-Caveat Lector-

A ProMED-mail post

Date: Fri, 16 Apr 1999 13:38:01 -0400
Source: News media, 16 Apr 1999 (edited)

Switzerland Friday prohibited the release into the environment of
genetically modified maize and potatoes -- the first official ruling on the
controversial issue of planting genetically modified
organisms. The ruling does not affect imports of genetically altered
products for use in food and fodder.

BUWAL, the federal environment office, said it had turned down a request by
Pluess-Staufer AG to test T25 maize as well as a petition by the federal
research institute RAC to test transgenic potatoes. It cited health and
environmental concerns. The decision can be appealed within 30 days.

Hans Hosbach, head of BUWAL's biotechnology and flux of substances section,
said the decision made non-EU Switzerland a unique island within Europe,
where most states including neighboring Germany and Italy permit growing
genetically modified crops.

BUWAL said it turned down the maize request due to concerns over
inadvertent pollination. It rejected the other tests out of concern the
genetically modified potatoes contained genes which could make some
bacteria resistant to certain antibiotics. "We are setting extremely high
standards from the start. The two requests did not meet those standards,"
Hosbach said.

The BUWAL statement said the ruling also sought to protect the image of
Swiss products.  "Swiss agriculture lives on our products' reputation for
being pure and close to nature. Such gene technology experiments affect
this image. This can have a far-reaching impact on our agricultural
sector," the statement said.

While the ruling only covers the two specific cases for maize and potatoes,
it does set a certain precedent, BUWAL spokesman Rolf Wespe said. "To some
extent the case sends a signal, but the matter has to be decided on a
case-by-case basis," he said.

T25 is made by a joint venture of Germany's Hoechst AG and Schering.
Officials at the companies were unavailable for comment.

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