "If a State's election 'has failed to make a
 >choice' that is timely and conforms with pre-existing law, then 3
 >U.S.C. Sect. 2 recognizes that appointment of Electors by the State
 >Legislature is proper." A superficial reading by someone unfamiliar
 >with legal language might lead to this misreading of Section 2, which
 >states: "Whenever any State has held an election for the purpose of
 >choosing electors, and has failed to make a choice on the day
 >prescribed by law, the electors may be appointed on a subsequent day
 >in such a manner as the legislature of such State may direct."
 >However, this provision exists not to allow state legislators to
 >overturn a contested election, but to provide an option in case of a
 >tie. Because federal law normally bans any election held after the
 >designated election day, this provision is necessary to allow a
 >re-vote to break a tie. The word "appointed" in federal law refers to
 >voters electing a candidate, not the legislature declaring a winner.
 >Since Florida has certified George W. Bush as the choice, there is no
 >case where the state fails to make a choice. If courts reverse this
 >decision and Al Gore is declared the winner, there will be two
 >choices, not zero. Yale law professor Bruce Ackerman, noting that the
 >Florida legislature's plans were illegal, told its special committee,
 >"Florida will not have failed to act, but will have acted twice. This
 >two choice situation has also been foreseen in the federal
 >statutes--which have elaborate provisions for regulating the way in
 >which the claims of rival slates should be assessed under the
 >Feeney's claim is so radical, it even argued to the U.S. Supreme
 >Court that "departures" from standards in previous elections on manual
 >recounts by county canvassing boards "require the Florida Legislature
 >to appoint Electors." By arguing, the Florida legislature could
 >overrule the popular vote in almost any situation where an election is
 >contested. Indeed, the constitutional argument that state legislatures
 >can appoint electors means that any legislature could overrule a
 >popular vote at any time.
 >To justify his decision, Feeney quoted James Madison's statement in
 >Federalist No. 45: "Without the intervention of the State
 >Legislatures, the President of the United States cannot be elected at
 >all. They must in all cases have a great share in his appointment, and
 >will perhaps in most cases of themselves determine it." But the
 >Federalist Papers were propaganda, not constitutional analysis.
 >Madison's attempt to butter up the state legislators was never
 >intended to allow them to seize power after an election. The president
 >can't be elected without the state legislatures because the
 >legislators pass the state election laws. Madison said that the state
 >legislatures might determine the election because he expected
 >legislatures to appoint electors (seven out of ten states did in the
 >first presidential election in 1788), not because they would
 >unilaterally overrule a public vote required under state law. When
 >state law demands an election, as it does in Florida, the legislature
 >is powerless to overturn it.
 >Republicans are pushing for this legislative nullification of the
 >Florida election because they're terrified that a court-ordered
 >recount will hand the election to Gore. Federal law forces Congress to
 >accept state election results only if they are finalized six days
 >before the electors vote (on Dec. 18 this year). If the Florida
 >electors remain in dispute by Dec. 12, the Florida could end up
 >sending a contested slate of electors' votes to Congress. In that
 >case, the Senate (which is now split 50/50 and until Jan. 21 will be
 >controlled by the Democrats, with Vice-President Gore casting a
 >tie-breaking vote) and the Republican House would disagree if there is
 >a party-line vote, and then under Title 3 of Federal law, Section
 >1.15, the decision on contested electors would go to the slate
 >certified by the Governor of the state.
 >However, if the Florida courts overturn the Bush election before Dec.
 >18, Florida's Secretary of State and the Governor are obligated under
 >Florida law to sign a new certification removing the old victor and
 >declaring a new one. If this happens, Jeb Bush's own signature would
 >provide the tie-breaking vote to take the presidential election away
 >from his brother. Perhaps that's why Jeb is so anxious to have the
 >Florida legislature do "the right thing" for his sibling, even if it
 >means violating its own laws.
 >John K. Wilson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) is the author of How the
 >Left Can Win Arguments and Influence People: A Tactical Manual for
 >Pragmatic Progressives (NYU Press, 2001)

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