-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!


By Mike Vanderboegh, Brevet Col.
1st Alabama Cavalry Regiment, Constitutional Militia

"As time went by we built the mythology of the Minute Men even further.
We depicted them as a small but courageous band of farmers who responded
to a spontaneous call to arms, an untrained and poorly armed rabble.
The truth, of course was very different.  There were actually 14,000
colonials under arms in the militia and Minute Man regiments.  They were
alerted by organized alarm riders via a system that dated back to the
17th century wars.  They had trained intensively for a year and were
armed with the same type weapons as the British.  Lexington was an
important battle in the history of the United States, not only because
it was the opening moment of the war that created our country but also
because it provides us a microcosm of the drift to war-- with all the
tensions, the misinterpretations, the fears and the posturings, the
courageous and the foolish acts that augur the clash of arms."
-- General John R. Galvin, "THE MINUTEMEN", 1989, Pergamon-Brassey

As I write this, "Triple Ought" is 16 days away.  On the internet and
over the fax, phone and radio nets that make up the "alarm rider" system
of those who love the Constitution and the Republic, messages full of
what Shakespeare called "alarums and excursions" are reverberating.  The
Federal Bureau of Investigation has succeeded in finding some
weak-minded fools to maneuver into "conspiracies" great and small to try
to prove the thesis laid out in their paranoid millenial conspiracy
theory term paper dubbed "Project Megiddo."  That the FBI, whose
underwear was so recently pulled down around its ankles by Mike
McNulty's new Waco documentary, should attempt to change the subject by
making cases against "militia maniacs" is hardly surprising.  What is
surprising is the reaction to these events by heretofore level-headed
constitutionalists who have thereby concluded that the sky is falling,
the "roundup" is beginning, martial law is around the corner, and that
King William the Worst of Arkansas' coronation is not far behind, which
we will all watch on "1984ish" video monitors from our cells in
internment camps.

Now I have not been on the Internet for some months (much to the relief
of some I'm sure), but our unit monitors the message traffic there.
Keyboard commandos, professional rumor shadowboxers and Chicken Littles
aside, it remains a vital means of sharing information between
Constitutionalists.  But I have have not opted out of the Constitutional
militia movement this year.  On the contrary, I've been spending my time
training my unit and getting it ready to fight-- we call it "The Three
B's", beans, bullets and boots in the grass, training.

Since July we have expended thousands of rounds of blank ammunition and
legal pyrotechnics in fire and manuever field training exercises (FTXs),
based on the Marine Corps' rifle company (thirteen man squad/four man
fire team) organization.  At no time have we broken even one law, even
though Alabama has an anti-paramilitary training law.  Our recruits are
impressed early on with the fact that we run an entirely legal unit, and
felons need not apply.  Convinced of the superiority of aimed,
semi-automatic rifle fire, we have no need for explosives or automatic
weapons.  We make no ridiculous offensive contingency plans based on
defeatist nonsense: our legal charter as well as our historical
patrimony defines us as the premier defensive tool of the armed
citizenry against either disorder or a tyrannical federal government.
We are not a private army, nor could a politically-motivated federal
prosecutor successfully misconstrue us as one to a candid jury.  During
this time we have picked up many new recruits, even as some of the older
members fell by the wayside once they realized from the training that
their mouths had been writing checks their bodies might actually have to
cash.  The recruits, by the way, far outnumbered the drop-outs.

And as we have honed our military skills, I have noticed in my officers
and troopers (men and women) as well as myself a growing confidence.
Competence promotes confidence, just as preparation prevents panic.
"Train like you fight," a grizzled Marine veteran once told me, "and
you'll fight like you train."  Indeed, we train more often than the
average National Guard unit, and our morale, motivation and esprit is
higher by far.  In one training weekend, we expend more rounds (blank
and live) than does the average Guard unit in summer training.  When we
conduct live fire exercises, we hit what we aim at.

More importantly, every time we go to the range, every time we cruise a
gun show or a gun shop, we run into members of other units just like
ours.  Morris Dees has pronounced the militia movement to be dying.
Well, my Constitutional Militia movement is doing just fine, sorry 'bout
his.  While it remains more difficult than in the heyday of militia
organization in '94 & '95 to find a public militia unit, there remain
many, many non-public units.  The Alabama First has never held a public
meeeting, yet we grow by ever-expanding contact with friends and
neighbors.  And, much as I predicted years ago, events continue to
mobilize recruits for us.  That is why we practice as a cadre
organization-- when mobilized we will flesh out with many volunteers who
will be lucky to serve in fire-teams and squads commanded by ex-privates
of the First who actually know what they're doing.

"But even when the level of training reached its lowest ebb, late in the
1760s, the militia troops still practiced their marksmanship, and
handling of weapons remained important.  There developed an easy-going
familiarity with weapons, something that can be best described as the
Rogers influence: care of the weapon and marksmanship received
attention, and sham battles (Rogers' favorite training) took place at
every muster....In the fall of 1774 the picnic atmosphere disappeared
from troop exercises and the men began to train in earnest...These men
knew they might soon be facing the regulars on the battlefield, and they
did not intend to be scoffed at this time.  Would there be time enough
to form the militia and minute men under new officers and prepare them
to stand against the regulars?  Luckily the provincials were not
starting from scratch.  They possessed two important assets which were
to be of immeasurable help in the coming months:  the minute man
concept, which was well understood by all the soldiers, and.....a heavy
distribution of combat veterans from the French and Indian War."
Galvin, Ibid.

Our unit is organized along the minute man concept, with every trooper's
subsistence pack and combat harness loaded and ready to go.  We also
train neighborhood self-defense organizations, as well as security
detachments for churches with food distribution programs for Y2K (anyone
with overseas missions experience understands that food programs need
security precautions, hungry Americans would doubtless be less orderly
than starving Ethiopians, having had no prior experience with want).  We
stand ready to assist our local sheriff with search and rescue or posse
duties.  Whatever the duty required, we are ready.  This willingness to
share our acquired expertise has the added effect of broadening our base
of support in the community.  Thus we do not view local and state law
enforcement as our enemies but rather as our natural allies.  And those
law enforcement officers who have come in contact with us are
undoubtedly more skeptical of the Feds than they are of us.  We are
simple, law-abiding and direct.

This does not mean that we will have the luxury of remaining
"law-abiding" forever, at least in so far as Janet Reno would define
"law-abiding."  We stand right on the line of current federal gun laws.
As much as we might believe that every federal gun law since the
National Firearms Act of 1934 is unconstitutional, we concede we came
too late to the game to do anything about them.  However, if the Feds
move the line behind us, past where we now stand, we will not back up.
They know, because I have announced it in every public venue I can, that
if they make me a criminal, I intend to be a very good criminal.  The
same kind of criminal, in fact, that King George III considered Patrick
Henry to be, and for much the same reasons.

Indeed, all of us must be prepared for the day when we are faced by Feds
on our own property who intend us harm.  We must presume that they
intend us harm because in truth they have never renounced the Waco
"rules of engagement."  And if they did, why should we believe them if
they have not brought the Waco criminals to justice?  The fact is, they
have not and will not, so we must assume that Waco Rules still obtain.
Therefore, if they come in the night, dressed in Gestapo black, to carry
out some bogus warrant, I will defend myself and take as many of them
with me as possible.  Only in this way will such vermin ultimately be
discouraged.  We will be fighting, if forced to it, for our lives, our
liberty, and in the case of Christians such as myself, for our immortal
souls.  The Feds will be fighting for the right to live to draw their
retirement from their socialist nanny state.  Who do you suppose will
last the day?

The Federal leviathan is fearsome, no doubt, but remember that even on
our worst day, we still have them surrounded in overwhelming numbers.
And if we know it, so do they.

In the early days of the Battle of the Bulge, which began 55 years ago
today, the 82nd Airborne Division was rushed into the battle area to
help contain the northern axis of the German advance.  Upon arrival at
the forward edge of the battle area, members of the veteran 82nd, which
had been resting from the bloody disaster of Operation Market Garden,
were manning a road block watching the broken remnants of other
divisions stream by.  One of these refugees called out, "Who are you
guys?"  Came the reply: "We're the 82nd Airborne, and this is as far as
the SOBs are gonna get."

Remember that no matter how successful the federal push for gun control
seems to be, no matter how much of a minority we now seem to be in our
own country, we're still the Constitutional Militia of the United States
of America, and this is as far as the SOBs are gonna get.

So now is not the time to be discouraged.  It is not the time to be
faint of heart.  It is not the time to lose touch with the reality in
front of our faces.  As my old
Baptist preacher was fond of thundering when I was a lad, "Take not
counsel of your fears!"

And I have a treatment for what ails our movement.  I prescribe it as a
palliative that I myself have taken regularly.  It is a dose of courage
better than a double of Bushmill's Irish Whiskey:  TRAINING.

Do you want to dispel your doubts and fears?  TRAIN.

Do you want to grow your unit?   TRAIN.

Do you want to discourage the Feds from unconstitutional actions?

Do you want to convince your friends and acquaintances of your
competence and your convictions?  TRAIN.

Do you want be a true citizen soldier as the Founders expected you to
be?   TRAIN.

Do you want to live through the opening days of the civil conflict you
fear is almost upon us?  TRAIN.

If you are a Christian like me, you are commanded not to fear your own
death, but rather to live your life so that your death is a homecoming.
We must not seek our own death, but neither are we to fear it.  In
truth, I have found prayer to be a great comfort and help.  But praying
AND training is better still.

So take not counsel of your fears.  We face an enemy less overwhelming
than did the Founders who fought at Lexington, Concord and Breed's Hill.

Of the latter battle, an historian later wrote:

"Something else, something entirely intangible and perhaps not even
recognizable at the time, had occurred on June 17, 1775.  Men who were
were not fighters by trade or inclination had stood side by side behind
their earthworks and their fences and had waited calmly while some of
the most formidable fighters in the world advanced against them in
ordered ranks.  They had not run from artillery fire, they had stood up
to the wild terror of a bayonet charge, and they had broken only when
their ammunition gave out and they could fight no more.  A few months
earlier the odds against the success of any American military effort
would have been overwhelming; the regular army was an object of dread,
not to be tested.  Now Americans had met it face to face, and like a
figment of darkness suddenly exposed to the light, it could be seen for
what it was-- an army that commanded great respect, but one composed of
men no taller or stronger than any others.  By demonstrating that some
ordinary American farmers had stood against this formidable enemy, the
battle of June 17 proved, as nothing else could, that others might
accomplish the same thing.  Had they failed, it is just conceivable that
the rebellion might have sputtered out."  -- Richard M. Ketchum,
DECISIVE DAY: The Battle for Bunker Hill, 1962, Anchor Books.

They were ordinary farmers to be sure, but they were trained militiamen
as well.  They did not fail, and neither shall we.  For in the end we,
like they, are Americans-- a free people like none other on the planet--
we invented the constitutional republic.  And if we fail to preserve
liberty in this country there is no place to run, and no place to hide.
We cannot fail, so we must train.

-- The Headquarters & Headquarters Company of the 1st Alabama Cavalry
Regiment, Constitutional Militia can be contacted by writing P.O. Box
926, Pinson, AL  35126.

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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